Im also down to play. I was wondering where and when you guys meet up.
Anyone up for a big ass casuals meet at Denjin soon?
Yup, sent in my ps3 for repairs today, power supply broke day before AE came out, needless to say I haven’t played much. I also switched characters, so perhaps you may have a chance now…perhaps.
How 'bout Friday night?
Psh okay bro I’m make you eat those words
Duralath Friday night sounds pretty good to me!
I’m excited, any chance we can play primarily on PS3? I play pad and for me, using an Xbox controller is basically giving up before the match starts :). I can bring my PS3 if necessary.
I’ve no idea if they have pads there, but they have a ps3 with two TE sticks and I am bringing my xbox and friends who both have sticks (one has a TE now) so you should bring a ps3 pad if that’s what you use.
EDIT: So tonight we are going to be at Denjin at around 8 for marvel and ae casuals.
Wish I could of gone, however now that I work full time it’s going to be tough. Not to mention that I am bored of sf4 now… I’m just going to HDR and 3s, is anyone down for those games?
Lol I’ll play you at HDR all day man, and I’ll try to learn as much 3s as possible since I’ll be playing it when OE comes out.
I was there, but I had to leave early.
Yes. Play 3rd Strike. It’s a good game.
I’ve been playing 3s off and on for about 5 years so you don’t have to tell me twice haha.
we really need to get together to play sometime man.
and Jon, I’m down to teach you what I know.
Sounds good Ian! One of these days we can meet up and play on console (don’t know if you have it but I have it for 360).
And Duralath who were you? I had no idea you were there haha
I was on the 3rd Strike cab for a bit, but I had to leave at about 9 PM to meet up with a buddy to go work out. I was wearing the B.J. Penn shirt.
Hey guys, anyone planning on driving up to EVO?
My friends are working friday morning and driving up friday afternoon, but seeing as the SF4/MVC may start at 9am on friday I was hoping to find someone to drive up to EVO with, otherwise I’m just gonna buy a plane ticket.
I have a ride back to SOCAL, I’m just LF a ride up to Vegas.
Someone, anyone, casuals sometime soon? Don’t care where or when, just would like to get some in. Preferably AE and/or MVC3. Also I’d like to play a shitton of 3s casuals in preparation for 3sOE
Are you available Thursday? I don’t have work Thursday but not too sure what’s going on.
I’ve been meaning to go to FFA soon on a popular night and just play a lot of AE.
WNF started up again, I might go to that soon. You guys free on any Wednesday?
This Wednesday is a definite maybe to go to WNF so if we go I will let you know for sure man.
And Ian I am free Thursday if you are down! We can play hdr and 3s bro. Just hit me up with a text if you find out what your schedule’s like.
Anyone from the Ventura area heading to WNF tomorrow or anytime soon? Let me know if I can bum a ride with anyone…I’m jobless at the moment so I can’t pitch more than a few bucks for gas, but if you have an empty seat anyway it’d be better than nothing…
You kids are playing 3S? When and where?