Marvel was fun, didnt have too many people show up Friday so we’ll probably just start having Marvel sessions on Saturday nights.
Too bad I was too tired to stay tonight.
Marvel was fun, didnt have too many people show up Friday so we’ll probably just start having Marvel sessions on Saturday nights.
Too bad I was too tired to stay tonight.
Hey Paper we will go to WNF sometime soon for sure and I’d be happy to carpool.
I’m going to head over to FFA tonight hopefully there will be some people to play mvc3 with.
There was a tourney at FFA today, apparently its bi-weekly (as in every other week) Hopefully we’ll be able to set it up so we can have a marvel tourney at denjin every alternate sunday.
This Saturday night, Marvel @ Denjin??
That should be fine, I’m sick at the moment so depending on how I’m feeling I might not show up. I don’t want to get you guys sick.
No worries man, thanks for the heads up. Lemme know if you’ll make it or not on Saturday. We can always meet up Sunday if that works out better. And we should definitely try to get those (bi?)weekly marvel events set up too!
I’m feeling a bit better, should be fine for saturday.
This saturday will be a casual session only, as we have not started the bi-weekly marvel tourneys yet.
Denjin Casuals tonight[media=youtube]otVGLVt6ZuU"[/media]
Ventura players… who plays marvel? No one showed up to Denjin last night for marvel except Paper, myself, and a friend I brought (which was the case last weekend too practically).
We should hold casuals in ventura county sometimes… if anyone has a place we could all meet up that’d be cool. I would offer my house but it’s VERY small and I don’t think more than 3 people would be comfortable in it. I can provide a 360/a copy of the game whenever needed. Anyone who is down to try and setup weekly/whenever meetups in ventura county, please reply. We can also run some SSFIV if desired (I can provide a copy of that too if need be).
I think some friends and I will try to make it out to Denjin this week. We’re all from Goleta/SB. I’ll post again if we decide on a firm day.
Anyone willing to drive out to SB, we’re doing weekly events at La Rumba Bar & Grill. We usually have two or three stations for MvC3 and SSF4. We’re trying to make this upcoming event bigger, so we might set up more stations for matches. I have more information on my site. Fighting Games at La Rumba KOcast
Who’s up for a poor man’s Wednesday Night Fights? – Marvel 3 at denjin tonight!
I’m looking for anyone interested in going to Irvine for the japan relief tourney this Sunday. I’m also looking for a ride.
edit: Found out ffa is having a tourney same day, prolly gonna go there unless people wanna carpool over to Irvine.
The Irvine tourney was fun last night, but it hasn’t satisfied my lust for Marvel.
Anyone wanna play some MVC3 this week- or even today?
Marvel on Saturday bros? Where the hell is the rest of ventura at?
My buds and I will be at Denjin on Sat for some marvel so head on down for some free wins lol
I’ve been practicing a lot, I hope you guys have been as well.
I went to the Irvine tourney and played a bunch of top players, spent about 12 hours straight playing Marvel.
Heading down to WNF today to get even more practice.
This Fri/Sat lets get some games going.
Its time to get out of the danger room and get some practical application in this bitch.
Tourney at denjin in a few weeks -
I’ve been messing around in arcade/training with a variety of characters yeah. I’ve been really busy with college so I haven’t had much time to do anything serious. See you on Saturday.
There’s SSF4/MVC3/Melee tourney in Long Beach if you guys would rather go down there this Saturday, though its a bit of a drive.
That’s a possibility but it would depend on what time it begins. My friend has family that live near Long Beach so he might be up for it. I’ll let you know… I need your cell number so we can text instead of talking on here so much lol. Drop me a message?