Well, the hitboxes look crappy but ST gets the job done. it’s a situational anti-air among all of vega’s other situational anti-airs. It just does the most damage.
As for the EX ST, that’s what i thought it would be like. straight from the ground, up. that’s why you can beat some stuff that you otherwise would think impossible - as long as the frame data checks out, EX ST will still beat a lot of moves clean.
All 4 versions need some serious detailing done. Although EX looks a lot better than I thought, all 4 are disasters as AA. ST was cleary meant for combo follow up and not AA, this proves it.
Thank you for these.
i don’t mean to be picky but the information is very partial here.
L.St is 10 active frames
M.St and H.ST are 2 x 5 active frame hits with juggle pursuit
can’t tell EX.ST from teh top of my head
on those snaps we only see one. my feeling is that the crapiness reduces with the ongoing of the move ST is a terrible last minute antiair, it obvioulsy doesn’t beat meaty jumps in, but our other antiair beat them clean, stardust drop is great damage, but i always felt ST was pretty meaty and stuffed a lot of things landing on it.
the problem of St is that it doubles what other moves do, and fail where other moves fails, it is just more damage in for good reading, and more punish for bad reading. without proper reading ST is a terrible defensive move.
There is no other information on this, so “we” need to take what we can get.
ST is so terrible as reversal/aa I don’t think the hitboxes change on any active frame, other than matching the position on his model. And as far as I can tell, the guide gives more pictures on moves with major hitbox changes during its animation.
And you can like my post with the pictures as thanking me What does this anyway?
ST is throwable at least it was in vanilla, EX.ST might not be. ST is difficult to throw because you are airborne starting frame 2 but frame one is throwable ( and of course the execution completion frame before but in a reversal it happens during blockstun or knockdown), a tick or meaty tick throw will work for example on a reversal ST, a one frame too late throw doesn’t. I have never been grabbed out of a reversal EX .ST though and never managed to grab someone doing reversal EX.ST. Still it doesn’t mean it cannot happen. have to test it out in AE.
What are some good setups after resetting with CH > st. HK, usually I do CH > ST but on rare occasions I’ll do CH > st. HK, so what are some good follow ups after this reset?
Hey man, some of us fail at ST and do the reset by accident!!
(I kid I kid =P)
Scarlet Rab, if you’re having the same problem I had with canceling cl.HP into RCF, you’re probably trying to do the special too early. The timing for me, I just press the buttons JUST before the second hit of the HP would hit, and that usually does it for me. If it’s not coming out for you, just try to do it a little later and later, until you get it.
Ok, but how about the forward motion? I’ve always felt my problem with this cancel is the forward motion of RCF, not the timing of when to hit the punch button. At what point of the cl.hp animation do I input the forward motion of RCF? But I’m going to act upon every piece of I get on this cancel, and it’s always welcome.
try forward + punch button instead of forward then punch button. Simultaneously not sequentially.
you input it in between the 2 claw slashes. After the first one before the second one. If you need the timing work on FADC-ing the clost HP. It’s the same timing as when the FADC actually comes out