Not aware of Sony’s new censorship policies? A lot of dweeb games have been forced to alter their content. A Senran Kagura game had to remove a mode. A few games had their Western releases cancelled.
He might not if the game in question is Overwatch. Blizzard is getting retarded with community policing with that game.
Generally speaking, Sony has been known to be “overpriced” for their stereo equipment. I’d put headphones into that as well.
And again, that doesn’t mean it’s bad, just that if you do research you can probably get stuff that performs just as well or better for the same price.
You also put Bose into something you would purchase. Again, they are in the same exact realm as Beats as far as “being overpriced for what you get” so that too is a bit confusing.
Talking about a console that is 3.5 years off is pretty stupid at this point. Even giving specs and stuff is completely pointless. I guess giving target goals is good to at least have something they are set for, but tech changes so quickly.
And that console is ugly as shit. It wouldn’t stop me from getting one because it’s in a closet anyways, but damn that thing is hideous.
“Uncensored” isn’t exactly the right term. The only difference between the PC version and PS4 version is that Sony made Marvelous take out the “Intimacy mode” which was pretty much you dressing up the girls in basically shoe strings and molest them. And given all of the girls in Senran Kagura are of very questionable age, I kinda don’t blame them.
Edit: that mad box looks fucking stupid. It will likely be severely over priced too.
yeah all of that is true and it’s sony’s platform so they can do whatever i guess it just weird to see Nintendo get lax and sony of all people to tighten restrictions. but this stuff will only effect niche developers they prob wont ever try up a bigger jap developer.
I thought Sony was only censoring the pedo shit that weebs eat up? It’s still funny that people were pissed about it, trying to hide under the “don’t censor art” bs.
it’s pretty much only shitty low budget jrpgs from idea factory, senran, and that one dungeon crawler that they banned from the platform after the esrb had already rated it. i can’t deny that out of all those games that senran is the only one with some quality but i also wont front and say im not a fan of anime tiddy. while i don’t really care about most of those games you know the possibility that they could come for something i give a shit about is there.