Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

If it’s not Ninja Gaiden 4 or Nioh 2 footage it will be a waste of my time.


last weekend it was 50% off on steam, which made me think it wasnt selling well. worse, the game cost 100 million to make, 34 mil to market.
is the game that bad or something?

I loved Inquisition. It’s the closest we’ll probably get to a AAA level Suikoden. Whoever worked on that was obviously a big fan of the latter.

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The article you posted is from a month ago.

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game was still 50% off last week during the steam autumn sale. i know cuz the game is in my wishlist.

Yea, but the article you linked is about the sale that occurred three weeks after the game’s release which is why it was review bombed. It had nothing to do with the autumn sale.


Keyboard warriors being salty. What else is new?

No it isn’t that bad, it is just not quite the Tomb Raider return to glory old fans want nor the evolution that fans of the new reboot want either. That and a crowded holiday season probably lead to disappointing sales given the marketing and production costs.

Diablo 3 on Switch—well, I wasn’t as close to the end of season stuff as I thought; only just completed the “IV” set of challenges…yeah this is actually the first time I’ve played a seasonal character for any extensive period of time…and sheeeeeit my wizard in this mode just powered up drastically… I have the full Tal Rasha set now and still 2 pieces of Vyr’s on top of that which gives me all runes and thus the “true power” of Archon form. I have “Nilfur’s Boost” power in the cube which is boosting meteor damage by 900%…paragon level 80-something now… 2 legendary gems on me…oh and I have a “Convention of Elements” ring further boosting elemental damage. The results here are RIDICULOUS…hitting into the billions in terms of damage. edit–yep a Rift Guardian I was just fighting—I just hit him with a critical that was 12 billion…holy shit, man. Paragon level 105 (ha, went up 10 more levels since this original post), actually…oooh and I just fought the T. Rasha off-hand so I have all 7 pieces now…which means I can swap out the belt for that Improbable Chain if I ever find it.

I just found a poison-immunity amulet recently (always good to have this type so you are immune to at least 1 thing), but I’d have to drop my Tal Rasha amulet to equip it unfortunately, and I can’t put it’s power in the cube since I have another power in the way at the moment.

*and I just found Improbable Chain… Yeahhhh this will be my go-to wizard build from here on out. Tal Rasha + 2piece Vyr’s is pure GOD-mode.

Tekken World Tour 2018 Finals Last Quance Qualifiert started

Tomorrow is then the Finals.

Rocksteady gives Superman rumor kryptonite, no announcement at VGA

So the new generation is so soft that the people who pay full price for games at launch now cry when the game goes on sale after launch? No one forced these pussies to buy the game at launch, it was their choice. Games have been full price at launch and go on sale weeks later for decades.


Tell me about it.

Automata was on DEEP sale, on Turkay Dey, but I passed because I already had 5 other 60+ hour games in my bin.

Now it is yea ole $60 on Osan, again.

I keep hearing it is excellent.

I’ll wait for it to hit $30 again.

I have time.

You should give it a 0 on metacritic for your ‘troubles’

A big budget Superman game would be anal sauce anyway.

I think the unfortunate thing with Superman games is that it just happened to be handled by untalented or unimaginative people in the past. Get the right team of people working on it and a Superman (or anything, really) game could be incredible.

D3- just since my earlier post… I’m already paragon level 122 now, up to greater rift 35…my character is such a glass cannon though…the enemies are strong enough now that I’m in serious trouble if I get hit 2 or 3 times…even with “galvanizing ward” which is quite a ridiculous passive
edit–132 now :laughing:

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The immediacy of going from point A to B directly via grapple hook or jumping around has always been inherently more fun. However, I have seen flying well implemented into the early Harry Potter games so it is not outside the realm of possibility. The only real issue lies in the blandness of Superman as a character and the subset of his abilities preventing creativeness in combat.

Lmao superman is not bland (people write him badly frequently tho) and his power set is a wealth of gameplay ideas, you have to lack any kind of imagination to think there isn’t a good game there.


I had a friend lay out a pretty good idea for a Superman game. It’s doable. I just think he requires more nuance and creativity than most modern AAA game publishers would allow.

Superman is a snooze fest