cr. LK to LK ST to EX ST works, but this doesn’t work cr. MK
Jup, -> light ST whiffs.
How do you execucte df. rh to Scarlet terror? I can pull off df. rh to an ex drop but ST wont work.
After you input down forward roundhouse immediately go to the down back position and press forward + K right as they’re about to hit the ground.
The timing is a little tricky at first, it looks as if it won’t connect, but it will. Just give it some practice and you’ll get it eventually.
This isn’t a combo really but I’m surprised how much it lands.
DF+HK - Cr. MP - DF+HK - Cr. MP - EX Barcelona
At the time the second DF+HK comes out they are able to block, but a lot of people don’t for some reason. Maybe they think they are caught in some inescapable move since it kinda of looks like it, or maybe they are trying to counter attack at the time. Either way it’s great damage if you can get the whole thing out.
what do you guys think about jHP, clHPxxHP RCF ?
Not as much damage as the rest, but it’s good chip and safe if the opponent blocks that jHP.
I like the combo, but I rarely have enough charge for the rcf. Once I work on that, I’m sure I’ll end up using it more often. For now I usually go with jHP, clHP, crMPxx wall dive/ LP RCF.
RCF is not safe when blocked. There’s a 1-frame gap before the final strike where any character with an invincible attack can break out.
crap. thanks for the heads up. I probably would have gone RCF-happy at the tournament tomorrow
Well, it’s safer than j.hp -> -> hk ST
Last time i try it, my jHP was blocked and my opponent throw me before the clHP come out… :rolleyes:
for me df HK ST Focus lvl3… opponent MUST do an armor break and many moves A.break have a big disavantage in frame <.< now df hk ST focus lvl 2 cancel (back) is a very good option for a safe game and very powerfull and useful
another idea, df HK ST focus lvl2-3 cancel ff ultra (right, if you 1p) for avoid A.break and kick ass ^^
bad bad english
Remember though they can walk up and throw you during the FA startup.
That’s a good set up to catch your opponent on guard, but Saint is right. If you throw it out a lot, they’ll just grab you out of it… in fact, it can happen even in the first try, since that’s usually my first instinct when I see a long FA charging.
so nothing new in the vega world?
Took the day off yesterday.
Nice avatar!
gotta represent. :tup:
Not really a combo but a nice setup for the super. HP RCF an opponent in the corner. On the final hit or one of the rolls input the super command. If they are close enough to the corner or in the corner they usually try to crouch attack you and are too close to avoid the super.
And a note for the BHC after FA would be that it can pick them up off the ground. So even if they already hit the floor, BHC still connects.
DF MK has good range and little hit stun, allowing u to grab right after. same properties as if u did a LK or LP into a grab
I am trying to figure out some more useful combination, like is it possible to BHC from the DF HK? If you have enough time to charge a ST, you should have enough time to charge an ultra, the question is, will it hit? Sorry if it’s already been tried, just throwing an idea out there I havnt gotten to try yet. if it works ill try to post a video.
anyone tried that?
I don’t think it works, simple because of the fact that Vega is too slow on the way to the wall. What COULD work though is trying the combo in the corner.
Yeah, It also seems isn’t too bad for j.hp setups.