USF4 Akuma match up thread

I tend to use U2 more just because U1 has lost one of its main uses.

Any matchups you guys feel got better or worse based on 1.04? Include ratios if possible.

If I had to guess, I’d say 'Gief might be back in Akuma’s favor (6:4), since apparently he can’t punish sweep anymore unless it’s point-blank. Plus Akuma’s fireball buff making combos from c. MK have a lot more range.

Figure Yun’s about as it was in AE 2012. Still bad, but not whitest flames of hell bad. Actually winnable again. (So 4:6)

Not so sure about Chun, though again the extra c. MK -> fireball combo range certainly helps I’d imagine. Chun actually has to mind that poke now.

Not sure about Ryu, either. Both their fireball games got great, albeit different, buffs. So how those respective buffs play out in that matchup … guess we’ll leave that to Loyal. :slight_smile:

I’m haven’t big a big poster on Shoryuken or any sites over the years as I like to figure out match ups on my own to a certain degree so I don’t just become the standard Akuma player but the best player in my scene right now plays Makoto and I am having a really hard time in the match up. Do you guys counter pick against her because I feel like I really have to outplay her a lot to win because If I get hit by anything stun is coming soon. I would also like to thank Loyal Sol, Moody Steve and Volcanic Akuma for all their insight over the last 5 years. I have a couple questions to start off if you have any references they would be greatly appreciated.
Should I be fishing for cr lk into lk tatsu to catch her dashes? What range do you guys play on her wakeup? What setups do you guys use? Fireballs aren’t great against her and throwing out stand roundhouse is good but I feel like I am just guessing hoping he will dash into one. I will read the rest of the posts on here to see if you have already talked about this topic but I feel that too often it becomes a bare knuckled brawl were I am going to be on the losing end more often than not.
Thanks in advance for any feedback :).

As long as your buffering the ups during recovery and inputing the ultra after he jumps I don’t see a problem with it. I feel like Akuma’s ultras can often not be used at all in higher level matches so if you can catch a balrog jumping in or trying to ex rush or dash punch I definitely would do it wouldn’t you guys agree?

Well the problem with anti air U2 on reaction is well… missing it completely. It’s itself a slow ass move + the normal to buffer + your own reaction time. There’s not much spare frames. The opponent isn’t gona stay flying forever. If you commit it before the guy reach apex, you have your chance. That’s already a pretty damn good reaction time in a match imho. But I might just be a poor reactions player. Usually for a SRK on reaction to jump in you achieve the 3 framer before opponent starts to fall down ?

Props for those that can do it at will though. But for me, it’s not reliable enough. On a read why not, if I already sit on a lead and the guy is clearly not up there level wise.
I prefer working my raw xx U2 anti air, anti dash punches, footsy poke, as well as the other confirm punishes to U2. Just my point of view.

Yeah I feel you its one of those situations in my head where you throw the hadoken and buffer the ups just in case they jump if they don’t continue as normal if not hit em with that ultra and get a set up off of it. Online I wouldn’t do it but in person I am going to look for that against big characters especially Balrog because his Jabs are hard to frame trap and I need any hit I can get.
What’s your game plan against Makoto Shabrout? Maybe I am looking at it all wrong. The guy I am playing is pretty good at playing agressively and making hard reads that lead to crazy damage.

I prefer having U2 in the pocket for OSes against Boxer.

I never fought a good Makoto and always had online experience at it anyway.
I usually go for a clean safe game, zone, watch for gimmicks, and work the life lead or pressure her wake up.
As far as I remember, the one I found online get quickly pissed of eating balls and go nuts, then die for it.

The best approach would be to watch your recorded matches, point the weaknesses and work them hard.

Yeah we should start recording our tournament matches.

I use u2 because… reasons.

Oh man, that was delicious.

If only I could get the damn gif to embed… But thats one of my favorite frame traps. Getting over the execution barrier was more than worth it.

That’s brutally hard but is definitely exciting when you get it down though good stuff.

Check out my guide. Should help some if you’re interested.

I just cant do it. Back in AE and AE 2012 I was quite proficient at cancelling a cl.hp into U2. I cant even do it anymore. Idk what happened haha

Practice. Trust me even with the short cut its not that easy. I will say though learning it is a huge plus. Nothing beats throwing with a U2 buffered behind it.

I was on my way to learning this stuff, but then I saw Tokido got his stick moded with an extra up button to make this stuff easier and I lost interest. I’ll mess with it when I get back from the break, but I would be more excited about it if it was relevant more often.

Stance animations to block and properly punish Jab Hands from Decapre at certain unsafe ranges with reversal special moves:

Crouch block all string of hits from Jab Hands.
Jab/Fierce/EX DP will work.
Punish examples:

Jab DP
Fierce DP

1 Bar

2 Bars
Fierce DP (on 1st hit) xx FADC, Cl.St.Strong xx Teleport xx Ultra 2
Fierce DP (on 1st hit) xx FADC, Cl.St.Strong xx Short Tatsu, (Jab DP)/(Fierce DP)

3 Bars
Fierce DP (on 1st hit) xx FADC, Cl.St.Strong xx Short Tatsu, EX DP
Fierce DP (on 1st hit) xx FADC, Cl.St.Strong xx EX Tatsu

4 Bars
Fierce DP (on 1st hit) xx FADC, Cl.St.Strong xx Hadouken xx FADC, (walk-up slightly) Cr.Strong, Cl.St.Fierce xx Short Tatsu, Fierce DP
Fierce DP (on 1st hit) xx FADC, Cl.St.Strong xx Hadouken xx FADC, Cr.Strong, Cl.St.Forward xx Short Tatsu, Fierce DP
Fierce DP (on 1st hit) xx FADC, Cl.St.Strong xx Hadouken xx FADC, (walk-up slightly) Cr.Strong, Cl.St.Fierce xx Teleport xx Ultra 2
Fierce DP (on 1st hit) xx FADC, Cl.St.Strong xx Hadouken xx FADC, Cr.Strong, Cl.St.Forward xx Teleport xx Ultra 2

I’ve found that lp dp is the safest to use on her rapid daggers. The first hit usually wiffs unless she’s right in your face. I never tried to dp fadc punish, sounds like it might have some potential. You can also punish with super, might be a better use of meter over fadc combos, less room for error at least. I think her ex is the only version that can’t be punished.

What do you guys do on makoto’s wake up now that her punch beats out all jumping options.