Vergil combo thread 2.0

I dont know about dante but if you want to raw tag into frank from vergil you can do a (super) sword loop, dash under release round trip -> raw tag -> jumping down H -> picture

I am looking for a way to improve the current vergil combo I am using (to build/save more meter and a way to do an extra 150k dmg or so incase of hulk etc)
team is deadpool (quick work)/phoenix wright(missile)/vergil(rapid slash)
Deadpool: cr.:l::m: st.:h:, :qcb::h:, :rdp::m:, raw tag vergil, :m::h::s: call PW, super jump helm breaker, cr.:h:,:f::h:, :qcb::m:, :s::h: round trip glitch, cr.:h:, :qcf::l:, cr.:h:+deadpool assist :s:, :u:+release round trip, cr.:h:, :qcf::l:, cr.:h:, :dp::atk::atk:, :dp::m:, cr.:h:, :qcf::l:, cr.:h:, :dp::m:, :df::h:, :qcf::atk::atk: DHC into phoenix wright

currently doing about 1.05m dmg and ending with -0.8 meter.
With vergil starting the combo instead of deadpool its the same thing except that I add in a round trip rep off the PW call instead of going straight into cr.H

It is important that the combo ends with a DHC into phoenix wright in order for him to get his evidence before the next character comes in.

Decided to try out some strider stuff.

vergil(rapid slash)/phoenix wright(missile)/strider(vajra)

Havn’t done much yet, here is a combo off a helm breaker that does 1mil meter neutral (should work everywhere on screen, except with alterations to the appropriate round trip corner combos)
combo will do a little short of 1mil, like 992k if there are missed hits from a round trip or something. I’m sure there is an easy way to get the extra 8k somewhere in the combo though

helm breaker, strider pause :df::h: (:h: trick followup), cr.:m: st.:h::s::h:, round trip, cr.:h: :qcf::l: cr.:h:, :f::h:+PW, :qcb::m:, round trip, cr.:h: :qcf::l: cr.:h:, 2 swords loops, :dp::m:, :df::h:

Here’s my new rapid slash conversion bnb for vergil/morrigan/strider. Maybe you guys can help me optimize it further.

@0:01, instead of 2 hits, Rapid Slash can do 3 hits for more damage and meter build.

Kind of a big deal.

You can squeeze a s.:m: in before s.:h:+:a2:…other than that, that’s the BnB I use. I’m starting to favor doing ground bounce or strider earlier on in my combos. Doing them next to each other leaves you constantly dealing with qcf+:atk: randomness dropping characters.

Alright yeah that was kinda whack. I got version 2 now so let me know how you feel about this:

Also I’m working on the air throw combo as well for this team:

Still waitin on that video for the x factor combo you made lol.

Hello all, I’m attempting to settle a debate with a friend, was wondering if you guys might be able to assist:

When Vergil does Dimention Slash, sometimes the bubbles will randomly crossup up and hit someone blocking properly, as we all know and love/hate (depending which side its happening to. Lol)

Question is, under which conditions give the maximum chance of this happening(my understanding was Vergil airborne, opponent in the middle of the screen so there’s ample potential for a bubble to ‘cross up’), and under whichever conditions, about what % of the time would you approximate Vergil gets that ninja hit?

Among my friends and I debating, one side thinks its closer to 50%, one side thinks more like 10%. Anyone have a rough idea? Thanks so much in advance!

Ps. Sorry I know this wasn’t entirely “combo” related, but this thread seemed fresh n active. Damn shame how many char threads have become ghost towns. Nice to see the Vergil community still raps about their boy. :slight_smile:

Hey as a new marvel player looking to pick up vergil are there any basic combos i could learn while getting my execution up?

OK! It’s here! Sorry for the long ass wait.

