Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

I always considered Carl Johnson to be an amalgamation of all the characters portrayed by Marlon Wayans.

yeah, I miss this franchiseā€¦

I only played Nosgoth for a short time though; it just irked me that it had nothing to do with Kain or Raziel, was multiplayer only (absolutely NO story content at all) and of course online-only.

I loved Blood Omen so much I would record certain parts of the game back in the day, and of course that was back in ancient times when VHS was still the thing. Oddly enough I never bought it for PSP; it was re-released on PSN for either that or Vita; I forgot.

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The incredibly dense narrarive and honestly just OK gameplay is why we have no more LOK. People didnt buy the series, even at its hight.


Hollow Knight is the shiznat.


you forgot the bug battles mini game.
how dare you

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call me crazy, but i sorta feel like the Tales Of series got worse instead of better regarding gameplay. i feel the combat was better more fun when the battles were more 2D than the way they are now which is 3D.
am i right?
3D combat, it just doesnt work in the Tales Of games now.
its not exhilarating. just meh.


It needs a 4 person party setup, next time.

Maybe even 5.

That 3 person technical limitation is 3.5 generations gone.

(I still loved that game.)

Hahaha, yeah I forgot about that. Decent diversion from the main game but I really got into the grinding for materials and equipment creation. The additional planet and new stuff was great.

And then FF XII happenedā€¦

They kind of missed their window by about eight years if you look at how succesful Uncharted has become despite just barely being ā€˜okā€™ in terms of gameplay. And LoK definitely had more to offer than Uncharted could ever dream of.

beat heavy rain today, great game and IMO a much better experience than beyond 2 souls ( which was also a good game ), but it doesnā€™t come close to fahrenheit

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Ok quick

I canā€™t believe I got a switch just to play this game and Iā€™m not ļ»æregretting it one bit.

Iā€™m not an rpg expeļ»ært but I think OPT feels like FF game from the snes era. The combat, the bosses,the graphics remindsļ»æ me of FFVI. I feel the graphics look neat in a monitor HDTV not so much on your switch screen Iā€™d say it looks like any other game. The 3D effect really shines on the big screen.

At the beginning doesnā€™t really matter which character you choose eventually youā€™ll meet the others characters fairly quickly but if you want to start with a strong character choose olberic, heā€™s a fucking beast.

So a few things I noticed I donā€™t know if all the switch games are like this or it was a design decision with this game. I see most of the game doesnā€™t have much voice dialogue going on. You canā€™t talk with all the towns people either. I donā€™t see this as a bad thing though since you can interact with the same people in different ways thanks to the path mechanic which every character has.

Iā€™m in olbericā€™s chapter right now so far I donā€™t see their own individual stories connecting in anyway because when you meet a new characļ»æter and play their story itā€™s like the other characterļ»æs ļ»ædonā€™t exist. I hope thereā€™s a change later otherwise itā€™s ļ»æļ»ægoing to feel kind of linear.

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Since Uncharted was mentioned.

Hereā€™s hoping this gets some ā€œDeadpool publicityā€ that makes Sony consider actually making it, instead of whatever thing starring Tom Holland theyā€™re vomiting out.


I cant agree, Uncharted has much better, tighter, focused and paced gameplay. It dumps on LOK in this department. I mean SR1 has like 30 block puzzles in it for example.

I love LOK but i play those games for story and world and characters above all else. Its gameplay is not the real draw.

Only thing I can really fault Uncharted on is the tendency to lean too much on the cover mechanic in- and thatā€™s mostly just in Uncharted 1. By 2, theyā€™d started to do a number of interesting things involving platforming and cover.

this game has the potential, the potential, to be the greatest 3D Castlevania game ever made.
if you think about how godlike Darksiders 2 was, with its amazing platforming, level design, combat, accessories, magic powers, and weapons plus armorā€¦
if this game is as good as Darksiders 2 was, it will be the game that the Castlevania lords of shadow games SHOULD have been.

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So I was looking at the names of the eight characters in Octopath Traveler, and if you rearrange the first letters of their names, I think thereā€™s a hidden clue or something. Check it out:

The letters are OTCOPHTA. Iā€™ve been racking my brain trying to rearrange those letters into something meaningful. So far Iā€™ve come up with:

POOTCHAT, which could mean you have to make someone in the game fart while talking to them to open up a secret dungeon.

PHOTOCAT/CATPHOTO, which might mean you have to take a picture of a kitty and youā€™ll unlock some crazy new quest line.

POOCHTAT, one of your characters gets a tattoo of a dog and you get bestowed with amazing new canine powers.

PHATCOOT, means you have to find the overweight old man and he gives you a secret mission.

HOTCOPTA, Thereā€™s a helicopter on fire that you have to save and it turns into your airship.

POTTACO(H). Ok, this oneā€™s a stretch, but maybe someone made some tacos with pot in them and you get all ripped and all of a sudden Cheech and Chong show up and join your party.

I mean, itā€™s gotta mean something right? There are eight characters, and eight paths to take. Maybe Iā€™m just grasping at straws, but it seems like those letters have meaning. I just canā€™t think of what it is.


This was really well done proof of concept. Nathan Fillion is still perfect for Drake. And I think that choice of actor for Sully is pretty solid.

So remember that guy who hacked the Splatoon boards to get Nintendo to fix the issue with the leaderboards getting hacked?

Looks like they may have fixed it and handed the guy an indefinite ban as a thank you. Yeowza! Kinda harsh Nintendo especially since it was clear he was trying to help.

Holy shit that shark game looks incredible!