Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

The Carlton dance has appeared in other games as well. Off the top of my head it’s in Destiny and Team Fortress 2. The latter even calls the dance the Carlton. Why isn’t he suing them?



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Deku announced for jump force

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Jump Force is going to sell very well due to the amount of weeb that is jammed Into it. That said, people will end up with buyers remorse because it’s just going to be another shallow, awkwardly controlled arena fighter.


None of those is as large as Fortnite. Also Fortnite literally has people pay them to get the emotes and in game cosmetics, which unlike a game where it is just a built in gesture adds a literal quantifiable profit for people picking and paying to get it.

I frankly wouldn’t discount these law suits having an effect. Remember when some college athletes sued EA and the NCAA about their likenesses being used?

I remember the NCAA threaten to get the student athletes scholarships pulled or expelled.
Then shit it the fan as secondary lawsuits came up saying that NCAA can’t kick out students who happen to be taken them to court, not just from the students but various student rights and civil rights groups.

NCAA has this backwards rule stating that student athletes (especially those with scholarships) can’t use their athletic positions for profit and they claim that the law suits to EA (and later to the NCAA) are in violation of NCAA Rules. Later a Judge declared that the NCAA is already stepping over their legal grounds over the rights of the students by bullying them from seeking legal action.

Pretty big difference between a dance and someone’s face lol.

If we want to get technical then these dances belong to the studios who produced and aired the shows these dances where “created” for and where done on these studios time and dime, and thus don’t belong to any of these actors eithers.

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That would depend on the contact between the actor and the studio in question.
Issue is the “Carlton” isn’t really the Carlton and wasn’t Alfonso Ribeiro’s to begin with.
He took his dance from Tom Jones’ Perfomance

As someone else pointed out. Fortnite seems to be only putting dances from lesser know celebrities. They aren’t putting Beyonce dances because they know they’ll get their asses sued. Unlike a lot of these people Alfonso managed his money well and can afford a good attorney.

here is a interesting note on why the PS1 Classic is made out of Fail and suck

At the end of the day. Fortnite is getting sued cause niggas be broke


if you get like a patent or something off of what you due you can make a legal claim, like michael buffer, the lets get ready to rumble guy. he not only has his slogan patented/liscensed, but similar phrases as well. trump has youre fired licensed too.
edit. but i doubt alphanso has a patent/license on that dance. maybe he does. shrugs.

Interesting note? No. Bad take? Absolutely. The worst take is “the fans are too old”. NES and SNES fans are older than PS1 fans. The systems predate it.

The reason the PS1 Classic failed is poor emulation, bad game selection, and overall barebones product. It doesn’t come with an AC Adapter has no built in scaling or display options. To top it off some of the games they include can’t be played properly without a Dualshock 1. It is a lazy rushed cash grab product. In the day of the internet the news spread about it and no one grabbed it.

I mean some of the PS1 games included on the PS1 Classic actually run better on hacked NES and SNES classics. The NES/SNES have less RAM and an older ARM chipset. WTF did they optimize the experience at all.


Actually you can get scaling and display options if you plug-in a keyboard into it and hit the esc key. It will give you access to the options of the emulator.

Re PS Classic:
Strike one for me was lack of dual shock one controllers so I knew a lot of games would be unfortunately left out due to this (Like Ape Escape)

Strike two was the ho hum game list. They left out A LOT of the PSOne’s iconic library by using the wrong title in a series or completely leaving out a series in general. Like there were a few gems in there like ff7, tekken 3 and persona but the list wasn’t impressive at all.

Strike three was the PAL versions of almost half the fucking games on the classic. A lot of them that were very crutial to hardwares success were pal versions. It was a bullshit and super lazy thing to do on Sony’s part because they wanted a world wide release instead of individual releases. So in turn they just decided to fuck everyone over. Awesome.


Pal versions and lack luster Library sucks.

PS1 games on the 2nd hand market arent going for too much, and anyone work a working PS1, PS2 or PS3 can play PS1 games with no issues.

With the NES and SNES classics you get your moneys worth in games, the PS1 Classic isn’t worth the library they packed into it. And Unlike Nintendo, Sony relied on alot of 3rd party titles. Many of those titles ether Changed hands so many times or belong to defucted companies that Sony can’t legally used them.

So is that a feature that is poorly communicated or a by product of lazy and rushed design?

Personally and I said this about SNES Classic as well, I want them to do a version with just RPGs as the PS1 is loaded with some very good to classic RPG games. They went a scatter shot method, without classic titles sprinkled in with easy to grab titles and hind sight game selection on ok to mediocre games that would birth massive franchises. As a whole it is worst then the SNK one where the controller was the bigger issue and on par with the licensed Sega efforts that defined the market for years and made plug and play consoles look cheaper then what they are.

Lazy and rushed design. The classic uses PCSX as it’s emulator and apparently did nothing to alter it.

What a total bucket of horse shit.

Edit: yea the lack of a Duel Shock, over all game selection, and half of them being 50hz turned me off the whole thing. If I find one cheat in the future I might snag it up and make a PS1 shmup box for ease of use. Bout it.

Time to buy Soul Calibur 6!!

Bonus vid:

Sellers remorse…this was a flipping achievement!!
I should’ve kept the game.