Uhm no where right now because Ian’s got a new job so he’s been super busy lol. I’d be happy to play anyone who can sit down and teach me anything about 3s though.
Kira, gimme an address the next time you guys run one of these and I’ll do my best to make it out there.
SPOis Happening tomorrow (Santa Paula Opera)
It’s time 4 once again Ventura County too join their fellow comrades to prepare 4 EVO2k11! There will be food, salt, upsets, new rivals, booze, boobs (2d of course), BYOC (bring your own stick or fight pad). The adress is: 218S Steckel Dr. Santa Paula, Ca. Heres a link: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=106367552795390
3s 2v2s? This might be worthwhile. How much for entry?
I don’t think anything is going to be for money (but who knows).
What system are you guys gonna be playing on? Also if I could catch a ride from someone in Oxnard I’d love to go
The primary systems are PS2 and PS3. There is usually only one Xbox 360.
I could probably get you a ride Chimpan
I think I may show. Wanna see what the rest of vc is up to. Also, if I show, two buds of mine may come with. That cool?
Yeah Duralath, sounds great. I look forward to meeting you guys.
Chimpan you should pm when you get a chance.
Hey Lan, thanks so much. I thought I already posted again but I guess I forgot, something came up last minute and I can’t make it tonight. But thanks again for the offer.
Happy to come across this thread. I’m also a Ventura County player. Didn’t realize there are so few of us, at least on SRK. Anyway my main game is SSF4, AE or Super, and I main Claw. I play on PS3 and I prefer to use pad, though I do got a stick I mess around with now and again. If there’s any new events or anything locally, please let me know.
GGs, kids. Keep practicing!
Also… any of you guys still have room in your cars available for the ride up to EVO?
Hey everyone, Starting this coming semester I am going to be hosting weekly meet up/ casuals days at Ventura College. It will be either every Tuesday or Thursday depending on what is more convenient for everyone. Here is some more info:
If anyone is interested, any input or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I am debating making a new Ventura County thread, one which contains a master list of all players as well as events and tournaments. Does anyone think that is a good idea?
I’ve been wanting this for a while. I don’t have a day preference. I can bring a system and sticks if that would help, but I don’t have a monitor unfortunately.
Definite yes @ the new topic with lists and such idea! I’ll try to make it out to as many of those as I can!
It is done guys! I am in the process of making a new thread with lots of good stuff.
And guys, it will most likely be Thursday afternoons from 10AM to 4 or 5 PM, more details coming soon.
How have I missed this all this time! I need to get some games in.
Is this still a Thing Iv been In and out Of japan now i’
m back for Christmas let me know.!!!