UPDATED "I don't even need my sword for such an easy fight" - UMvC3 Zero Matchup Thread

Hawkeye ≤ Zero, Strider doesn’t change anything; match isn’t ever easy for either of em’ though…

Wolverine irks me quite a bit. How do you approach a Wolverine who always uses OS Pushblock/Divekick/Grab and knows he can get away with it? In situations where I rushdown/runaway I sometimes trade in his favor (even in super jump height) and he calls drones assist to cover himself on my wakeup if it’s regular jump height.

I’m already aware of Ryuenjin xx Buster but I was wondering if there’s anything else I could do in this situation.

PS: Missiles make Zero’s neutral game less heart attack inducing. I’m currently trying out Zero/Dorm/Doom and I’m having moderate success (less salt) with that team.

PSS: She Hulk feels impossible to deal with her extraordinary normals/kara grab range when it’s Akuma/Thor/S-hulk because of the threat of that team’s level 1 command grab set ups. How do you guys deal with She-Hulk;especially against her as an anchor? :X


You should be playing a turtly playstyle as Zero. You’ll only be having trouble with She Hulk if you’re rushing down. As usual, make use of M Lightning xx Buster xx Hiyenkyaku, and wait for them to make a mistake. Make use of throws, and as usual, if you get so much as airgrabbed, Zero’s finished. Don’t let She Hulk get within Hugging range either (the anti-air hyper). Keep an eye out for the Level 3 if they have 3 bars, and just don’t let her get in your face.

As far as Wolverine goes…You shouldn’t ever be on the ground against him, and throw him every time he gets near you. Call Drones when you can. If you see he’s going to Dive Kick, you can call drones and Hiyenkyaku L or M (depending on where you are) and it should whiff and hit Sent. This should give you a punish if he doesn’t have his own assists out already.

Oh yeah, and don’t rush Wolverine down either unless Drones or whatever assist you’re using for lockdown is already out. Wait for them to do something stupid, and punish it.

I meant to say Wolverine would call drones and rush in during my wake up. >_<’

Also, thanks for taking the time to reply back! :3

What’s the best way to handle the Hawkeye matchup? He’s so un-fun to fight against lol.

Drop the controller #Kappa

Seriously though, you wanna rush his ass down whenever you see a hole in his keep away. Go easy on using the command dashes unless he is vulnerable/can’t hit you. If he triple arrow spams and does nothing else but that and triple piercing/scatter shot, then make use of M Teleport xx Buster from above.

And first and foremost, play patiently, else you will die.

any team ideas against chris g’s morridoom team?

Call me insane, but I don’t like Zero at all against Morridoom. You get hit by one bullet, and Zero dies, and soul fists trade with buster. A good CP team would be Taskmaster(or Hawkeye)/Dante/Vergil.

I feel like Zero/Doom/Vergil does pretty well against morridoom.

I play with JRosa quite a bit so I know the match up. Doom hidden missiles hurts morri a bit but just be careful to not call an assist when morri is spamming.

regardless though the matchup is still pretty bad. but having a vergil always makes it easier.

i completely agree yo. i was actually watching jrosa play flocker in casuals at season’s and flocker was actually playing the match up pretty well.

but when the man got up to chris g in winner’s and grand finals… it looked a lil sad :frowning: i was pretty salty from it as a zero player myself.

hey guys can anybody give me some tips on the spencer match-up please? my main issue is his zip i feel like theres not much i can do against it and also that somehow he always seems to get in. im trying to airgrab him but idk if im not timing the grab right or if the hitstun from his zip is stopping me from doing so…

if anybody knows anything i dont your help will be greatly appreciated lol

As someone who used to play Spencer, the matchup is vastly overrated in Zero’s favor by a lot of people IMO. Get rid of him when you touch him.

Bottom line is, make one mistake and you die, which means getting hit by even zip line close to the ground isn’t an option, as a good Spencer will convert off of anything. STAY OFF THE GROUND. You want to be at super jump height for this matchup, and if he has missiles/Vajira, you have to try and snipe the assist while avoiding random wire grapples. Make use of lightning xx buster, but don’t get caught by him. Zone him and air grab whenever you can. Try using multiple uncharged buster shots when at super jump height too, I feel that sort of hinders his mobility some.

