Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Says the dude who banged his ex-bestie’s vid taped it, and sent it to him.

Freaking Babblefish Assist me, Hayden.


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I didn’t know any game with Mario on a Nintendo console didn’t have Nintendo’s name on it.

The Mario x Rabbids TRPG isn’t Nintendo either, Ubisoft made it

Hudson Soft developed all the Mario Party games until 2007.

yeah, the Mario Tennis game is another one that sounds like it is only fun when you’re playing with other people.

Sheeeeit, finally it’s like I’m getting somewhere in Wizard of Legend… I’ve found some spells that are working for me; one where you spin around a couple of times with a flame “whip” kind of attack…a lot of range on that and it causes a burning damage-over-time effect, easily followed up with anything else…and I have a spell that creates a symbol on the ground for lightning/electric strikes to appear…this symbol is chargeable for increased damage. With full blue meter this gets enhanced into a HUGE radius of the lightning all around me, basically covering most of whatever room the character is in at the time. I am also using the light blue cloak which boosts HP and defense, I think. I’ve still only managed to beat one boss per run though…and so far if it’s the woman with the fire magic then that’s a wrap for me. That bitch is like the Dark Phoenix for real, man.

y’know, I’d love a more Diablo-style version of this game…even though I like the current style too…but a “regular” action-RPG version would be cool.

Back on D3 for a sec—it is strange that my friend’s characters are so much weaker… one would think this should be the other way around, because he’s the one that would constantly look up vids for info on the various builds to see whatever is the latest godlike build for all the character classes…but for some reason he doesn’t seem to actually follow through on that information… I just don’t quite get that. I am assuming things here, but it seems like he’s stubbornly wanting to make the characters his way and just play them however he wants…disregarding the fact that in any kind of game like that…there will ALWAYS be some builds that stand out as the god-level shit. It could just be laziness, actually. (*not wanting to spend the time killing monsters over and over for good item drops, getting all of the set item pieces, leveling up legendary gems, etc…dude didn’t even use set items until this past year or so when I finally gave him a few for Witch Doc…and we’ve been into the game since launch!)

Im a huge stoner and HAX posts are fucking garbage not worth the time spent decyphering the dumbassery.

He’s also a pussy and lier. Fuck him.


Technically none of the Mario & Luigi games are made in house either. Alpha Dream isn’t owned by Nintendo.

Ichigo announced for Jump Force

Gran Torino and Muscular announced for My Hero One’s Justice

Todd Howard wants to do Crossplay between PS4 and Xbone for Fallout 76…but you know the drill

Shuntaro Furukawa is now officially Nintendo’s new Pres

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Fighting EX Layer is fun as fuck. Already had a couple ragequitters and a guy who’d only play 1 match, get rekt followed by leaving. that same dude ragequit at the fucking character VS screen once he realized who it was. :rofl:

Right now i’m using a Gougi called Sky something because it gives you access to super jumps. I was using the CVS2 short hop Gougi but unlocking it in matches is annoying to do and on top of this you lose your regular run which sucks.

Super jump is broken in this game. it has AUTO-TRACKING. It’s not like auto-tracking in other games either, that shit perfectly auto-tracks about 99% of the time. oh you moved or jumped right as i super jumped? fuck it, auto track. the Gougi also gives you two speed boosts so your character in general/jumps are faster too. on top of all of this, super jumps are fast as fuck. you can punish full-screen fireballs with super jumps and it’s just great for pressure. it’s FASTER than regular jumps too, which makes no sense, but yeah. Good luck reliably anti-airing that shit.

I played 30-something matches yesterday and overall i’d say the netcode is solid. Only about 2 of those matches were unplayable, a couple of which were spikey that had me drop a couple combos but a huge majority of them felt like butter.

I like the way strings work in this game too. With Allen I can mix up his strings quite a bit, but one of my favorites is Dash --> CR. LP, CR. MP, CR. MP, CR. MK into hopkick or fireball and that shit will ALL combo. In the case of fireball it’d be a 100% safe too. I’ve noticed from the beta until now that there’s a lot less pushback if you start a string/combo after a run, so it’s something you typically want to do.


At least the real Hax makes up the goofiest of images, they are sorta entertaining in a stupid sort of way.
Azure is just being a dumbshit.

This one’s for you, Sonicabid!

online mmorpg pc
im just posting it here cuz you can run on water, deep sea swim, fly, and the enviornments are interesting. with big ass monsters.

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That actually makes me interested in the ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ movie!

So, the Warhammer 40k Inquisitor game is coming to consoles on July 5 apparently… and from what I see it’s another case of “ONLINE ONLY, LOL” horseshit. Yeah these companies can fuck right off with that foolishness…putting it in games that don’t even really need it to be there; they can kindly go eat a thousand HIV-infested dicks.

sheeeit, first thing I did back when 360 version of Diablo 3 was out…was unplug my system and play the shit offline, simply because I could.

Not going to lie, I thought the game looked slow as molasses from a video you linked a while back. There was a PSN/Live Warhammer game last-gen that was an isometric shooter that was pretty damn fun. It was only like 15 or 20 bucks from what I remember. This new game being full price is pretty wacky though.

“Mixed” reviews on Steam doesn’t make it look too good either. What I’m saying is Path of Exile, Exile.

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A lot of the Gougi can feel broken IMO, not just super jump (EX Arrow). Teleport feels like a hard counter against zoners, Ghost makes it so that people literally cannot see your mixups, etc. However, the one I do think might need some looking in the future is Hades, that armor is just too good, making it nearly impossible to combo you. Darun with Hades is just OD.

If it’s like the beta armor still loses to sweeps, SRK’s and I believe supers. It does significantly change the way you need to play against your opponent though, which is what the developers wanted(matches constantly changing depending on what Gougi’s get activated.)

I haven’t tried the teleport yet though. I like that there’s broken shit in this game. It makes things more fun and interesting.

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Looks like the Best Only Wrestling game series is back!
Fire Pro Wrestling is the Goat


I remember the first Fire Pro game has a really dark ending, after winning the championship your character commits suicide as he has nothing else left to live for.


sheeeeit, yeah Fire Pro puts everything else to shame, imo…it’s not even close…the only category it’s weak on is the visuals.

The Diablo addiction is coming back to me… once again I was playing a rift or 2…also more of campaign with Necromancer since I never actually played through the story with that character…so he’s up to Act V now. The cinemas in this are still some of the best I’ve ever seen in a game, man. That part where Diablo shows up in Heaven and fights with Imperius…I still can’t get enough of that scene…"..even in the heart of Heaven…Angels can still feel fear…."…shit was too awesome… the greatness:

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Don’t fucking play with me