Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

I gotta be honest, I’d almost be relieved to know he’s really been trolling the whole time he’s been on this site because otherwise he’s delusional and needs help.


That’s a shame…

Not sure if it’s a shame or not. Saying the contract just “ended” definitely seems weird though…

Pretty much means either they quit or were fired off the project before it was completed. Time will tell but it sucks because depending on the contract there is a strong probability Platinum may have lost money on this project one way or another and they frankly don’t have the foundation to survive too many of those.

No, that’s not what that says. Maybe it does mean that but we definitely do not know that yet. Hell, maybe it means most of the system work is done and they just aren’t needed beyond that, hell if I know. But that being the point, that we don’t know what this means yet.

They said their contract has come to end. That doesn’t getting fired. It could be that Platinum fulfilled their end of the bargain and it’s up to Cygames to do the rest.

Mr. X stuffs


Other Mr X stuffs


LOL I did that same exact shit and nearly had the same reaction like YOU MOTHER FUCKER!

I went ahead and picked up Downwell. I was going to anyway based off the trailer I’d seen but I had no idea it was chump change. I’m used to paying $9.99 and up for my digital games, but this sucker was $2.99. I guess the price could have something to do with it originally being a mobile game, which means TATE MODE BABY!!

I also picked up Wargroove. Haven’t played it yet but I’m off today so I’ll take it for a spin later.

I finally bought Tempest 4000. I always wanted to play Tempest 2000 based off the soundtrack alone and T4000 does not disappoint. Even a good portion if not all of the soundtrack from T2000 is in T4000. That “one more game” syndrome crept up on me hard since I kept getting a better high score each time I played. If you like SHMUPs, Tempest 4000 is worth the $20 it goes for now.

Yo, some of the losers in Smash Ultimate got that salty clap on the victory screen. Bayonetta’s seems way more justified given that hard nerf gun Sakurai hit her with.

Watching people play RE2 and their reactions have been gold. Especially when it comes to Mr.X


I didn’t even find RE2 scary at all really. It had some creepyness to it with a great atmosphere, but I was never scared or didn’t want to go down a hallway or anything like that. I think RE7 in VR is by far the pinnacle of scary survival horror, and I think it built up my tolerance quite a bit. Like there was legit parts in RE7 that I wouldn’t want to go a certain direction, or nights when I wanted to play RE7 but I kind of psyched myself out of it so I just put it off.

I think these little millennial kids haven’t really played a game like this before though so they probably wet their pants while playing. My friend made me laugh though when he was watching a stream of some young guy playing RE2 and he said the game was “cheating” because he ran out of ammo and didn’t have any for one of the bosses.

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Hes no fucking joke. Girlfriend Reviews got it right. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

Edit: Videogames arent scary. Never have been, probably never will be. RE2 is great tho.

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whoah, I thought it was too late to get Pirahna for free in Smash Ultimate, but in checking my email yesterday (I’m admittedly lazy about that) I saw the code and it still worked.

One of the rumored characters I remember some talking about at another forum was “Steve” from goddamn Minecraft, man…yeah fuck that. It would be one hell of a wasted slot to put that blocky, eyesore piece of shit in the game. The “L”-shape block from Tetris would be a more interesting character.

IntiCreates has a Japan live-stream of Dragon Marked for Death right now:

holy shit the dude is playing the hell out of that tank character

I feel that be the worst thing for the industry.
Look how a Microsoft partnership worked out for Sega

I was pretty spooked when I first played Resident Evil 2 in two scenes. First scene was the one where the licker was revealed as I only had a handgun and wasted most of the bullets prior. The second scene was the final boss transformation as I used most of my best ammo and had no healing items allowing the thing to take my head clean off. I found Mr. X to be more of a nuisance due to how he is presented in the second playthrough. Even in his most intimidating scene he felt like a pointless obstacle.

I would describe what little I played of Resident Evil 7 (about half an hour) to be pure nuisance (and cringe). So, I disagree with you.

P.S. I am not sure what this Xbox Live expansion entails, but I am curious whether they will be able to eventually realize the potential of the cloud with this service as internet service improves.

Not having resources doesn’t make it scarier to me but it makes it more stressful and I definitely felt that but not much in RE2 as I always had like 8+ full health things to use. I finished the game with like 5 left, I only used 3 on the final 2 bosses combined.

As for RE7, playing the game for 30 minutes and making a conclusion about how scary the full game is kinda dumb. The first 30 minutes of that game you don’t even do much or see anything. Also, if you’re not playing in VR, then I could see how the full game wouldn’t be nearly as scary as it is in VR.

I didn’t play the very beginning. I played around the scene with the garage and found it dull, so we played something else.

P.S. I think an enemy being a recurring immortal entity makes it less scary for me as I know its ability. In the original Resident Evil Remake I felt the same way about Lisa.

All these games out and I’m like:

Am I going to play Friday the 13th on XBOX or PS4?
What character am I going to play in Skyrim for the 39733 time, since the game broke my save again?
What random FG am I going to practice combos in for 15 minutes, before I play Friday13, Skyrim, or Fallout?

Guess I’m waiting on Crackdown, and MK11. Play those for a week each, then back to Friday, Skyrim, or Fallout.

I’m anxiously awaiting Crackdown 3 reviews for the lulz.