Option Select
Option Selects mostly abuses the “Hit freeze”. If you touch your opponent with an attack (no matter if hit or block) the game “freezes” for a few frames. In this period your input will not do anything and get “eaten up” by the game. Options Selects are puting inputs in this window, resulting that nothing extra happens when you touch your opponent, but if you input a move during that exact time and you do not touch your opponent, this move will come out.
Throw Tech after CH
When you input a throw on the last recovery frames of the CH, you’re getting an option select. When your opponent goes for a throw, you will tech automatically, otherwise you can just block.
cr.lp (df.hk or cr.hk), cr.lp/cr.mp
This is an intermediate-skill option select that will pressure backdashes and move you forward when you are attacking with cr.lp and wiff. The trick is to do the cr.lp > cr.lp/mp link and squeeze a df.hk or cr.hk input inbetween the link at the right spot (about in the middle).
If the first cr.lp is blocked, the next cr.lp will come out and you can go for a kara throw afterwords
If the first cr.lp hits, the next cr.lp should hit and you can react to follow up with cr.mp into ex-fba
If the first cr.lp wiffs, your choice of df.hk (shorter recovery) or cr.hk (faster startup) will come out and catch some backdashes or avoid something like an ex-headstomp.
cr.lp into cr.mp alone (and even just a cl.hp) might automatically catch backdashing, but being able to attempt a knockdown or juggle OS can be situationally valuable. It also forces the opponent to deal more directly with basic throw/bait pressure. I’ve known about all of this for a while but didn’t want to talk about it before I could actually start using it.
cr.lp (df.hk), cr.lp/cr.mp more in-depth (Thanks to Meteo2
Option Select: meaty cr.LP OS with perfect df.HK (Cosmic Heel)
Ok, so you know the option select where if your cr.LP wiffs then a df.HK comes out? Often it seems pretty choppy and hard if not impossible to make work, so many of us have chosen to just use cr.LP OS’d with cr.HK instead since its always pretty reliable. However, wouldn’t you rather punish that backdash with a big, sexy, df.HK into much bigger damage? Well I wanted to push the limits of this OS and see if you did a perfect meaty cr.LP (hitting only on the second attack frame) from point blank and OSing the df.HK on the first frame possible, who it would catch…
“Meaty Test” shows if my cr.LP to cr.HP combo worked as part of my OS, or if the setup was too early or too late compared to the rest of the cast (therefore ruining the setup’s certainty). The Backdash column shows if the opponent’s wakeup-backdash was hit by the OS df.HK in the corner at point blank and in the open at mid-screen. Any time the df.HK was blocked post-backdash in the open, it was near the tip and not punishable by 3-frame moves (although there may still may have been frame disadvantage).
To make sure my cr.LP was meaty, with the OS I used the combo cr.LP into cr.HP which only works (besides on counterhit) as a meaty. By looking at the frame data I figured a meaty cr.LP’s recovery upon the opponent’s wakeup was 1+8 plus the startup of df.HK (+14) should be able to catch at best any backdash that lasted 23 frames or longer. I tried several times until I started catching 23-frame backdashes! 23 frames is the best this setup can do, and for every frame your opponent’s backdash is longer, this setup becomes that much more easy (won’t require a meaty or perfect df.HK).
Surprisingly, this test blew away some of my previous notions about various character’s wakeup times. I set up my OS with a point-blank cr.HK, and I’ve noted the characters that seemed to wake up at times unlike the rest. Because none of those chars had an exact 23-frame backdash, I can not be sure if I have attained a perfect df.HK on them - but I marked what I suspected was the case.
Here is a list of all characters’ backdash duration in AE. Any character with a dash 22 Frames or faster cannot be hit by this setup, unless you use the faster-recovery far.st.LK instead of cr.LP (which gives you one extra frame of df.HK speed). For every frame after 22/23 that an opponent’s backdash lasts, that is an extra frame of leniency where you don’t have to be perfect on all aspects of the OS. Note that cr.MK is only frame frame slower than cr.LP in recovery, and can be used to possibly catch backdashes that last 24+ frames.
cr.lp/lk xx lp.RCF (CH / cr.HK)
cr.lp/lk xx lp.RCF (CH / cr.HK) will only cancel if cr.lp connects if it doesn’t the RCF input will be ingnored and HK will outrpioritise LP giving a slide or a cosmic heel.
on block it is a true block string, it generates very decent meter, on whiff you stuff the backdash. it requires a lot of charge though.
CH --> Scarlet Terror follow ups (quick stand)
When you hit the CH, ST Combo, during the ST, the camera moves away from the ground (& Vega) and focuses on the opponent. This leads to somenice shenanigans.
CH --> Scarlet Terror follow ups
[]Whiff another HK ST and follow up with a cr.mk for a meaty
[]Immediatly charge a focus attack, if our opponent quick stand, you can hit him with a lvl 3 FA.
