Vega Basics, Set-ups, and Tactics (with Hitbox!)

You need to hold straight back while you’re in the air jumping-in with hp, then follow with cl. hp (while still holding back) after the first hit connects you immediately press forward + mp or ppp.

I know that most of my problems with this combo was that I used to charge the RCF way too late in the jump-in, you need to start charging it up early when you’re ready to jump-in with hp, while you’re in the air even before the hp lands…

yeah i do it in a single motion… like i’m trying to do gief’s spd… i start at forward and do a circle motion till i get to back.

Okay, this is what I did to learn the timing of it. For the combo, j.HP, cl.HP xx HP RCF, there’s a “rhythm” from j.HP to the cl.HP
You want to follow the same exact timing of the rhythm when pressing the HP for the roll. And for the forward motion, you want it at downback at ALL times, until you’re ready to press that last HP for the roll, and you want to move the stick to forward as soon as you press HP, MAYBE one of two frames earlier, if you like.So that forward will be pressed in sync with the last HP, and for the last HP, follow the same rhythm as going from j.HP to cl.HP button presses. Once you have that timing down, you can work on removing the j.HP

Zounds! And hands too.

Hey, while we’re on the subject of rolling crystal flash , if you guys have 3 meters you should seriously consider after focus crumples learning how to combo into close fierce, EX RCF and c. mp EX FBA. The damage there is 350 (i think, that might have just been off a raw close fierce when i was testing it) as opposed to the ~290 of the Close feirce c. mp EX FBA combo. either way it does more damage and it’s something to keep in mind.

rizhall is right when he talks about rythym. If you know the timing of your moves you basically just count out a 4-4 rythym and let the charge go on the 4. you have to charge for a second so just divide a second into four beats like boom boom boom boom. If you know the timing on your normals / the hitstun period you can do a move before the fourth beat and cancel just as you get to fourth beat. Comboing the EX RCF off of the fierce after focus is pretty tricky but this trick helps a lot. Just keep your composure, it’s easy if you’re calm about it. Panic and you get a close fierce with no charge which leavse you with some mediocre combos, and do it too late and you’ll reset the opponent into a cross up EX RCF lol. just one hit of the roll hits them on the other side. if you know this is gonna happen and you have a LOT of meter to burn against an opponent while you’re REALLY feeling yourself, you could mess around there lol. but only if you’re really ballsy.

the reason i say 3 meters if because if you only have 2 you should just go for close fierce c. mp EX FBA. it’s better to hold on to your meters for mixups with cross up EX FBA if you’ve got an opponent on the ropes or generally holding on to meter for fireball invulnerability and EX FBA escapes / focus breaking.

EDIT: Also did you guys know Ken is -4 on block after a blocked low forward??? That’s INSANE i had no idea… every once in while when you’re combing through frame data you see something like that and you’re like … OH MY GOD how did i not know this

Also, Yesterday in a search to find a way to deal with viper I found out that since viper’s hitbox on burn kick is just a projectile hitbox you can easily snipe her with ultra 1 for severe damage. Wayyyyy easier doing this than using ultra 2 to do it. Not to mention the fact that as far as a ground game is concerned, ultra 2 isn’t very useful since c. viper is only threatening when she’s spamming BK. it’s the tool you desperately need to turn the tide in the matchup once you get ultra.

Other ppl may have known that, but not me.

What i want to find out and didn’t test yesterday is if she does a EX Siesmo and cancels into another one whether you can just ultra off the wall behind you for guaranteed punish. She’s -2 after a blocked EX seismo so if she just DOES one no big deal but how often do you see a viper hold back like that? If you can get her to hesitate, that’s huge. that’s how vega operates in shitty matches like these

That combo’s something I’ve been doing too, after crumple. I absolutely love it, it’s one of Vega’s solid damage options, imo. Do you know if it’s better to start with a FA lv3 or a j.HP after a dizzy? I’ll probably test it later for damage, but yeah. :tup:

Also, flame kick is projectile? That would mean we could potentially autocorrect EX ST it on wakeup. EX RCF may work, but that’d probably just reset her. Boo

Just had to pop in after seeing the ST hitboxes. EX.ST’s hitbox isn’t so bad…It explains a lot. And the hitboxes on Non-EX explain a lot as to where you need to be aiming to hit them out of the air for juggle (and the first thing that came to mind to remember that was cockslapping them x_x The hell is wrong with my head).

For fuck sake, Pai… XD

the only reason i’d use 2 meters on any combo is if it kills. I just dont see the justification on 60 extra damage for 1 meter. i actually calculated this before release. it was a dumb buff then and it’s still a dumb buff now. I’m not saying your idea is dumb cause it’s not. But the harder the opponent the more valuable the meter is from what i’ve experienced.

