Vega Combos & Glitches

So, on hit, or on block
df.Hk,, ex wall dive -> beats high blocks, and hit confirm into an ex walldive…
…but it don’t work on shotos, the ex walldive dont hit them, and i’m not sure that it wont beat grabs as you say, because acording to frame data df.HK on block is -1 and close c.MK has 6 frames startup vs a grab with only 3 frames…

That was clear to me kte :'D
I edited the previous post. Looks like -> cr.lp -> EX Wall doesn’t work on every crouching opponent. It does work on on all standing opponents except Sakura and Fuerte in the corner though.

As for stuff, here: (Block) -> Throw (Block) -> cr.lp/lk (tick) -> Throw (Block) -> jumping back hp (Block) -> vertical jump -> j.hp/hk -> -> lk Scarlet Terror -> EX Scarlet Terror (Block) -> vertical jump -> j.hp/hk -> (all blocked) -> Throw -> cr.lp (Reset) -> Kara Throw -> cr.lp (Reset) -> vertical jump mk -> -> EX Walldive -> Izuna Drop -> cr.lp (Reset) -> vertical jump lk -> -> lk Scarlet Terror -> EX Scarlet Terror (Only Corner) -> EX ST
Df. hk -> ST -> EX Walldive -> Izuna Drop

Also, please check out whitecrowz other dash under setups and karathrow setups. Really nice videos there.

MouchoLoco:> -> EX Dive works against Ryu and Ken, but only when you’re in the corner yourself and if they’re standing. It doesn’t work on Akuma at all.
(For console shotos, see list I posted up there ^)

If you’re gonna include vertical jump setups after a blocked CH, then it’s worth mentioning that a deep juHP can combo into dfHK.

So uhh after some testing, Normal ST Combo does 240 while EX Izuna Drop does 250.

That’s a really small difference and definitely worth the save on SC Meter. I’m really getting used to doing ST. Now if only I can do it in real battle xD

What about lk ST combo’d into EX ST? I’ll go check.

It’s weird, I’m not used to doing the ST after CH at all. I have to make a subconscious decision to do the ST, where the EX Izuna just comes naturally to me.

haha so true! I’m slowly breaking out of it but the EX Izuna comes so naturally lol, it’s just way easier to pull off.

Lemme know the result of your combo. BTW… What’s a CH?

CH = Cosmic heel, aka dfHK. I’ll just use dfHK from now on,a ctually, as CH coincides with counter hit.
SPEAKING OF, we should start experimenting with counter hits.
Also, LK ST doesn’t come out quick enough, so you have to use HK ST after the dfHK.
Actually, I don’t think it’s that it doesn’t come out FAST enough, I think LK and MK ST have higher hit boxes, so they don’t hit low. I think this because I noticed that cMKxxLK/MK ST doesn’t connect.

I did find one interesting thing to do AFTER it though.
After you do dfHK, HK ST, you can do a sweep to get behind them before they land, and you can recover before they quickrise, I believe. I think it’s a neat little crossover similar to using sfHK after an izuna to cross over them. But this needs more actual game testing to see if it’s a practical option. Unfortunately, XBox Live is down, so I can’t do that yet.

For me after the HK ST, instead of the slide kick, I dash forward followed by a dfHK. The timing is just enough for a crossover.

Not really sure about the slide. But if the slide is doable as a crossover it will be better. Helps a lot more as the camera usually pans a bit upwards when the opponent is hit by the ST. A slide will make Vega not easily seen by the opponent :rofl:

The problem with doing dash and dfHK is that if they quickrise, I THINK you’ll whiff in their face, not crossing up and leaving yourself open.And unlike izuna, ST CAN be quickrised. With slide, you get to the other side before they even touch the floor. It’s not a crossover, it’s a crossunder:cool:

Maybe I should do a rephrase ^^;
I do the dash followed by the dfHK right after I land from the ST below them while they are still in the air. The timing is I will be in the dfHK recovery frames behind them as they touch the ground. If they quickrise, I’ll proceed the usual stuff (jbHP, xx exBA, izunadrop, throw, tick throw, backflip, backdash etc)

Wait, can we -> lk ST -> EX ST?

EDIT: Sorry, overread your post, Riz.

ahh Cosmic Heel sounds cool haha.

Nice work, will get used to ST combo sooner or later :wink:

I saw a guy do j.hp -> s.hp xx EX walldive, how is this possible?
How do you keep a down charge during the s.hp?

I wont be back at home to try it on my XBOX for a few days.

Can you buffer a back charge while performing
I saw this once but I think it was just because that guy was about to block a sonic boom.

Was it a close s.HP? The animation on it is probably long enough to get a charge. The Vega player probably input j.HP -> close s.HP (the instant the HP animation starts the player is charging db or df) then as soon as the s.HP animation nears its conclusion/ends he throws out EX FBA. The s.HP animation keeps Vega standing during the attacks duration but that doesn’t mean the player can’t be charging up for something. It’s similar to df.HK -> ST/EX-FBA in that the df.HK animation is long enough to allow the player to charge the db or df for the ST/EX-FBA.

I hope this is the answer you’re looking for.

Yes. The s.MP will overide the back command (i.e. you’re walking back, you throw out s.MP, your walk animation is “cancelled” and the s.MP comes out instead). As long as you hold back you will amass a charge.

close HP isn’t cancellable after the second. Either it was clHP, cMPxxEX barcelona, or he canceled the first hit into the barcelona. OR, it could be a possible link.

I think he cancelled teh first hit into the barcelona. I’ve been experimenting with a certain mechanic in the game taht might make this possible. I’ll tell you why I think this is possible when I get back. :wink:

He cancels the first hit of HP as Rizhall pointed out.

Vega’s special moves don’t require a lot of time (except RCF) to be charged so you can start charging as soon as you jump, release charge when you land (and thus go back to neutral), hit HP and then up + KK.

Exactly as whitecrow said.
Basically, there’s a small window of opportunity to do something between the charge and the attack command.
I noticed this with Scarlet Terror.
Let’s say, you charge downback. Then, you can let go, and wait about 1/4 of a second, and then press front+kick, and the Scarlet Terror will still come out. So it sounds like he used that little frame of time to press HP before doing the scarlet terror.
cMP does 70 damage, where as 1 hit from clHP only does 50, so you’re really doing less damage. So why do it?
As we know, ex Barcelona is hard to combo into if the opp is crouching. However, clHP forces the opponent to stand on hit, so by using clHP, you force the opponent to stand, guaranteeing that the EX Barcelona will hit.

Oh Snap!
According to frame data, clHP gives you +5 on hit.
According to frame data, HK Scarlet Terror has 4 frame startup?
That means, it’s theoretically possible to link a full clHP into HK Scarlet Terror.
Whadya think?

Yeah I"ve done J.HP ->s.HP -> EX Walldive a few times by accident. I guess I was hitting the j.HP really late and it negative edged after I landed.

Gotta try the full clHP -> HK ST. Sounds too good to be true, especially for Vega. j.HP->s.clHP on it’s own is 200 dmg, it’d do more than EXFBA jumpin combos :smiley:

You can’t negative edge normals, only specials and supers (and probably ultras, never tried it though). You must have just pressed HP twice by accident, or plinked it with MP, or something. Not all that important, but worth knowing.