[]Immediatly slide, this will cross the opponent up and you can hit him with a EX FBA or even a cross EX FBA. Also you can cl.HP to beat throw tech attempts.
[]Delay a slide for a fake cross up, same follow ups as above
[*]After CH, ST, whiff a cr.MK and jump in with a late j.HP. Safe to all reversals > 4 frames (not shoryuken
j.HP Cross-Up
j.HP Cross-Up
So, here is the thing. After an Izuna Drop, dash forward, wait a split of second, then ji.HK. It will cross up Juri and Bison.
I notice that if you choose ji.HP it will cross up on much more as you can see below.
Oh, and it safe jump the big guys like T.Hawk and Rufus without losing your charge, you land on the same side as you jumped. Not a big deal but heh
Well, this post is all messed up because I am testing the stuffs right now, so bear with me with the mess and … Oh, I don’t care, just read if you wanna know the set ups.
Adon: Works with HP. He can’t do shit about it. Reversals whiff. Holding only down will make the HP whiff.
Blanka: Works with HP. His reversals will eat you alive. Neutral stick and only holding down will make the HP whiff.
El Fuerte: Works with HP. Only way to avoid it is doing absolutely nothing on wake up. The HP will whiff, but if he blocks it cross up or his reversals whiff.
Juri: Works with HP and HK. Can only reversal with Super. Pinwheels will whiff. Neutral position still gets hit by the HP/HK. But holding just down make it whiff.
Bison: Works with HP and HK. Holding the stick neutral or just down will make the HP whiff.
Hakan: Works with HP. He has no way to deal with the mighty claw but U2.
Guy: Works with HP. It cross up and his reversals whiff. Holding the stick neutral or just down will make the HP whiff.
Cody: Works with HP. Pretty much anything he tries but blocking will fuck you up.
Zangief: Works with HP. But neutral stick and Lariats will destroy Vega.
Summary: Use it on Hakan like there is no tomorrow when he does not have U2 ready. And use on Adon, Guy, Jury and El Fuerte unless you think that they know the match up to the point of holding only down to avoid a jump in attack… well, they won’t, just use it.
Bison has that nasty teleport, you can try to buffer the charge of EX FBA while you jump and try to get him with that as soon as you land, but I dont know if its worth using the Izuda Drop knockdown to try this, it requires more testing (actually didn’t even tested this EX FBA to catch the teleport, but it must work).
EX FBA Cross-Ups
When your opponent is getting off the ground from a knockdown, you can launch an Ex.FBA that goes past them and hits their back as they get up. If you position and time this right (something hard to do), it crosses them up instantly in a way that is equally hard to defend against. Most of you know about this.
However, I’ve done some testing and even started putting together some data on ways to do it. Small variations in your position and timing can make all the difference in whether a crossup is possible in a given situation. Done right, it is possible to always give yourself a chance cross up every character.
One of the best situations to attempt an instant Ex.FBA crossup is after an Izuna Drop, because the relative character positions are always the same at mid-screen. You can use this starting point to use particular moves that always put you at a particular spacing before the crossup attempt.
You can wait right after the Izuna and then attempt the instant crossup, or you can wiff a move like cr.HK when they are still on the ground to keep your charge while moving closer by a precise amount. The choice you make in setting up your position sometimes matters in regards to whether or not an instant crossup is possible.
Each “frame” in this data represents a precise 1-frame timing after the Izuna Drop in which an instant Ex.FBA crossup might be possible. There doesn’t seem to be any move you can wiff that puts you exactly at the timing you need to launch, so it still requires waiting and timing to the exact instant you need. However, many characters share the exact same timing while others require you to launch an instant sooner or later. This data gives you a particular setup and then shows you what timings cause the attack to crossup, wiff, or get blocked. Frame A represents attacking relatively early and Frame E represents attacking relatively late. Reversals by the opponent tend to always wiff in the wrong direction since Vega is flying past their middle, even when your timing is off by a frame or two.
[Spoiler=Izuna Drop, then no follow up moves before the Ex.FBA]
Izuna Drop, then no follow up moves before the Ex.FBA
Small characters might avoid this setup by blocking low. Such as: Yun, Yang
Setups with more than 1 Frame of opportunity:
Seth (2 Frames)
T.Hawk (2 Frames)
Zangief (2 Frames)
Izuna Drop, then cr.HK to move closer before the Ex.FBA
Setups with more than 1 Frame of opportunity:
Gouken (3 Frames)
Honda (2 Frames)
Juri (2 Frames)
Rose (2 Frames)
Rufus (2 Frames)
Sakura (2 Frames)
T. Hawk (2 Frames)
Zangief (2 Frames)
Izuna Drop, then df.HK (Cosmic Heel) to move closer before the Ex.FBA
[edit] df.HK and Ex.FBA must be back-to-back, so delay the df.HK not the Ex.FBA
Setups with more than 1 Frame of opportunity:
Abel (2 Frames)
Guile (2 Frames)
Seth (2 Frames)
T. Hawk (2 Frames)
Izuna Drop, then HK.ST (HK Scarlet Terror) to move closer before the Ex.FBA
Setups with more than 1 Frame of opportunity:
Double cr.MK
Just found out that Izuna droping Seth, wiff 2 cr.mk, ex fba again is a damn good way to time your cross up.
