Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!


From the look of him, he’s already had a few too many shots.

Steroids and HGH.

He’s so slow now, his Vtrigger ought to run down the clock.

that game’s file size is disgustingly too big

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He was pretty slow in IV, too. I dunno, I always liked Sagat.

Square Enix might be teasing another Bravely Default game

This is the second tease about this…

Capcom Exec prefers games review well and sell less than review crappy and sell more

We Happy Few Post Launch Content and Sandbox mode detailed

Fallout 76 beta will be the full game, progress will carry over

Halo TV series will have Master Chief as main character but tell a new story

supposedly will be respectful to the canon

Kamen Rider: Climax Scramble coming to Asia in English

It’s a switch game. Figured maybe some would be interested since I know there’s some Kamen Rider fans.

Sega’s Gamescom lineup

Fist of the Northstar, Team Sonic Racing, VC4, Total War, and the Persona dancing games

Squareenix Gamescom lineup

Dragon Quest XI, Final Fantasy XIV, KH 3, Just Cause 4, Life is Strange 2 and Shadow of the Tomb Raider.


why cant SEGA give me another Shinobi game? or Otogi? Panzar Dragoon? Streets of Rage? shit Golden Axe? something motherfuckers! another Sonic racer?!? Really motherfuckers?!? again with the Hedgehog?


so many IPs ignored, so much wasted potential.
remind me to make a youtube vid of me bashing a Sonic plushie with a spiked bat.


yes yessss let that wonderful hatred flow. That Company deserves all that and more.

*note–yep, even when I’m rambling and ranting to myself…even then I don’t say their name. That’s how deep it goes, folks.

since shitty SEGA refuses to make another Shinobi or Otogi, 2 games that i love because theyre hack & slash games focused on a invincible dash…then i thank sweet Jesus for Lost Soul Aside which should be out by end of this year to satisfy my itch that lame ass Sega isnt willing to provide.
another $60 NOT going to Sega’s pocket. good!

all hail that speedy dash goodness



Shinobi. Golden Axe. Streets of Rage. Castlevania.

Why doesn’t Sega/Konami queef out $20 PSN/Live/Steam digital 2D titles on a routinely basis for these series? I don’t get it. I remember saying something similar last-gen too. I remember that weird PSN/Live Castlevania game actually did pretty well, but instead of iterating on it Konami put IGA in a basement or some shit. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Have you played any of the recent Yakzua games? The combat is like a cross between a beat 'em up and a raw action game, especially Y0 and Kiwami. The combat is fantastic in those games.


Sega didnt make Otogi.

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Yeah, that’s a From Soft game.

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Who’s publishing Sekiro in Japan? SEGA sometimes picks up Activision games over there (most recently Crash Bandicoot), so maybe they become friends again.

Sonic racers are fucking great. The last one is better than the recent Mario Karts.

There was a Golden Axe game on PS3 and it sucked ass.


That’s really not saying much.


IGN plagiarized their review of Dead Cells


Man fuck the sonic games, especially sonic racing.
Sega has plenty of old but very valid IPs sitting there collecting dust.

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Unfortunately Sega doesnt believe there is either a market or a strong enough want for some of the other IPs at the moment. I can’t explain any attempt to not do a digital smaller game for streets of rage but the last time they attempted Golden Axe I heard they got less than desirable results. I wouldn’t mind seeing a new Skies of Arcadia…think its prob a good time for that to comeback. I can’t remeber if they are back in black yet since for awhile I they were having financial issues.

The Golden Axe PS3 game was a joke as they didn’t understood the IP or how game play worked.

They should be if they went out of their way to buy Atlus, plus they have had a few solid hits under their belt.