Vega Combos & Glitches

We knew that already.
I mean it IS part of his hard challenges and has been showcased in a ton of videos…

thats a standard move which is extremely risky because its so difficult to pull off consistently

there needs to be a fix in the ST charge, you should be able to charge DF, then roll to DB and immediately to Forward for ST

i highlighted that because i thought you can only do hard ST after Cosmic Heel, i know that you can combo light st to ex st i was thinking of the stun possibility because hard trial 5 is about 500 stun n know body use that combo except me :wgrin::bgrin: especially on charge character because you can get (uppercut) shoryuken out of it i think.

I don’t know what the hell you guys are talking about. Nothing has to be changed about the command -> hk ST and nothing is risky about that. Just learn how to do it, damn, it is not difficult.

And about that -> lk ST -> EX ST. That only works on counterhit I believe and it is NOT standart at all. Reiketsu was using the launcher as an AA in that video, that’s why he knew it would work for sure.

tell me how many times of 20 you can do it in actual game play

uh…all the time, i can also vouch for sasaki, he got it 100 percent of the time. Its not hard. If you cant do it then simply go to arcade mode and use that move exclusively on the comp thats how i learned to do it.

Jup, I nail it almost every time and pedo can do it too.


Saying it is easy is an understatement. It is a higher degree of difficulty than df HK to EX FBA, for sure. I can see people getting it 100% of the time, but it definitely requires practice. Add some lag and it simply turns unreliable.

Anyway here’s a tip that helped me: think of the dfHK like if it was a special move with the command df-HK-db. You have to avoid any delay whatsoever in inputting the db motion after pressing HK; that will give you a handful more frames for the charge to complete. This means moving the stick aggressively, sort of:

  • start moving the stick towards df
  • press HK just before reaching the df corner of the stick
  • begin moving toward the db position, regardless of having actually “touched” the df corner or not
  • wait in db until you see the end of the Cosmic Heel
  • forward + HK
  • I would say that holding forward helps prevent accidental FBAs if you’re sloppy with your ST input

I already did a video showing my hands. Here: [media=youtube]yNCqWLEbWgw[/media]
And really, lag is out of the question here. As long as it’s a 2 or 3 Bar connection I can still always pull it off. It’s not unreliable. Let me repeat. It’s not unreliable. Stop saying it is. Just stop talking if you can’t pull it off.

Now, about -> lk ST -> EX ST
It definitely has nothing to do with whether it is a counterhit or not. It is possible on the ground, I did it a couple of times, but the timing is so unbelievably weird… I still have to figure this out. Your best bet is to use it after you caught someone out of the air with But on the ground it seems a tad too specific for me atm.
Let’s see if I can figure it out.

Lag affect the time at wich you can pull out something out of nowhere

but if you have lag of 0.3 seconds, the input df+hk, db, f+hk all of the buttons will have the 0.3 lag, so as long as you do with the same rithm the move will come out.

for to lk ST you have to space it specificlly. I think the spacing is the same for the spacing to do a double or it has to be aa timed

As I already said.

just posted that so time wont be spent on figuering out the distance, and to tell everyone the specific distance as well

Strange glitch I encountered yesterday while playing with my younger sister. I don’t know if it’s already been posted.

She was Ryu. I knocked her down into the corner and was in jab distance. I started to do a FA and the moment I started she got up and did the super, I immediately dash back. The super only hit me once and then pass through me.

It was surprising.

well this has probably been discussed before but oh well…vega mirror, one vega#1 down the other does a RCF…vega#1 wakes up into the RCF and goes right through it teleporting to the other side of the still rolling vega#2…only happens with vega mirrors and happens reely often for me…is this new to anyone? i have known about it for a long time but never bothered to bring it up

About the Izuna:
In case you haven’t noticed yet. Japanese players are trying to implement his old guessing game into SFIV. It seems this works well on wakeup.
By watching a lot of the latest Claw players I can definitely see that they are all getting better and better at it. Check Sabin Q&A, he says some of them were streaking because of it. DHEvil was right. I think in a few months they will start grabbing people out of almost everything-

yeah that has been sneaking in into my game ever since i started landing izuna more often. That mixed with my new playstyle, and now that i learned how to backflip at the right moment and how to wall dive at the right moment i think Vega might be even more dangerous. It was only a matter of time before Vega stops being the worst on the list. Any way we should get some more games my play style has imporved considerly sasaki.

The izuna drop/barcelona mix ups on wake up CAN be good, but that mix up only works on certain characters. I’ll try to list who it does and doesn’t work on from my knowledge:

Works on:

Rufus (no meter)
Fuerte (no meter)

Doesn’t work on:

Rufus (with meter)
Fuerte (with meter)

Characters I’m unsure of it working on:

All the console characters
Viper (I forgot if fierce thunder knuckle always hits you out of it)

In theory, it’s an effective tool, but there are lots of ways to shut it down. Also, for the characters you can actually abuse this on, it’s still very very difficult AND you have to result to 50/50’s a lot.

as i said before to my friends vega is a mid tier he just can not win consistently, why character like ryu can win consistently more because he is a safe character.