Vega Combos & Glitches

What’s it like having a roll that is fast and does damage?

Damn this is pretty sweet. I’ll be using these for sure.

Hah pretty awesome and easy to combo into. …ironically enough I think Vega’s works better for messing with people (albeit stupidly so) in their wake up.

My new favorite footsie/poke combo (without jumping in) is,

  1. When blocked, the crouching mk has a deceptive recovery time that makes opponents want to do something as soon as they see the leg retract…this is when you smack them with a xx RCF (or wall dive or whatever). The comes out quick, so you’ll beat most attacks.

  2. I find the, link easier to do than other links.

The standard warning applies: do not attempt on SRK-happy shotos or Sagats or lariat-abusing Giefs.

This link, along with st.hp, and cr.lp, are important to practice.

Always wondered why the fuck people were using it so often. And more importantly why the fuck people were falling for it. Thought it was some crazy SF4 shit.
Learning the hard way,huh,guys? :sweat:

^^^ It’s not bad to do after a string like, cr jab jab strong. It forces your opponent to block in one direction, then quickly block in another direction. So, while it’s still a gimmick, it’s not bad to use every once in a while. But, I agree, meaty EX SHC is :tdown:

I don’t know but recently I find it hasn’t even been that useful against fireballs anymore. Especially at fullscreen. Any ryu that doesn’t get predictable is pretty safe from it.

EX-Claw Roll just MIGHT have an use. Just maybe.

Then again, fuck that. That shit is so slow he could probably recover and nail you with a fierce shoryuken. You to psychic it to be useful, and it’s still in his overall advantage to throw a fireball at Vega.

Some people still shoot fireballs @ Vega even if he has Ultra. They either make him lose charge (do jump-ins + crossups) or bait it. His Ultra has a lame notation which makes it hard/impractical for punishing.

Yeah you’re right, I’d rather take my chances with EX SHC or focus absorb than to use the EX “look at me, I’m tucking and rolling son, look at my tuck, look at me while I roll at you slowly” roll that’ll get my ass kicked for trying to do.

On the other point, there have been quite a few times in the past where I’d be charging like usual and hear someone shout their damn fireball and I just input the ultra command while it’s still in their hands or right after it leaves.

I do it often against an associate of mine who uses Sagat and the last time he’s like “you got lucky” and I’m like “your arms were still out, I timed it so you got the roses”. Now that I’m back on a stick I get to work on my Vega hardcore so yay, purging all weak Claw gimmick traits now.

I can’t seem to cancel into a Rolling Crystal Flash at all.

I’m trying to do j:hk: :mk: xx :lp:RCF

  • it’s either blocked every time, or just nothing happens. :expressionless:

– I start charging midair during the :hk:, but I seem to always release at the wrong time.

Can anyone make a video explaining Vega’s FADC -> Ultra in detail? It’s killing me :crybaby:

Neo Russell made one a while ago with some pretty awesome Vega technology in it, here:

The problem I tend to have with this link is that it pushes the opponent pretty far away. I’ve had a lot of EX Walldive whiffs after, and if that’s missing, I don’t dare use RCF or whatever.

I mean, it’s still useful as a poke, and I’m working on incorporating it a bit more, but you need to be careful with combos from that link unless you’re right up close.

Wait, do you actually have to get hit with a fireball to do this?!

I believe you can only hit a handful of people with the EX FBA after a>

I think it’s only Fagat, Gief, Rufus (big maybe) , and Cammy. Cammy has a weird hit box that makes her 7 feet tall lol

In this video says:
"No claw -> defense lower"
and ken does 2 lp hk, but i see the health bar and it is exactly the same… i placed my mouse to mark the health bar spot, and it’s the same with or without claw

"No mask -> offense increase"
this is true.

Nah, not having a mask definitely lowers stamina. You take super increased damage without that thing

As for the video…that is quite curious that it does the same damage. But if he got hit with a special, than you would have been able to see the difference

That part was wrong in the video and I thought it was corrected. The reality of it is that if you lose the claw then you take a damage, range, and priority decrease on all punch based attacks until you get it back. If you lose the mask either by it being knocked off or you wasting 2 EX bars (we don’t haves no super!!) to throw it, you take a 25% stam hit. And you ONLY get the attack bonus if you choose to throw the mask off and it’s only for the next attack after you’ve thrown the mask off.

The only use I’ve found for Claw throw is to see if I’ve got some space and to throw it off and instantly grab it back as Bebop brought to light a while ago. It resets the hit counter, but may be extremely dangerous to do depending on the situation. So most of the time I just wait for someone to be a dumbass and start trying to hover over my claw if I lose it, then I get to do all kinds of stuff to them since they’re so focused on keeping me from the claw and at that point I really don’t care if I have it or not. Probably won’t work on decent to good players but still.

Right, I don’t use an EX FBA with this combo; I use lp RCF.
You’re right: an EX FBA is often the better move cancelled from I use RCF way too much.

Me too. I almost don’t use any meter at all in my matches.