USFIV Update Patch Notes (v1.03 > v1.04)

Supposedly for Akuma his fireball (ground) is “1f faster.”

Possibly to assist conversion for xx ball poking?

That is his only mentioned change. Interesting.

Makes sense I think…

L/M/H/EX Gohadouken changed from 14f to 13f start up.

Crouching medium kick is 13 frames recovery.

Are there any other thoughts about this change? It’s intriguing.

So his fireball now starts up as fast as ryus and has less recovery. Interesting

Are they going to fix the netcode on pc too or…? fireball a true string now?

It won’t be a true string from poke range but this will at least solve the issue of the damn thing not comboing.

Though this might mess with the far.Hp firelball sweep combo.

Should now combo from and c.lp from point blank as well.
This will help out a LOT in the footsie game. Typical example of where 1f can have a great impact. Does our also have the same hitstun as ryu’s?

The thing is it will change the spacing as well. If the total fireball time is the same then it may change how you play certain match ups. For instance Hugo might be harder to zone.

I was happy to see these changes for Yun:
-Light shoulder, stun is now 100 from 200, super meter gain reduced 20 from 30 on whiff, 30 from 60 on hit, 15 from 30 on block
-EX lunge punch, frame advantage now -1 on block from +1

Not sure how much it’ll change the matchup but I’ll take it. I always thought he was a bit overpowered.

I’m also pleased with the evil ryu life nerf.

with the new patch, if you hit you can pretty much always link a fireball.

in my opinion this is pretty good buff…

definitely a good buff. Cr mp cr mp cr mk hado connect like… every time.
And as someone said here, every light can now combo into hado. Even pretty far cr LK cr LP cr LK Hado.

edit : ok i was kind of excited… cr mp cr mp cr mk hado does not connect every time at all… sorry :smiley:

Max range still won’t combo but this will make it so you don’t have to be point blank for it to combo.

Though keep in mind there are negatives to this as well. Frame advantage on block will be worse and you may have to play a closer range fireball game.

It looks like they fixed Poison’s hitbox. We can now land crossup mk,, cr.lp, xx tatsu on her.

Huh, interesting. He officially has a better ground projectile than Ryu. Seems like worthy compensation in exchange for the nerfed oki. Looks like I’ll have to play the character again after a really extended absence.

what do you mean, frame advantage on block will be worse?
isn’t it the same?

Fireball hits sooner so if total time is the same you are now an additional -1 on all fireballs. If the total time is cut by a frame then frame advantage is the same.

We have to see how they made it a frame faster

I tested it, it’s still-4 on block point blank ( xx FB).
couldn’t reversal punish with Akuma’s hk tatsu or seth’s dp (both 5f).

Pretty good buff so far. Still not a super reliable way into rh as perfect legend makes it out to be but its nice knowing you can convert from a mediumxx fireball without having to hold your breath.

Well if its the case then the fireball is just better overall. He may have the best non ex fireball of all the shotos

Yeah, FADC into is still unreliable and certainly not a go-to option. That dude’s video massively overstated its feasibility. He does make a good point in that its a little more usable when confirmed into on crouching opponents, but its still far from something I’d pour two stocks of meter into hoping to have connect. There’s some reliable character specific combos using it as before however.

The general utility of Akuma’s new fireball is awesome though. Loving it so far.

Omega sucks by the way, haha.