i can get to your house, sir :). and yes, you need to be back on the ssf4 kick…and you should stick with one fucking character until you learn the matchups! stop sweeping when i have chun super fool :P. you already know you can catch me online whenever…just invite and we can play
I love this new layout. You’re on crack Lester, it’s way more clean than it was. Take 5 minutes and get used to it.
you be quite and give me my phone book back!
the layout makes everything look cluttered IMO…and when you’re viewing the forums it takes away the navigation bar at the top(the best thing they’ve introduced in a while)
Alright! Good stuff guys! I’m glad to see that some of ya are coming out to the cook out! One Favor from ya if you come though! If you can, could you bring a bag of Chips and or a 2 Liter! Thanks! Also if you wana drink dk if all of you do haha. But there will be some beverages here. Other than that you might wana BYOB just for you self. I dk how long or how much will be here. but I do plan on running this event for a while. It starts at 6pm and I put in till as long as 3am in the morning. My parties and stuff usually end up lasting that long so. Reason I’m starting around that time is so I can see to actually cook haha.
The bar is still there dude, it just looks different. I think it look better, personally. I’m guessing you were high when you wrote that. Oh wait, you’re always high.
it was hidden for a while. yes, i overlooked it…but it still doesnt’ have the drop down menus which i loved.
Mostly working, i have seen a huge uptick in business this month, it is the biggest i have ever had(and since i work on strait commission that is great) I have sold over $200,000 for the month of May(including $60,000 in New business that i make 10.5% off of!!!) but the point is it takes alot of work to get that on the air. so with my 70-80 hour work weeks i havent played alot of games(i still have portal 2 sealed and i got it launch day) when i get home i am usually tired so i have just been watching the Braves and NBA playoffs. We usually see changes in the economy before everyone else, like 2008 when the market crashed in Sept we felt it in May, and we have seen a huge uptick these past three months so that is good news for all of us. June is just as busy so things wont settle down until July and then i am going to Aruba for the week the first week of July and i hope that comes soon, i need it.
Chris i am planning on making it out to the cookout as long as I get a break, I really love that you are trying to pull us all together and I know how much of a pain it can be to invite a bunch of people into your home. I am still planning on a tournament in July so you doing one in August would be awesome. If we can get to where we do one in Greenville and one in Anderson every couple of months maybe that would help us all get better so we dont get bodied at Final Round this year.
True. Kinda of a slick layout though. I guess I never used the drop downs, they didn’t seem very condusive with the mobile browsers.
Hi everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself to the SC scene. Im from the Greenville area and was under the impression online was my only option. Glad to know there are tourneys around here. I am still new to the whole competitive scene, because I didnt become interested in trying to take my fighting games to the next level until i stumbled across the Winterbrawl stream back in Feb. I am looking forward to eventually meeting you guys.
Hey Hammered, glad to see you introduced yourself I’m from Columbia,SC which is in the Midlands but I’d like to see you come out to one of our tournaments or any others in SC. If you check out the front page of the Columbia thread, I keep it up-to date with the most current tournaments in SC.
jaguar quit poaching our upstate guys!!! we need all the greenville new blood we can get.
hammered good to see you here, what games do you play.
I have been playing A LOT of mk since it came out, but also play Marvel and a little bit of super (def my weakest game)
lol, I just want to let him know about all the current tournaments we have here in SC BTW, are you still trying to have yours?
Actually, the closest tournament going on next to upstate would probably be ACT2 in Aiken,SC:ACT 2: Aiken Convocation Tournament 2 - Aiken, SC - July 2nd 2011
yea i am working on securing a venue, i want it to be pretty big. i am going to negotiate a rate tomorrow.
phil good luck with that…let me know what’s up with the tourney. after embarrassing myself at FR i 100% intend to win the next upstate tourney…not talking shit, just saying…i want it.
feed my fucking hunger.
also any of you new guys that play, i only play SSF4 but feel free to add me on xbl if you’d like to play
GT: Vexco
I might get marvel back at some point…my viper was pretty good
Hey Guys i am trying to get a big tournament together for July or August in Greenville SC, and I mean big the venue i am renting will hold a maxium of 350 people!!! Plenty of room for all of us, Food will be availible as well. We are going to be holding it at a hotel and the manager of the hotel will cut me a break on the ball room if we can get some people to stay there. He is discounting down a room rate to $49 from $79. I was hoping that after the tournament was over we could stay for casuals and everone would only have to go to their rooms instead of having to worry about driving home. I am advertising this heavily at at a lot of places and trying to secure sponsorships so we can have prizes as well as cash prizes. I am also working on setting up a stream.
I have a few questions though on this,
there are two dates that they have availible July 16th and August 20th, does any one see any conflict with either date?
Second if i did this how many of you would consider renting a room for the night?
Please PM me with any answers
The only tournament i heavily advertised was in April of 08 and we ended up with over 100 people, i want this to be on that level or bigger.
hey, all this new blood is great.
remember guys, if you have friends who actively game or participate in the culture of gaming…PLEASE encourage them to start accounts on SRK. awareness helps the community get stronger, network-wise and competition-wise.
phil: tell shamar to create an account!
August 20th would be a REALLY GOOD DAY FOR A TOURNAMENT. Just sayin’.