Vega Combos & Glitches

Read my previous post. :bgrin:, Scarlet Terror; hit only Sagat.
Add a before the ST HK and it will only add 20 Stun, the damage won’t change.

I think you need something like 250 Ex meter for a bar.
The first part build 230.
(Good to know. With 3 bar, do a Scarlet lk who doesn’t connect or a who hit, and after the first part you will be able to have a super bar when you do your first FADC )
The RCF lp part 110.
And the last part with>ScHk 110 too.
When we do the c.lp>c.lp> in the last part we have build 170 Ex meter.
Even against Sagat, we can do c.lp>c.lp>c.lp>, but it will give us only 210.
Not enough.
Can’t test it, but if c.lp>c.lp>>Sc Lk, work on sagat, it will give us the 250 we need for the last Scarlet Terror Ex.

what is Sc Lk? DO u mean ST?

Yeah, the scarlet lk, but it doesn’t work…

I can’t do the 2 FADC right now.
I’m not good enough.
After the second FADC, i always make an error…

I made a little video with the most damaging FADC combo i can do for the moment:


Here the Damage, the Stun and the amount of Ex meter we build during the combo:

I hope someone will be able to do the whole Super combo and give us the stats. :wonder:

One of my friend, think the 17hit combo must done, on Ryu :
4ex bar : Damage 410 / Stun 571 (MR Calcules)
On Sagat :
4ex bar : Damage 418 / Stun 577(MR Calcules)

Hey people. Loving the information in this thread. Good stuff.

Wondering if anybody else uses often as a combo starter.
Good range, good for hit-confirmation, links to most normal attacks, stuffs most projectiles before they can be released, safe to use/abuse when the opponent has a stored ultra (except against Chun-li, as far as I can tell), stuffs focus attack counters due to quick link possibility, can be used for anti-air (in cases where nothing else will do, I suppose).

Just wanted to share that. Hoping to see more good information from the community.

Did you give up on the double Ex cancel 17 hit vega combo Kurochev? I keep checking this section for an update on youtube. I can hardly do the first part with the cr. lp i got it to land twice i think but i get so excited when it lands my mind goes blank :confused:.

I haven’t give up.
It’s just, right now, i’m not good enough to do it.
My pc and fraps are not really friends.
It frustrate me, each time i begin the third part, i fail…
And now that i know that it does less damage than a 3ex bar Combo (who is easier to do), it’s not really motivating.

A simple 2 Ex bar combo is good if you can pull it off constantly.
For the second part of the combo, you must train by doing it separatly.
[Dash > c.lp > c.lp >] x N
Until the timing became a reflexe.

I will try to record the 17 hit, but i begin to think it’s a waste of time… :sad:

at SBO, a claw kept doing df rh, charge back, forward k (or kk)…how do you charge that? is partitioning involved? when I saw it live, he almost did it instaneously.

Its actually pretty simple. Just hit df.rh then immediately charge db. The juggle is long enough to charge your ST. When your opponent almost touches the ground press fwd and hk. Easy. It kinda feels awkward the first few times you use it but its a great tool and is very easy.

i think its totally useful

There is only one kind of warfare Vega Wages

Psycholigical Warfare (hence the mask, claw, and screams)

and this would fit in perfectly if we could figure out its limitations, vulnerabilities, and weaknesses

i think he means st HK cancel to EXST. i think stHK means “standing hard Kick” am i wrong on this? otherwise i think its impossible

lk ST to EX ST has always been known

shit u can even LK ST into MK ST if u have no meter. i use this as a sort of anti air combo

ok i dident reely know where to post this but this seems apropriate…i was playing a vega mirror today againsed a much better vega. the game was reely laggy…i was in the corner defending myself and waiting for an opertunity do do sumthing…i went for my ultra at the same time my oponent went for a focus attack

i was in the ultra animation when vega is standing on the wall about to jump off, and my oponent was making that sound vega makes during the begining of his focus…hes about a quarter screen from me… i jump off the wall at the perfect height and distance from him, he backdashes out of his focus (im assuming a split second before i input the comands for my ultra) i go right in the middle of him… and my ultra goes right through him during his backdash…

i was blown away and quit the round right ther!..he claimed it was due to invincible frames during backdash but i think it was just typical online laggy crazyness.

sorry to go on and on but i had to try and paint the picture exactly how it happened… has this ever happened to anyone else?

You can backdash Vegas ultra.
Backdash has invincibility frames, that has been known for a long time.

ok never mind…forgive my apparent noobishness…went to practice mode and tried it…did it first try lol

I meant something different. I remember I made a mistake on that post.
But it’s such an old post, I dont even remember what I meant to say.

someone playing ryu did this to me today, at the arcade, no lag

my ultra went right throught their FA because he back-dashed at the moment it was about to hit him, it sliced right through his chest without hitting him

the ultra needs fixing, its extremely hard to hit with that ultra consistently, its almost as if the ultra is as thin as that line he makes, seriously,it doesnt hit anything not directly touching that thin little line

it needs to be broadened to be the width of vegas body at least

does anyone have a sure fire range/ method for hitting with the ultra?

Doing it through a fireball works well against people who know nothing about the matchup.

The only surefire way to land it is after an FA though, or an FADC through a fireball.

yo bitches i think you can df+:hk: in to light ST to EX ST
n yes you can back of forward dash to avoid ultra but to is very risky 99% it is luck it has appond to me once n i have forward dash to dough fire ball before but it was luck

he was off the ground when df+hk connected tho… prolly the only time it’ll work

are you trolling?