Well it was after a crumple so i am guessing charge down back while mp+mk then press HK while still holding down then cancel into ex ST not sure if it has to be EX it just was in the video smoke em if ya got em i guess? lol.
Are you sure that’s a slide? Isn’t that a down+MK? The video quality isn’t great.
I didn’t know that it’s cancellable!
Anyway, the command “could” be:
charge db, HK~f+KK ??
It’s not a slide, it’s a crouching MK. It just looks like a slide because he dashes up first. Crouching HK xx ST won’t work because slide can’t be cancelled, but c.MK can.
thanks for the clarification. that destroys even more my illusion of vega’s awsomeness. but whatever he is still the best.
can someone make a youtube vid of that 11 hit combo?
or instead of the strongest combos from this thread?
or if its possbile can someone show a video of vegas ultra off his focus, because i havent been able to do it.
a lot of this shit is on youtube already, I dunno how a video helps anyone though, even seeing hands really doesn’t help me any. I think most of it is learning how to hold a charge intelligently.
LISTEN UP FELLAS. So I did some research.
1.) J.hp -> cr.mk -> st.lp -> EX Walldive hits everyone, but Sakura (doesn’t hit her at all) and Fuerte in the corner. There are also some restrictions like whether your opponent is standing or crouching, but it hits almost every character standing. For further details check the chart below.
2.) As you all know, the first post of this thread is gutter trash. I’ve posted a chart which shows what specific combos work on what characters in what position on the screen. (Remember? Combos are also dependent of your and your opponents position on the screen).
The chart can be found here:
3.) The chart doesn’t contain any info on console-characters. That’s why I took my time to try out the following combos on console-exclusives. I tested it with them being in standing position: (PIC: Player in the corner, OIC: Opponent in the corner, MID: Midscreen)
- J.hp -> cr.mk -> cr.mp -> EX Walldive
Fei Long PIC: Yes, OIC: No, MID: No
Cammy PIC: Yes, OIC: Yes, MID: Yes
Gouken PIC: Yes, OIC: No, MID: Yes
Sakura PIC: Yes, OIC: No, MID: Yes
Seth PIC: Yes OIC: Yes MID: Yes
Rose PIC: Yes, OIC: Yes, MID: Yes
Dan PIC: Yes, OIC: No, MID: No
Gen PIC: Yes, OIC: No, MID: No
- J.hp -> close st. hp -> cr.mp -> EX Walldive
Fei Long PIC: No, OIC: No, MID: No
Cammy PIC: Yes, OIC: Yes, MID: Yes
Gouken PIC: Yes, OIC: No, MID: No
Sakura PIC: Yes, OIC: No, MID: Yes
Seth PIC: Yes OIC: Yes MID: Yes
Rose PIC: Yes, OIC: Yes, MID: Yes
Dan PIC: No, OIC: No, MID: No
Gen PIC: No, OIC: No, MID: No
Damn Sasaki, that is a lot of research. I (and hopefully better Vega players than myself) will be putting it to good use, so your hard work is really appreciated :tup:
It’s like I’m learning Dudley combos all over again, except for only one extra hit. :lol:
Still, damn good stuff.
nub question but…
What’s the point to:
:df: :hk: + EX Scarlet Terror
The one with Izuna Drop has a higher guarantee of coming in. IMO, it’s harder to do the Scarlet Terror one. It’s cool as hell when it comes in but don’t you guys think :df: :hk: + EX Izuna Drop is better?
Just my opinion. Btw, which is stronger?
K so… I taught myself how to do it faster and I’m getting the hang of it. It’s looking really cool too xD I still love the Izuna Drop combo, easier to pull off and quite convenient. However, Scarlet Terror is stronger
Thanks for the awesome guide, the Scarlet combo is quite awesome. I’m so happy I figured out the Izuna Drop one by myself tho xP
EX ST puts you into a better position for Okizeme (imo), since it’s kind of harder to attempt a crossup when the opponent gets up after the Izuna because you’re farther away.
I mostly save up EX for jumpins and poke cancels. I sort of trained myself to always ST after a df.rh hits. That way I don’t waste any meter. Doesn’t do as much damage though.
Well, when I tried it was. I even waited for the HP Bar to re-fill so I can see it clearly.
I think it’s a somewhat fair trade-off. Izuna drop is safer to pull off, while you have to charge quickly for Scarlet. However, Scarlet does a bit more damage.
I tried it again in Training with Attack Data on this time. **Izuna Drop Combo does 250 **while Scarlet Terror Combo does 260
Small diff but it’s still stronger
Yeah, I’m with Sasaki, I’ve conditioned myself to use a non-EX ST after df.RH. Saves EX stock, for comparable damage.
Fuck yeah Vega.
I’m still in the habit of using EX walldive each time; it’s a habit I’m slowly breaking out of though.
I go back to doing this if I’ve been drinking lol.
Wait, I don’t get how it saves EX stock. Plus, it’s only 10 DP higher, big diff lol. I find Izuna to be easier to do, and it also has a higher success rate … Doesn’t that mean it prevents you from wasting EX?
… Wait I’m stupid -______-" I just realized what you guys are talking about. You don’t have to do the actual EX for ST. SMART… LOL. MUST GET USED TO IT NAO D:<
That means I gotta get quicker at charging… ARGH
Sorry for the misunderstanding xD
There is a thread for df.MK but not for df.HK setups and what to do after on hit and on block…
on hit:
df.HK, ex wall dive, izuma drop, easy to do
df.HK, ex Scarlet terror or normal Scarlet terror
debate of what to do, normal Scarlet Terror, Ex Scarlet Terror, Ex Wall dive
Kte03 says Izuna Drop Combo does 250, Scarlet Terror Combo (don’t know if ex or normal) does 260
on block:
df.HK, ub.HP -> this hits them if they are standing and trying to grab
df.HK, grab -> once they are used to block because of ub.HK, grab may be good
df.HK… what more?
What i am asking is options right after i df.HK on block, or on wakeup, because i don’t know why, but lately my enemies grab me just in the df.hk, and the only thing it seems that i can do is to ub.HP… i somehow reduced this mindgame to only 2 posibilities, to grab or to jump.hp, and they have 2 as well, to grab me before i grab them, or to block and tech… and this sucks, i missing something because this can’t be so simple and so “risky” for me.
surprisingly i get thrown a lot
can anyone sumarize what are the best options to mixup on a df.Hk ?
can’t you dfHK, lk ST, EX ST ?
Also, on block, crMK, crMP is good because it can beat grabs and high blocks(to block jHP) and can hit confirm into an ex walldive.
K uh… @ Sasaki and everyone else. I was talking about an EX Scarlet Terror. So, I guess a Normal ST Combo would do less dmg than a EX Izuna Drop Combo. This is just based on common sense… I’ll still have to test it out.
As for DF.HK, I usually just jump away unless I actually catch them with it. It actually is annoying to get grabbed hey :S It’s all about predicting your opponent’s move. If they try to grab, block. If they try to attack, do an EX Izuna or a ST if you’re fast enough (I’m not xP)
But yeah, it’s all about prediction.
As for a separate DF.HK thread… That’s unnecessary. OP already posted it. Well the one with Special Moves anyways