Use the f*cking roundtrip glitch

here’s the match between Padtrick and Wentinel at Aftershock. its from awhile ago but its the best example of the glitch being used in a real match that i’ve seen. the match starts at 4:08, and at around 6:22 Padtrick uses the glitch to do about 4 reps of roundtrip blockstrings to chip Wesker out from like 50% health. pretty insane.

the easiest normals for me are st.H and Stinger, and i find that if you release EARLIER than you think you should you get it more often, and make sure you re-hold the button as fast as possible. i play on a pad and have L assigned to R2 so i can futz around with buttons easily while holding RT and it works great i basically twitch my index finger right after i hit circle. you should be calling an assist as you release to cover the startup time. its not a huge deal if you dont maintain the charge because you begin charging the next one immediately anyway so as long as you delay your offense a bit the next one should be charged for your next blockstring. theres really no reason to not go for it everytime you release roundtrip after any normal whether you’re in a combo or not.

is there a way to utilize the RT glitch without assists? I play Vergil as my anchor, so I don’t usually have that luxury

Typically you aren’t going to want to waste your time RT Glitching in XF3 ( unless your opponent has no X-Factor, you have a lot of meter, and you just want to chip them out on their last character and not have to deal with getting an honest hit )<br><br>Technically, theres a gap between Stinger XX Round Trip when your opponent can punish, but most people are going to pushblock stinger or try to jump out of your setup rather than watch for the punish, but that just depends if you wanna risk the dice roll on if your opponent knows/can execute the proper punish. <br><br>Of course thats just without X-Factor, perhaps in XF3 its not punishable at all. <br><br>Its also used in his max damage BnBs in certain confirms if you want to learn it for that purpose. <br>

if st.H and stinger connect at or near their max range before you release its real hard to punish without something extremely fast (several supers will roast you though). and like TenguEgg said more often than not your opponent will want to pushblock you the hell off of them, which makes it almost impossible to punish with anything OTHER than supers. if you have spiral swords up you should be totally fine if they don’t pushblock. this makes Rapid Slash->Spiral Swords->RT glitch a real easy and safe setup for chip damage. another thing is if you know your opponent is capable of punishing you could try releasing the Round Trip after different normals like st.M or upper slash to try to throw them off.

Do u need both assists available to keep longer block strings? or will your first assist be available in order to continue the block string? I’d like to do this with captain america (shield slash ) and doom (hidden missiles) but i’m an old man who needs the info just put out in writing. Can someone give me pointers? I"m assuming something like stinger+shield slash, RT glitch, teleport M, cr H, stinger+ missiles, RT glitch? would that even work or would my opponent be able to hit doom? if someone is familliar with a chip sequence with RT glitch and doom missiles please let me know.

Whether or not your 1 assist will refresh in time just depends on how long the assist takes to come out and leave (for example, it works with Taskmaster’s horizontal arrows, but not with Sentinel Drones because Sentinel just stays out too long). Just try it out with shield slash to see if it works.

Calling Hidden Missiles there wouldn’t cover the gap between stinger and round trip glitch.

With missiles you need to call it during a RT throw to cover the next throw. If you get a raw throw off with missiles out you can manually charge the next one and throw it while missiles are hitting iirc. I was messing around with the glitch and missiles the other day using stinger+judgement cuts to fill in the gap between RT returning and missiles landing. Pretty decent.

For round trip glitch chip setups with missiles:

Rapid slash xx spiral swords blocked (hold L) st. H xx judgement orb, stinger into glitch. Timing works well with the missiles and you can get some wacky confirms.

Assuming that’s what you meant. Though honestly DT vergil + missiles >>>> spiral swords + missiles

that’s exactly what i mean. Which version of judgement orb do u use? I’m assuming M?

I’m fairly new to vergil so I"m just looking for options to keep pressure on my opponent. What makes DT + missiles better than the swords chip? is it just because it isn’t a true block string when in DT so I can open my opponent up easier if he isn’t advancing guard or something? REally green to the character so any advice I could get would be very helpful

M usually, but you have to adjust depending on what the opponent does. Might have to use H version. Just be mindful of the fact that your short ranged game is severely gimped when charging with L.

