Vega Combos & Glitches

you cant link that the hit box is much to high for it to catch him. heavy and EX will though. And i was referring to the EX since the first hit does 150 stun and the other hit does 100 stun

i saw that on video, but df. hk hit them while they were in the air

Hey guys, first time contributing, I’ll provide video if/when I get the time.

This inspiration actually came to me from my knowledge of 3rd strike, with charge buffering/partitioning and what not. So earier today I was practicing SF4 earlier, trying to get my FA -> Ultra timing right. Anyways, I found an undocumented combo here on SRK(as far as I’m aware of, you can laugh at me if somebody already figured this out and posted it.) It costs one EX bar and it does 32.9% at full health, compared to 31.5% j:hp: cr:mp: :cancel: dive izuna (Being it does a bit less if your opponent’s life is lower, you know the math.) And it’s a variation of the double Scarlet Terror combos.

So the commands:

J:hp: (immediately charge :db: once you’re in the air and it must land deep)
(land, then return the stick to neutral, and)st:mk: :cancel::r::lk: (for a ST and immediately charge :db:)*
:r::2k:: (for an exST)

  • note: the st:mk: will allow you to be close enough to execute :lk:ST if your jump was deep enough.

Try it out and see =]

So you buffer the EX during the ST?
That’s weird, I thought you couldn’t combo after hitting a ST. I’ll try it though.
Awesome discovery!

Video please…

You’ve always been able to combo LK ST to EX ST, similar to how it’s done in Super Turbo.

You can connect a :lk: Scarlet Terror with an EX ST or a single hit(usually in the air) :mk:/:hk: ST into :hk: ST.

A good thumb of rule on Scarlet Terror is that if you only landed 1 hit, you can always follow up with an ex-ST. But you don’t have to ex if (1) the first ST hit in air and, (2) it only landed ONE hit.

btw, these would work too, but they do just as much as their cr. counterparts, so it’s only for show.

j:hk: -> st:mp:/:mk: x exFBA

Aside from that, as a fellow vega player, i feel your grief, and wish you all good luck! 'Cause chances are you’ll need it…

P.S. Video soon… Or if anyone understands my explanation and can execute it AND don’t mind recording it, please, by all means. I’m more of a sound guy than video, ooof.

Cool, something new :smiley:

Oh, nevermind. I was reading it wrong. I thought you meant EX wall dive.
Now I just realized you meant lk ST into EX ST. I think most of us already knew that. Sorry lol


took me a while, had me opening up iMovie for the first time ever. But it was kind of fun, the most convenient tool I have right now is my cell phone, so excuse the quality.

One more thing is that it actually does 32.7% damage, not .9%, it was late last night and I wasn’t sober ._." Though it’s still more than his B&B 31.5%.

And after the recordings, I did some more testing and found out this will also work with st:hp:(cancel after first hit), but the damage is below 30%… Shame.

Feel free to inquire if you’re struggling.

Best of luck! =]

I did some testing on knocking off Vega’s claw and mask, and I have a very interesting theory you guys may want to hear. Look forward to it tomorrow. =)

(Remind me if I forget, please. =P)

Hi guys i been trying to do this combo: jumping HP -> close, standing HP -> cr. LP/MP -> EX Wall Dive -> Izuna Drop

But it seems that vega always bounces of the wall behind instead of in front where the opponent is. I am very sure that I am using UF plus kick to initiate the wall dive but vega always moves to the wall behind hence breaking the combo:crybaby:

Am i doing something wrong here? any tips…sorry

After some more testing, I’ve found out that the above mentioned combo does 525 stun compared to ~460 stun for most of the other combos.

If you’re using a pad, I’d blame it on the damn analog stick. My suggestion is to practice two commands at a time until you feel comfortable. Then keep adding to it 'til you have the full combo.

I don’t know if this was answered already, but I think this happens if you hit the jump in roundhouse or jump in fierce too late…and the opponent will be too deep into hit stun that Vega can just slide under/thru.

If you’re using a pad, I’d blame it on the damn analog stick. My suggestion is to practice two commands at a time until you feel comfortable. Then keep adding to it 'til you have the full combo.

Erm im using a arcade stick. The input display clearly shows D,Df,F,UF + Kick but vega still jumps to the wall behind…hmm okay I will take ur advice n practise:rofl:

Okay i tried and tried n tried and he keeps jumping to the wall behind…even after i linked the Can anyone tell me the proper input? I just dont undersatnd why u all are getting it and im not. When i do the normal xx ex wall dive it connects 100% but when i add e combo in front den he will go behind…give up…give up

Make sure you are holding up-forward when you are pressing KK. If you just tap the stick to up-forward and press KK then let it go back to neutral or you start charging down-back again, you’ll go to the wall behind you. HOLD up-forward until you see Vega jump towards the far wall.

Don’t know if this counts as a glitch, but I used EX Sky High Claw and got hit by Ken’s Ultra when I was completely behind him. I thought I had beat out Ken’s Ultra, but got pulled back in front of him for the entire animation. This may be more of a fact of life than a glitch, and it’s certainly not useful for Vega an any way I can see, but I thought Id share. Sorry if this was already known/posted.

This has happened to me multiple times against my cousin. Its more likely a bug with the weird hit boxes in this game. Wait i take it back cuz Ryu, Akuma, Ken, Sakura, ETC, overheads hit you even though its your legs. Let me explain. When you do SHC from the other side of the screen and Ken is on the other he will hit you if he does it the frame you launch from the wall. Now if he does it any other time he will miss. Then there is this case he did it as your was to the point where he could jab you out of it. You see Ken’s Ultra has a strange hit box. When the animation ends there is one frame in the beginning after the close up where he will knock you out of whatever you are doing and kill you this is during the last frame of the close up. If you are not near him when he does his ultra you notice that there is frame where he punches and then another 1-3 frames before he does his flaming uppercut. And in order for the first punch to hit you must be either in neutral juggle state or juggle state 1. Which you are in. Its a bitch and my advice is to never ultra or SHC from across the screen against Ken, Gouken, Sagat, or a Guile/Gen with beyond gdlk timing and psychic abilities.

Thanks for the info. My main is E. Honda, and Ive just recently started to play as Vega because he seems fun. Since Ive been playing as Vega Ive gotten my first rage quit and my first nasty message, both of which I found pretty entertaining.

Hopefully Ill be able to get some real skill as Vega, as opposed to the luck that Ive been having.