Why do this?
[]More Damage!
]Kills quicker in XF than Devil Trigger Loops to make the best use of it.
[]Meter Gain. If you want to Devil Trigger on incoming, you will have the meter and more after these combos
]Consistency, these combos are easy to start once you learn them. Difficult segments later on are simply to optimize and can easily be replaced (we wanted to show you max damage without sword loops, usually they die way before)

[]s.:m::h: can be replaced for more damage and less stun scaling with s::h:, but is high risk for drops and sideswitch
[]Some c.:h: and s.:h: can be changed on preference or stun scaling
]Experiment with pauses with each Xf level, timings can be different
[]Adding sword loops can kill any characters and you should always have the meter since you build it in combo. (We’ve killed Thor/Haggar/Hulk in a Merry Xmas with lvl 1 starting with 1 meter)
]None of these require RT glitch
[*]dpf+:m: variations work too, but has side specific properties with swords active (YUUUUUUUUUP!). There’s a fairly easy conversion on player 1 side that can be augmented for player 2 we left out to avoid confusion.


j. d+ (land), dpf+:atk::atk:, df+:h:~XFC, neutral j.:m::h: d.+:h: (land), s::h:~RT, s.:m::h:*, qcf+:l:…

[]XF 1 mid - s.:h:s::h:~RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h: f+:h:, qcb+:m:, c.:h:, dpf+:m:, df+:h:, qcf+:atk::atk:
]XF 1 corner - c.:h: f+:h: (sideswitch), RT, s: :h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:, dpf+:m:, c.:h:, dpf+:m:, df+:h:, qcf+:atk::atk:
[]XF 2-3 mid - s.:h:s::h:~RT, s:, neutral sjc.:m::m::h: d+:h: (land), df+:h:
]XF 2-3 corner - s.:h:s::h:~RT, s:, back sjc.:m::m::h: d+:h: (land), df+:h:

Happy B-Day
[]XF 3 mid - s.:h: f+:h:, qcb+:m:, RT, c.:h: qcf+:l:, c.:h:, dpf+:m:, df+:h:, qcf+:atk::atk:
]XF 1-2 mid - s.:h: f+:h:, qcb+:m:, c.:h: dpf+:m:, df+:h:, qcf+:atk::atk:
[*]XF 1-3 corner - c.:h: f+:h: (sideswitch), RT, c.:h: qcf+:l:, c.:h:, dpf+:m:, df+:h:, qcf+:atk::atk:

[]Practical Adaptation - s.:l::m::h: f+:h:s:, sjc.:m::h: d+:h: (land), dpf+:atk::atk:, df+:h:~~XFC, neutral j.:m::h: d.+:h: (land), s::h:~RT, s::h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h: f+:h:, qcb+:m:, c.:h:, dpf+:m:, df+:h:
]XF 3 Optimal SH swag “Da Best!” - j. d+:h: (land), dpf+:atk::atk:, df+:h:~XFC, s::h:s::h:s::h:s::h:~RT, s::h:, qcf+:l:, s::h:
[]XF 3 RS conversion - XF 3, dpf+:h:, s.:l::m::h: f+:h:~RT, dpf+:h:, s.:m::h:s::h:~RT, s::h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:s:, sjc.:h: d+:h: (land), df+:h:
]Grounded Sword Loops (impractical…just for trolling) - dpf+:atk::atk:, s.:m::h: f+:h:~RT, dpf+:h:, repeat…
[*]XF 3 Super Swag 9 Rapidslash Troll Combo - dpf+:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:, f+:h:, dpf+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:, f+:h:~RT, dpf+:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:, s.:m::h:~RT, s.:m:, dpf+:h:~XFC, dpf+:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:, dpf+:h:, RT, dpf+:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:, dpf+:h:, RT, dpf+:h:

double post…

very helpful!

Regular high time conversions do work in XF1

Devil Trigger loops? I have yet to see someone pull that off in XF1. Or are you just talking about converting a combo with an XFC, because yes, but it takes much longer to kill on most characters. It’s preferred on dieing or small characters though to do it that way.

Yeah, DT loops. Usually it’s not necessary anyway bc a lot of Vergil’s favorite assists let him convert with Swords + assist but it is definitely possible.