And watch for random bionic arms, that is rule #1.

ok thanks thats gonna help me out a loooot, so basically i shouldnt try to challenge him whenever he tries to jump and zip towards me? i should just block and run away and look for an opening.until i can get in. ok at least now i have a solid plan when fighting him instead of just trying out whatever comes to mind and hoping it works lol

Yeah. If he is zipping around without assists like a madman, go for the airthrow, as you never want Spencer getting in your face at all… If he has missiles or drones though, you want to stay far away from him and wait for him to do something stupid.

And I know this has been said before, but don’t do Buster xx Lightning, even if he has no idea how to punish, because I see Spencer players just bionic arm after the buster and catch Zero all the time. It’s pretty unsafe too, so just don’t do it.

Does anybody have advice on viper, doom, and ammy match ups?

also what to do against strider and if there is anyway to snipe out the vajra assist.

For Viper either stay on that ass (depending on what assists she has) or zone her out w/ handeki’s and level 3 busters. Also watch out for her ex moves. Against doom the match up is very favorable and you can zone him out or lightning him w/ M/H lightning when he’s in the air. Just try to make sure he’s over you for a footdive/crossup footdive. Against ammy I feel like that matchup is heavily in zero’s favor as well. When I play ammy against Zero I honestly don’t know what to do because on the ground zero can outrange all of ammy normals if he’s spaced a good distance away from her. Just use busters against ammy and if she has a counter up and your close call an assist to mix it up or hit her out of her counter if the counter is either a projectile or physical hit.

Strider assist isn’t to bad to deal with. For Zero you can just Ryuenjin the assist or a simple Standing S or Crouching H to hit strider out of it. Also when coming down from the air if you do a Lightning special in the air he’ll fall into the lightning so you just have to know your spacing and make sure that if you try to punish it in those ways that you don’t make yourself vulnerable to the point character to punish one of those movies. Also i’m pretty sure like if you see it in time like right when it’s called out if you do a super the super will hit him.

Hi, I was wondering how you guys deal with Dante with Trish Low Voltage assist? It feels impossible getting in on Dante when he calls Low Voltage backed up with Air Play. Out laming Dante doesn’t seem like an option since the angle on Air Play makes it hard to hit Dante. Getting under Dante during Air Play is easy, but it feels like staying under Dante is as bad idea as staying under Dr. Doom since j.S and hammer make it too risky to try and punish. When I see Dante call for assist I try to super jump to get out of any teleport shenannigans but I get thrown by Dante and comboed afterwards. I try to snipe Trish when I see assist calls, however level 3 buster only knocks out the two bottom projectiles. The top projectile will wiff Zero but it will snipe my assist if I call it, also factor in that Low Voltage is a slow moving projectile so I have to delay my assist call even further. If Dante predicts that I will try to snipe Trish he will teleport and I risk getting comboed. Hopefully most of what I said makes sense, any input would be much appreciated thanks.

Well for starters…

Lightning M xx Buster (don’t do a lightning after the buster) is your best friend. Use it to snipe him out of air play and make time for your assists to come out or combo off of it. If he’s super jumping and using a full charged airplay, then you can get under him, chickenblock the helm breaker/hammer and then punish it when you land. (Hammer is safe if you don’t chickenblock)

Also, if he’s teleporting without assists, airgrab him. Just make sure you don’t get airgrabbed yourself or helm-breaker’d.

From what you’ve said, it mostly seems like you’re having trouble with the Dante matchup in general. Just wait for him to do something unsafe and punish. If you punish his teleports consistently, he’ll stop teleporting around like a madman.

I’m having trouble with the nova match up, especially when he is backed up with vajra, tatsu or drones. The problem for me is energy javelin with gravimetric pulse, it’s making it kinda hard for my zero to get in. My team is Zero/Akuma(tatsu)/Doom (missiles). I’m thinking that switching to plasma beam will help, but I’m not really sure.

I bolded the problem. You should be zoning Nova, snipe him with a fully charged buster and call missiles if he gets too energy javelin happy. Watch out for air throws and his j.H, as always.

Make him come to you, and make sure you are always charging your buster.