It starts at noon, registration ends at 1 pm, event ends at 9 pm.
It starts at noon, registration ends at 1 pm, event ends at 9 pm.
Just thought I’d list my route for MVC3 weekly play.
Thurs - FFA has airdasher game casuals
Friday - Friday Night Fights (Formally WNF) ($5 for tourney)
Sat - Denjin Arcade Marvel Casuals
Sunday - Santa Monica Marvel tourney/casuals ($3 for tourney)
My friend and I have room to include people if anyone would like to carpool, we just ask that you chip in for gas.
In case anyone in the 805 is interested in Mortal Kombat and/or has nothing to do on monday…
It’s free to enter, and last time they had free sodas and hot dogs.
So WNF is now on Fridays? In that case, my friend(s) and I will definitely go to the next one (can’t go today). One of us could drive if you don’t have transportation that day.
Wonderful! FNF starts next week and I’d like to try to go there every week. Hopefully the 100 some people that show up on weds will double on fri!
Valle cleared some stuff up.
FNF is not a permanent change, and WNF will only be held on friday, april 22nd because renovations are being done to The Proud Bird on weds.
Well, that’s a downer… We will go to this one for sure then
Be sure to sign up on the thread if you want to enter the tourney, you can sign up all your friends at once if you’d like.|up-x-tournament-legacy-present-weds-night-fights-%40-src-262869/
Its like $6 to get in and $5 to enter per tournament.
(it’s also $2 per taco or $5 for 3) so I’d bring an empty stomach and some money for that!
Be sure not to get marveled out though, we’ll be having a MVC3 tourney at denjin the day after that!
hay so casuals what up where and what time eny one down.
lets do this
I posted my weekly route, but if you’d like to come to Denjin Arcade just post the date and time and I’ll try to make it down there.
I wish we could get some more players to come by Denjin for our casual meetups.
if you play MK9/SSF4/MVC3/AH3 I encourage you to come down.
Hello everyone. I’ve been playing fighting games for a while, and posting on SRK. I just barely discovered this thread after all this time. I attended the SB gamefest and met some cool folks so i know some of you are out there. Let’s get this shit going! I don’t know if you guys still head down to the armory or Denjin for casuals but I am more than willing to go, I also have quite a few friends that play and are looking to up their game. I haven’t been to Denjin in ages and would love to go.
Does anyone carpool to WNF? I have been wanting to go for a while but have either had work or didn’t want to make the drive out alone. I would pitch in gas money of course, if anyone has an open seat. This upcoming Wednesday I have off, and my local friend will have finished his last final, so it is more of a sure deal this time.
Regular carpools to WNF would be so good. LAX is not too far to venture for some of the best casuals in SoCal.
Hey man, I’d be willing to meet up at Denjin for some SSFIV/MK9 casuals (and probably some MvC3 as well for fun). Where’s the armory located at? I’ve heard about it but never known where it is. I’m always looking for casuals in Super anytime anywhere! My friends play Marvel/MK9/Super as well.
Hey man, this wednesday my friend and I might be driving down to WNF for some casuals and/or more so if you’d like to work out some kind of carpool hit me up on here.
Sounds good, let me talk to some folks so we can plan a trip to go meet up at Denjin. I play SSF4/3S/MK9. How many people do you usually bring with you to Denjin and such? The Armory is right off of the Johnson drive exit on the 101. It is a few doors down from Toy R’ Us
I usually bring two of my friends, they both play mk9, one plays super and the other is going to learn super when AE comes out. We can meet up mostly anytime since we are all starting summer after this week. Thanks for the info!
no problem, and if you or your friends are interested (or anyone for that matter) there is going to be an MK9 Tournament hosted at Mero Games in Camarillo on the 28th, entry is $5. People should go!!!
Oh damn thanks man. I haven’t been to Mero since the last SSFIV tourney they had like a year ago haha. I live like 2 minutes away from Mero too.
I will definitely be there for the MK9 tourney. Also, my friend(s) and I are going to Denjin tonight for some MK9/whatever else (maybe ssfiv or mvc3) if you can make it out or not.
oh really? I never heard of the place until I had a job interview the other day at the Subway a few doors down. I asked the owner about the MK setup in the back and he told me about past and the new upcoming tourney, wish i knew about the ssf4 one!
Sorry I just saw your post about Denjin, hope it was fun!
Lemme know if you or anyone of your friends are down for casuals. All of my friends and I are on summer break now so we’re mostly free most of the time. There aren’t enough locals who play in ventura county!