Then again I usually don’t spend meter at all except on 1 of 4 things: to kill, to troll with super, for EX FBA, and to go thru fireballs. Even if i get a free jump in from a dizzy my bnb is jHP, HP, HK on all the characters it works against. So maybe i’m just not using enough meter. I dunno. I’m conservative by nature.

she’s in heat.

Even if you have only one meter it’s always best to go for the untechable knockdown, the setups after an EX FBA knockdown > anything else you can do.

If you have two, stick with the one meter version. if you’re on offense you can generate decent meter with vega. RCF helps a LOT because it’s sort of transitional, it’s really useful to help build meter, and also corner opponents in the event you want to start mixing up with izunas with no meter after an EX FBA knockdown.

If you have three i suggest that combo (but only hit confirm into it in some scenarios) because a little more damage is really useful in general.

it does stupid damage with your mask off too. I guess that’d do 380? Found out Vega’s most damaging combo without his mask and it was something like 520 for 3 meters

I don’t understand…what is vega’s most damaging combo?..520?..that’s insane…also…can someone tell me how much damage ex-rcf-flevel2 focus attack-ultra 2 does?..they said in another thread it is possible but I guess can’t do it…just like I never coul. do CH>U2…

Sorry, but the bright light that acualy did that combo in the training room, just forgot to set the dummy to “auto block”. So no combo for you!

yup naked it would be (I say would because that is assuming it is possible which I still doubt until I see a video of it)

EX.RCF 170 scaled 100% >> 170
level2 focus scaled double so 80% >> 64
assuming fully charged ultra II 450 scaled double so 60% >> 270

that would be 504 damge, stun is 300, meter is -750.

Pretty costly, but say you just connected under a fireball and that it can be done, and trhat you can do it…well you could pretty much land something like a 400.

Rizhall, you’re the man. I don’t have it down with 100% consistency, but I will be there soon. Your video and rhythmic-based way of explaining it hit the nail right on the head. And despite the sort of rough start you and I had, I’m glad I took your advice because now I feel my Vega is almost complete. Just gotta get those cr.lp links and kara throws down consistently and I’ll be good. Thanks again.

I’ve been lurking only this whole time, but I just had to post this after reading it (pretty sure this can go into basic info):

Names of Vega’s normals

Close standing normals
LP - Snap Claw
MP - Jack Claw
HP - Killing Claw
LK - Feather Flick
MK - Scorpion Tail
HK - Galaxy Stream

Far standing normals
LP - Razor Claw
MP - Slash Claw
HP - Buster Claw
LK - Masquerade Step
MK - Poison Needle
HK - Galaxy Stream

Crouching normals
LP - Falcon Claw
MP - Condor Claw
HP - Sabre Claw
LK - Killer Needle
MK - Dragon Whip
HK - Round Slider

Neutral jumping normals
LP - Stick Claw
MP - Killer Claw
HP - Back Hand Claw
LK - Mars Knee
MK - Flying Needle
HK - Bloody Moonsault

Diagonal jumping normals
LP - Stick Claw
MP - Flying Claw
HP - Power Claw
LK - Shining Star
MK - Windy Liner
HK - Rose Needle

I apologize in advance in case nobody needed this.

Thanks, still more useful than any of rugal’s posts :tup:

the closest thing to this you could ever do was back in vanilla.

LP version RCF (Last hit only) on counterhit into level 2 FA (you needed the counterhit to have enough time to crumple) into U1

but that’s gone now

(last checked this back in super… going to recheck it in AE now)

Edit: ok i clearly remember spending like 2 hours trying to do this and it never came out and now i get it on both the first and second trys…

anyway it wasnt removed:

combo into U1 or U2 447 dmg 245 stun

same damage and stun in both super and AE

who the hell came up with these names?

cl.MK is called Scorpion Tail? … I’ll just keep calling it floof kick~

Hey, I don’t hate anyone. I just get salty easily XD Some posts make me mad, but I never hate the person behind them, so don’t take it personally, because I’ll probably still get salty at a lot of posts. Doesn’t mean I hate whoever wrote it, and am still willing to help that person.

Lol, stop being so damn modest! I clearly acted like an immature lop in our little back and forth, nothing to do with your saltiness. Hopefully, I can one day contribute something that adds to your game, because I seriously could NOT get the timing down on that thing until I saw your video.

Just don’t get surprised if I do get salty in the future =P It’s prone to happen! East coast, son! Home of the world’s largest salt deposits!