Vega Combos & Glitches

I dnt kno if its been mentioned anywher either, but from wat i chked out its useless; although i tested this for only abt 20mins :rofl:

From my tests, done on Ryu only, I concluded tht it only works on players IF they are NOT blocking. Also the player has to be hit and be on the recovery from tht hit for it to work. I could very well be wrong on this, but tht is all i managed to test out in tht short span of time.

Also after the slide goes to the other side, the recovery time makes it pretty much useless, at best u can hope for the opponent to start walking towards u so u can get a hit on him.

The way to perform it… well the way i perform it 100% of the time.

jump HP, crouching HK, immediately followed by EX barcelona attack.

And tht has the slide just go through the opponent, instead of hitting him (note, u dnt lose any ex bars).

Once again, I may be completely wrong on this, but it works regardless. Maybe u dnt need to do a ex barcelona, maybe thers another way which keeps ur down charge. Maybe this has already been spoken of lol ( if so, it really shud b updated on the 1st message on this thread). But it is very risky and may be of no use at the end.

Also as mentioned earlier in this thread, it doesnt work on all players.

another glitch:
if you try to do jHP, crHP
the crHP will whiff.
Not that anyone should even be doing that combo to begin with.

BTW, I made that thread talking about getting the claw and mask knocked off, complete with the results of my testing.

Some test against Ryu.

When you hit with a c.:lp: :

*No Ex
c.:lp:, c.:lp:, c.:lp: xx RCF:lp: = 161
c.:lp:, c.:lp:, c.:lp:, :hk: = 161

*With ST
c.:lp:, c.:lp:, ST:hk: = 188
c.:lp:, ST:hk: = 190

c.:lp:, c.:lp:, c.:lp:, ST(Ex) = 210
c.:lp:, ST(Ex) = 210

12Hit combo, with only 2 Ex bar:
J.:hp:, cl.:hp: xx RCF:hp:, FADC, c.:lp:, c.:lp:, c.:lp:, :hk: = 384

(I can’t charge the Scarlet Terror with only 2 c.:lp:.
If you use 3 c.:lp:, it will only hit when you use a ST(ex), in this case, the damages of the former 11hit combo is better )

Against Sagat :

From a Far:lk: :
f.:lk:, f.:lk:, :hk: = 168

From a c.:mk: :
*No Ex
c.:mk:, f.:lk:, :hk: = 198
c.:mk:, c.:lp:, ST:hk: = 228

*With 1 Ex
c.:mk:, c.:lp:, c.:mp:, ExWall+Izuna = 281
c.:mk:, c.:mp:, ST(ex) = 284

From a “Cross-up” (Cu) :
(Forward throw, dash, forward jump, HP when you are on the top-right of a standing Sagat.
It’s not a “true” cross-up.
Claw is behind Sagat, the animation hit behind, but the hitbox is not behind. Must be blocked normaly.)

[Against the wall]
(Cu)*, cl.:hp:, :hk: = 288

No meter
(Cu), c.:mk:, :hk: = 258
(Cu)*, c.:lp:, c.:lp:, c.:lp:, ST:hk: = 271

With 1 Bar
(Cu), c.:lp:, c.:lp:, c.:lp:, ST(ex) = 283
(Cu), c.:lp:, c.:lp:, c.:mp:, ST(ex) = 311
(Cu)*, c.:mk:, ExWall+Izuna = 315

11Hit combo, 3 Ex bar:
J.:hp:, cl.:hp: xx RCF:hp:, FADC, c.:lp:, c.:mp:, ST :lk:, ST (Ex) = 443

So why is jumping in with j.hp -> cr.lp -> probably Claws best jumpin in general?

You can…

  • hitconfirm it easily because of the 3 hits
  • cancel it into a rcf for a tight blockstring
  • cancel it into an EX Walldive, if it hits
  • mantain the correct distance in the corner pretty well by doing cr.lp -> ->
  • Kara throw after the cr. or st.lp, which opens a lot of new possibilities for mixup.
  • AFAIK works on every character, be it crouching, standing, corner or whatever.

Of course, against characters like Sagat you’re better off with the close st. fierce, but THIS^ should be the reason most of you guys are going to hit practice soon I hope!

BTW: Have you ever tried crossing up with jumping forward hp? After the jumping attack you’ll land on the other side and can do into whatever and be tricky with your mixup!

Are u buffering the dash from the FA? u can input the dash before early enough that should giveu enough time to charge

do u mean :lk: ST?

Sorry, what is AFAIK?

What do u eman cross up? I thought his j. :hp: only crosses up if they crouch?

Who r u doing the combo on? that combo doesnt hit like half of the characters in the game. The cr. :mp: makes a lot of them duck down a bit so the EX FBA misses

-Yes, i tried, but c.:lp: is really fast, and i was not able to launch a ST…

-Yes, :lk: ST.
Sorry, i was tired. :yawn:

-Jump HP is a real crossup on a crouched Sagat.
But when he is standing, he has a strange hitbox who let you hit him on the front, when you are already on his back during a jump.

hmmmm, i see

I tried other variations, and you were right.

