Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

I just feel like XIII is asking me to dedicate a lot of time to an experience that’s still kind of starting at Chapter 10 of a 13 chapter game…

I mean, I guess? I’ve heard that complaint before but I personally just don’t see it. I found the combat engrossing enough that just experimenting with it was a lot of fun for me over the first nine chapters of forced teams. It’s paced weird, yeah, but name a Final Fantasy that isn’t.

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The Veldt.

Thats fine. I think its great you like it. Thats the point in the end, for the game to find an audience. Im just not that audience is all.

Final Fantasy Tactics has wonderful pacing :coffee:


Nothing is for everyone. Except Reese’s cups. If you don’t like those you’re a terrorist.


Chocolate + peanut butter = :face_vomiting:


I loved FF13. Best battle mechanics in any FF game I’ve played.

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Your gimmick is getting old.


No gimmick. I actually really liked it.

It’s just refreshing to see someone else who enjoyed it because for the most part that game gets completely shit on by everyone.

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Im not talking about you liking or disliking it. More just you dropping in the say you like the thing everyone hates and nothing more. shrug its whatever.

Well… you guys hate on a lot of shit I like. What the fuck. I guess I can just shut the fuck up about it and let you have your fucking echo chamber.

You know what? Fuck it. I’ll file in. FF13 is garbage. TLJ is awful. BvS sucks dick. Anybody who likes those things is mentally retarded.

There, am I one of the cool guys now?

It’s ok to like bad things, but the running for best anything XIII can get is music.

Best FF battle mechanics? That’s a tough sell, game damn near plays like those mobile rpgs set to auto.

You actually like all those things? Not joking?

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I liked the paradigm shifting in real time. It took a lot of setup and mastering of the skill tree, and execution of timing during battle. That shit was dope to me.

Also I mostly like XIII and XIII-2.

Paradigm shift was pretty neat. I preferred XIII-2 though over the first. Never played the last one, no way was I going to play anything with lightning solo lol.



You are Wii U and Mario Maker brethren, so even if you like stuff that people here don’t


Lol, thanks, bud.

Sorry guys, I don’t mean to be combative. I’m having a rough day. My grandmother is in hospice care and Dad called this morning to say they suggested the family all come to her today, as she’s not waking up and the end is near.

I couldn’t go see her because my wife needs to have her gallbladder removed and I don’t want to leave her alone. Now it looks like I’ll have a funeral coming up and I’m stressed the fuck out.

None of that has anything to do with video games, but if I’ve been a dick lately, that’s probably why.

Also, I quit smoking cigarettes two weeks ago. FUCK.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt you were truly being a dick to anyone. I definitely don’t share your taste in media AT ALL, but you’ve definitely never been an insufferable idiot/dick/whatever else.


Damn my bad bro.

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