Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

I think it would be good for franchises to die when they have had far too many installments to make room for some new intellectual properties. I feel there is a lot of stagnation in the videogame genre.

P.S. I am not advocating that companies put out bad products, but at the same time feel annoyed by the game journalism, PR, and fan base status quo that allows companies to say one thing and do another by actively creating echo chambers praising or dismissing said products and most consumers being none the wiser.

If the franchise has mantained a consistent level of quality and its making money then it would be foolish for a business to not continue to make money off of that property.


Direct in 9 minā€¦come onnnn belmont!

Good reviews overall help the companyā€™s brand as a whole, which is better for long term sales.


you got 2 belmonts

sakurai is going nuts with this game


Holy shits we got Belmonts in smash?

Yoooo, that is pretty sick actually

Richter is the best Belmont. Good shit on Nintendo for adding him.


Nintendo is showing more respect to Konami franchises than Konami. They even brought back David Hayter to voice Snake.


Yeah Sakurai is a mad man lol. We got 2 Belmonts. I was just hoping for just the one! Yeah this game is like a celebration of games with a heavy emphasis on Nintendo now. He is pretty much delivering things people have wanted and asked for forever ago. Final Smash meter, fatass kremling king, Belmonts, a better training stage with actual shit in it that helps with trajectories. The only char missing in this game at this point is Crash. The way this game is shaping up its going to be played for a long time since he already said the next game wonā€™t be this big. Its like the Tekken Tag Tournament for Smash.

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youtube :smiling_imp:

There are plenty of games that reviewed well and had bad sales. A poorly reviewed game can sell better than a quality title if the mainstream appeal and marketing are large enough.

Thatā€™s not how you spell Waluigi.

Wow, even those music options and functions are really damn cool lol

Am I the only one that gives zero fucks about Waluigi? When did people start liking him?

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Still wish weā€™d get Kuros for Smash, but I doubt that happens since heā€™s owned by Rare.

Luigi in that Belmont reveal trailer must have broken it because I had issues with it right as it hit that ending.

Also fuck Waluigi, his best contribution to Smash is to be one of those characters that they people jokingly bitch about not being in it. Now that we have Dark Samus, Simon, Chrom (who personally I canā€™t stand but whatever) and King K. Rool in it, that pool is Waluigi, Lyn and random side characters now.

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K. Rool was owned by rare, we got 2 belmonts in smash

Im not ruling anything out. We could get ken, shadow, jeanne as echo fighters as well as banjo, rayman, and geno as characters?

God damnit sakurai