Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Nah…still cost too much.

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Can I get just Zombies please?

I would buy a standalone COD Zombies game.


Well so far, looks like Dragon Age, Crackdown, Outer Worlds - XB1, and MK11 - PS4.

There’s a couple Switch games I want, but still not enough to justify that purchase.

But then again…I bought F76, and am buying SNKH…what’s a few more dollars on something I’m not exactly hot on?

But why did they put Test Drive Unlimited on it? It’s the SAME thing as SNK Heroines being a ‘Switch’ game primarily. With SNKH, I bet it would’ve had standard controls, and probably some other changes, and therefore some kind of scene. PS4 is the FG machine, and the only reason I have one. Being a Switch game ruined that game, same with TDU, people that have Switch don’t play licensed car games. That game is going to go to waste as well, all the features, and things you can online, going to be barren, because they will be playing Smash, or some other Japanese shit.

Fucking Nintendo needs to get out of here with the third party deals. If they get enough games to play, buying the Switch to play them on isn’t the issue, the issue is that games I would buy, like Test Drive, I’m not going to have a scene simply because it’s the Switch. Test Drive Unlimited 1 is in my top 5 GOAT games, that was the game that made me get a 360, and it was where I first experienced great online.

Your logic is dumb.


So you’re telling me, that more than 3 people will buy Test Drive on Switch?

Or that SNKH wouldn’t have standard KOF controls if it were a ‘PS game’ as opposed to a ‘Switch game’?

Or should I not be bothered when games THAT I WANT are affected?

Your logic is really flawed in this and I’m not going to point out everything right now since I’m on the way home. But here’s one for starters…SNK heroines is also on the PS4.


No shit… I just said I was buying the Asian region version so I can have a physical disc to sell after I play with the combos…

But its primarily a Switch game, and is worse off for it. It wouldn’t have simplified controls if it were the other way around.

It’s reusing assets from KoF14 which was a PS4 exclusive game. Your logic is flawed and stupid.


Im talking about the controls and gameplay. Shit was optimized for switch.

youre the ones that dont get it.

Nah you have confirmation bias. It would be like me saying FFXIII would have a deeper combat system if it were built for Wii U instead of PS3 because Xenoblade Chronicles X had a deeper combat system. Heroines was multiplatform game that got heavy marketing for Switch because Nintendo was more supportive than Sony.

When they started developing the game they had no way of knowing Nintendo would be more supportive. They didn’t know that the Switch was going to take off like it did. So unless they have a crystal ball, they developed Heroines the way they did because it was always their intention.


The fuck am I Reading?

Nintendo having too much 3rd party deals? WTF?!
Not having enough 3rd party titles is what killed the Wii U.

You know what Justified the purchase the Switch for me, Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild.
A game that also came out on the Wii U, but unlike the Wii U

Same stupid complaints cycle you hear with every Nintendo console.

Person: “I don’t want a Nintendo console because they don’t have games I want to play.”

Nintendo plasters console’s library with great games and exclusive third party deals

Person: “What the fuck Nintendo. QUIT STEALING GAMES I WANT TO PLAY”

It’s like Bayonetta 2 all over again. People wanted B2 then when Nintendo made their wish come true they bitched about it. Lol


That’s what I been seeing with Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3. People are having meltdowns over the exclusivity.


Nintendo isn’t fucking around this generation. They know how badly the Wii U hurt their reputation (and their bank account) so they’ve been making up for it with guns fucking blazing.

I couldn’t be happier.


Ditto, I’m so thrilled with my Switch, the thing gets better and better every week.


Wouldn’t have been different had it not been on switch. Neo_G and Oda have stated time and again that their goal was to create a smash/airdasher hybrid.


I remember I worked at GameStop when this happened. Sooooo many of our customers came in pissing and moaning about Nintendo getting exclusivity for Bayo 2. Then they’d very begrudgingly buy a Wii U and preorder bayo 2. I remember the week that it was announced our District Manager called did a phone conference with our store and was like “Why has your Wii U hardware sales jump like 500% with almost 100% attachment rating?” We were like “BAYONETTA 2 SUCKA”


Not gonna lie.

I bought it with Bayo 2 and XBCX in mind.

The pure joy of SM3DW was the icing on the cake.

And a whole other cake, besides.

…and that cake’s icing, too.

SM3DW is so gatdam GOAT.

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Yeah. That’s the one game I really wish they’d port over to the switch. The game is phenomenal. Anyone who is a Nintendo fan and a fan of platformers in general owe it to themselves to play it. Instead we’re getting New Super Mario Bros. U

They can’t all be winners.


heh, recent nostalgia there… yeah I also bought WiiU simply because of Bayonetta 2…absolutely worth every penny.

*damn I was beating Captain Falcon’s ass just now…then accidentally jumped in the pit that I didn’t know was in the middle of that stage after it changed (and Fox’s ledge comeback game is apparently awful; if he’s off the ledge or falling into a hole then he’s just SOL)…so much for that character unlock…'til whenever he shows up again, I guess.

Damn I want to get back to my D3 seasonal wizard adventures but this is SO good right now…

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