Oh man. DT+ missiles. I could write for years. Best air dash in the game, a double jump, increased hitboxes and chip damage, but if that weren’t enough, the real reason DT is just way too good…

The ability to whiff cancel vergil’s normals. This is totally unfair. His st. H already negates projectiles, so you could literally just whiff st. H xx judgement orb (orb’s hitbox in dt is silly) all day and outzone a massive majority of the cast. Taking it to the next level, you can whiff cancel your stingers as well. This is important because apart from the gargantuan range/lockdown, it allows you to adjust your spacing, empowering you to zone very aggressively. It’s not something I would do often, but it’s worth mentioning that the startup of judgement cut and rapid slash are very similar. That means that every time the opponent holds forward for a rapid slash, they get bonked by a judgement cut (you can get some neat confirms off this, especially when you throw missiles into the mix). Likewise, when they start blocking orbs, it opens up a prime opportunity for a practically guaranteed rapid slash. Begin by chipping them to death, get a feel for their skill level, and adjust accordingly.

If you know how to glitch, DT is just that much better, as it has the added benefit that if you do manage to whiff your stinger/st. H/whatever, instead of getting punished, you cancel immediately into round trip and get a free mixup, or just opt to maximize your chip.

Also, the air dash in DT is downright oppressive, and I don’t think I need to note that double jumps, especially shallow ones (vergil’s is almost strider-esque), make for some AMAZING mindgames, and really expand your options for opening an opponent up. If you’re one of those people who say “ermagerd, vergil why u no mobility on incoming?”, DT is also a good answer for you.

Finally, learning to use st. H xx DT and judgement cut xx DT open up some incredible option selects, and even relatively easy guardbreaks from time to time. So keep playing with it. Swords and blistering swords mixups are usually what I go to if I’m trying to open someone up. If I want to chip my opponent out or increase my mobility, or just outright survive, DT is undoubtedly the way to go. It’s pretty good for recovering red life quickly too.

At any rate, I’ll leave you with a good example of how orbs and DT can open an opponent up.

Opponent blocks your cr. LM, and expects a rapid slash after the M. However, you did cr. LM and instead cancelled it into judgement cut, usually a L or M, and cancelled that into DT. The opponent holds forward for rapid slash and gets opened up by the orb, and by pre-empetively cancelling into DT, you can dash up for an easy st. LMH rising sun confirm. This is just one example, play around with it and see what you can come up with!

I can do the round trip glitch without messing up and I have a lockdown string that works with two assists. I was wondering what were some options you could do if they mash advance guard. Seems so godlike if they don’t push block :frowning:

Did you guys know you can actually stop holding a button after he throws the round trip and still retain charge as long as you’re holding down a button again by the time he catches it?

Picked up this game about 3 days ago, been playing for a total of about 4 hours now. Still cant do any of vergils bnbs but can consistently do his roundtrip glitch.
If you seriously need help try finding a song with the same rhythm thats needed for the glitch. thats a good song I found for lp-hp hit confirm. Use only the instrumental in the intro.
It really helps.

But can the glitch be done on block? I feel that most people would rather go into a bnb off of a f.H stinger than RT glitch especially if they are on Vergil anchor with no assist. I did watch a video that said that Vergil can cover the frames between the RT release and catch though. It’s definitely a good mixup tool if you throw it out enough to get your opponent to think about it

Edit: Just watch another video with it being done off block using Dante crystals, nice

I’m the same way, but to be honest, it’s easier to just hold H or L after you cr. H or do your L Judgement cut. Holding a button through an entire rep just to save you one charge isn’t worth it to me: it’s easier to just hold a comfortable button already in the combo just before you need to throw RT

Need help. After I do the m tele, my assist isn’t rdy for another h > roundtrip. I’m using jam session.