On Ryu:
FADC 2 Ex bar:
J.hp, cl.hp xx RCF hp, FADC, c.lp, c.lp, ST hk = 405 (11Hits)
FADC 3 Ex bar:
J.hp, cl.hp xx RCF hp, FADC, c.lp, c.lp, ST lk, ST (Ex) = 419 (11hits) Against the wall
J.hp, cl.hp xx RCF hp, FADC, c.lp,, ExWallDive+Izuna = 434 (11hits)

On Sagat:
FADC with 2 Ex bar:
J.hp, cl.hp xx RCF hp, FADC, c.lp,, ST hk = 429
FADC with 3 Ex bar:
J.hp, cl.hp xx RCF hp, FADC, c.lp,, ST lk, ST(ex) = 443 (11hits)

Theorically, i think :
"J.:hp:, cl.:hp: xx RCF :hp:, FADC, c.:lp:, c.:lp:, c.:lp: xx RCF :lp:, FADC, c.:lp:, c.:lp:, ST :hk: "
is possible.
I can do the “c.:lp:, c.:lp:, c.:lp: xx RCF :lp:” against the wall.
But after the FADC, it never connect.
Maybe someone with better execution than me can try to do it ?

Yeah, the number one reason why I posted a video of this is because i wanted most of us to keep from doing a c.HK follow-up to any jump-in. It just seems way too risky to have CLAW go through the character while being put at a frame dissadvantage.

Yeah I was trying that before too. I think the problem might be that final hit of the lp rcf, it might not give enough stun for u to ex cancel and continue attacking. i don’t really know tho, I never looked at the frame data. I think after all the damage scaling it would be kinda whack tho. However it would prolly get some nice stun

It’s possible to do :
"c.:lp:, c.:lp:, c.:lp: xx RCF :lp:, FADC, c.:lp:, c.:lp:, ST :hk: "
The RCF :lp: and :hp: HitStun are the same.
When you do “RCF :lp:, FADC, c.:lp:” you must FADC really quickly.
My problem is i can’t connect the “c.:lp: xx RCF :lp:”, after the first FADC.
Seem the distance isn’t good.

Yeah, i really want to see how many Stun it can done.
Maybe something like 630, and with a ST :lp: in the end, 680…

Please stop using those Symbols… They simply suck and make it hard to read :frowning:

yeah I tried it last night and found out the lp and hp versions r the same. I decided to mess around with the lp rcf instead. it is more practical and u can pull it off from jump ins using standard hit confirming links. It sux to waste all that ex bar, but can do like half damage on ryu if u pull it off. Might be a nice fear factor for some ppl who think vega can only combo using the ex FBA and ST. Ill see if i can get consistent with it and get a video up

lol really? I kinda like em better since half the ppl on shoryuken call a Hard Kick, Roundhouse and Light Punches, Jab.

Me too, i like the symbols. :sweat:

"J.hp, cl.hp xx RCF hp, FADC, c.lp, c.lp, xx RCF lp, FADC, c.lp, c.lp, ST hk "
Is possible.
I can do :
"RCF lp, FADC, c.lp, c.lp, xx RCF lp, FADC"
I wasn’t able to do the last part fort the moment.
Edit : Can only do it against the wall too…

I think we can do :
"J.hp, cl.hp xx RCF hp, FADC, c.lp, c.lp, xx RCF lp, FADC, c.lp, c.lp, xx RCF lp"
17 hits combo :lovin:
Edit: I think it’s 970 Stun.

MUCH better, thank you! :slight_smile:

Can’t test it now , and won’t be able to do it before 2 days.
It will be my obsession…

If you want to test them:

Must be the most damaging combo on a Shoto :
"J.hp, cl.hp xx RCF hp, FADC, c.lp, c.lp, xx RCF lp, FADC, c.lp, c.lp,, ST hk "

And the one with the most stun:
(If after the first FADC we build enough bar for one ex.)
"J.hp, cl.hp xx RCF hp, FADC, c.lp, c.lp, xx RCF lp, FADC, c.lp, c.lp, St lk, ST Ex"
Maybe an instant Stun combo.

If it work, i’m curious to know what the total damage if you follow with:
Jump-up hp > cosmic Heel > Sc hk
It would be something like a 20 hits combo since the stun must be guaranteed.

When i think of it, it seem only someone like Daigo, can do it in a match. :rolleyes:

When i come back, i will try to record one if i can.

I was gona say to see how much meter u build during this.

edit: u only build 1 ex bar if u do the hk ST combo. the other one misses the ex bar by a pixel. Maybe if there was an alternative move to use during the combo u might manage to get that pixel so u can do the lk ST EX ST combo

damn, that’s an incredible combo

Does anyone roughly know the damage of
jump in hp, cl. hp (1 hit), hp RCF, FADC, cr.lp,, hk.ST?

If that last into hk.ST doesn’t work, does it work with lk into hk ST? If so what is the damage? I want to see if it is worth the meter (one more bar than the standard combo, how much more damage?)