Didnt tested with gief or hawk, but it has to work.
It needs more testing, but now we have pretty much a set up that will allow to cross up EX FBA on 2/3 of the cast.
Backthrow, cr.MK (TO BE TESTED FOR AE cr.MK?
After backthrow , whiff c.mk and do the EX-FBA. (Does not work if u throw them in or from the corner, due to spacing reasons!)
Like all cross up EX-FBA set ups the timing is not very easy, but after practicing (especially the time when u can do the c.mk, wich is sooner than it seems) it is actually quite reliable against the characters it works against and it has more chance to be late than early in my experience, wich is more desirable because whiffing (being early) is never a succes and it being late might catch someone who was actually blocking cross up.
You can use c.lp and c.lk too if it gets you the timing right more often, but c.mk fits it more perfectly IMO. c.mp seems to be too slow.
On to the character list!:
Works on:
Dee Jay
Fei Long
Whiffs on:
The rest
Most characters (like the shoto’s etc) that are not on the list will get hit cross up if they block standing, but that makes it useless IMO so i did not bother to test that exactly
Forward Throw
Cross setup after forward throw.After you throw the opponent hold down,as soon as vega takes his neutral crouching stance
execute ex-FBA.It will crossup 23/39 members of the cast.
Doesn’t work due to hitbox reasons(most of them make FBA whiff if they wake up crouching) on:
Fuerte,Blanka,Adon,Yun,Juri,Chun li,Cody,Guy,Yang,Makoto,Ibuki,Honda(i was really hoping that it would work on this bastard)
Due to later wake up timing it misses against Sagat,Dhalsim,Vega,Hakan. Could be possible on these 4 though with a slight delay
at the execution of ex-FBA.
Cross-Up U1
2nd Hit Cross-Up
Works on the first frame after a mid-screen forward grab on all characters except:
Blanka (works if you delay by 1 frame)
Sagat (works if you delay by 1 frame)
Claw (works if you delay by 1 frame)
Corpse Hop Shenanigans
Vegas Corpse Hop is when you jump over a downed enemy with CH or PoM. A perfect setup for this is after an Izuna Drop, dash forward and CH.
Corpse Hop Shenanigans
After corpse hop (thanks to Tiger Claw for listing most of them)
[]tick throw
[]cr.LK xx EX FBA
[]cr.MK, cr.MP xx EX FBA (hit-confirm and beats throw (techs))
[]back dash then CH
[]back flip for baiting reversals
[]jump back fierce.
[]cl.HP BNB
Piece of Mercury Follow-Ups
Assuming PoM was hitting the opponent on the first active frame, we have 0 frame advantage on hit and -4 on block. Therefore the safest option is always blocking afterwards and you need good reflexes to see if it hit before you go for something afterwards!
Piece of Mercury Follow-Ups
After corpse hop (thanks to Tiger Claw for listing most of them)
[]cr.LK xx EX FBA
Info to generate setups yourself
How many frames faster does Vega recover after these knockdowns?
Forward Throw: 25 frames to move before your opponent
Back Throw: 36 frames faster
Izuna Drop: 59 frames faster
Scarlet Terror: variable
cr.HK: variable
How long do your wiffed positioning moves last?
forward.dash takes up 20 frames total
df.HK takes up 32 frames total
df.MK takes up 35 frames total
cr.HK takes up 37 frames total
Scarlet Terror (any) takes up 39 frames
forward.jump takes up 43 frames
LP.RCF takes up 50 frames
How fast do some common attacks start up in?
f/b.throw grabs on frame 3 (2 attack frames)
kara.f/b.throw grabs on frame 4 (2 attack frames)
cr.LP and cr.MP hit on frame 4 (2 attack frames)
st.HK hits on frame 4 (2 then immediately another 2 for the second part)
st.far.LK hits on frame 5 (2 attack frames)
cr.MK hits on frame 6 (3 attack frames)
st.close.HP hits on frame 9 (3, then another 3 after 7 non-attack frames)
LP.RCF hits on frame 9 (9, then another 4 after 7 non-attack frames)
EX.FBA hits on frame 9 (lasts until wall)
jumpback.HP hits on frame 10 (hits on frame 5 if already airborn)
df.HK hits on frame 14 (5 attack frames)
df.MK hits on frame 20 (3 attack frames)
Sheet for character-specific Stuff
Sheet for character-specific Stuff