Isn’t cancelling into 236A safer?
any good combos starting off with air.s?
Without assists, not so much
Best combo for a jump :s: would be something like
:h: xx Stinger
teleport :h::s: sj.
:h::d:+:h: assist call to spiral sword loops or :df::h: :qcf::atk::atk:
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Is there any trick to timing Spiral Swords after landing cr H, Stinger (opponent goes overhead) in the corner? I can’t land this for nuthin’.
I learned it to release the round trip as soon as most characters start to drop from the wallbounce… it takes a little work to make it work on everyone (fatties like sentinel and mini bites like rocket raccoon) but outside of that there really isn’t a trick to it.
That actually helps, thanx. I was looking at other parts of the combo before looking at the most obvious first >_<
Sorry for the DP; any tips for getting the second Round Trip after Lunar Phase? It always misses on the way back for me.
What’s the best variation for sword loops after a DHC in the corner? Lunar phase x2 does the most damage I believe but builds the least amount of meter iirc and sometimes they fall out of the first lunar phase.
I stopped doing lunar phase x 2 since they fall out for no reason now I’m doing.
Helm Breaker, Helm Breaker, release round trip, L Judgement Cut, Lunar Phase.
Wow Ace! Thanks for being so helpful and not calling me a scrub
No problem bro.
Is there any point in doing the Air Trick opener as opposed to :l:
:h:::f::h: xx Rising Sun xx Air Trick opener?
1st one uses your wall bounce but lets you get a solo round trip 2nd only gets you a solo round trip look if you end up in the corner.
Doesn’t the standard followup lead to a wall bounce anyways? Unless I’m doing the wrong combo :l::h:::f::h: xx Rising Sun (hold :l:) xx Air Trick :h: sj j.
:h::s: st. :h: :f::h: (wallbounce) Trick
st. :h::s: j.:h: Helm Breaker into OTG assist into whatever
The reason they fall out is because of how and when you DHC into swords. If the swords are in their body, it’ll dissipate the swords quicker, which is why it’ll drop often. You have to make sure they are top of the swords and not in the swords.
What happens with me is that they are too high and sometimes end up falling out.
Basically starting with cr.H into Stinger builds more meter since you get a round-trip loop without the use of an assist while st.H, Stinger, Rising sun does more damage.
If possible change the DHC timing so that they’re a little lower. If it isnt possible, just go with 2 helm breakers, round trip, judgement cut L and lunar phase. Sometimes this also messes up if they are too low cause what ends up happening is the helm breaker puts them on the floor PAST the swords which is dumb lol. So if that happens, wait a bit before doin helm breaker or do a different variation. I believe SHSH round trip lunar phase should work.
When doing 2 Helm Breakers I can’t get Round Trip to hit on the way back. Can you help, Ninja?