^this also if he’s approaching w/o an assist and pressing a button down H from zero beats his jump in attacks
any advice on the zero match up against dante/vergil/strider?
Snap in Strider ASAP, preferably start the round off with a character that does better against Strider assist than Zero, as that rapes him hard.
But if you have to/want to start the match with Zero, I’d say watch for random teleport crossups with Dante and always look out for Strider assist when at super jump height. If you’re feeling daring, then you can try to snipe Vajira, but if you fail/miss, Zero will die, so be careful with that. You pretty much have to stay close to them and see if you can hit them with a buster hit confirm or something.
It’s definitely one of Zero’s hardest matchups (xxx/Vajira), I’ve always hated fighting that assist with him to the point where I’ll bypass picking Zero entirely and play Spencer or Hawkeye instead.
I feel the opposite. I want Zero for this match specifically to rape strider. j.2H counters strider assist. You can also use dash forward and teleport down to avoid the assist.
Also, I’ve got experimental counters to strider mixups. raw teleport you just S + assist to anti air, i think that’s known for a while. Basic blockstring+strider mixups seem to get blown up by holding forward H. This dodges strider and moves you safely out. If they got their strings down to 1 or 2 frame gaps that prob won’t work but pushblocking would negate the mixup in that case anyway. I’ve played Dante/Vergil/Strider player in a 10 game set and the strider assist just wasn’t a factor. I’ll post if I learn differently in the future.
I agree, Zero has to play differently when Strider assist is in play, but you can certainly adjust for it. I thought it was bad for Zero too but I started being able to beat Gotnoskill’s Viper/Task/Strider team eventually.
Except Gotnoskill doesn’t mash Vajira constantly. Do you play Gotnoskill online or are you an Austin local? I can’t tell who you are by your handle. :[
I’m a Zero/Doom/Ammy player that used to go to the Marvel tuesday things at UFO, but since this summer I moved farther away from UFO and got too lazy. So I’m a lab monster now.
hey guys i played recently in a tournament and this is one of my matches, can you tell me what do i need to improve in my zero (i know my LL is bad, working on it :p)
another game with philipino champ @3:27:00
i really need help with mags match up he annoyed me a lot
consider picking jam session. If you have never played zero with it give it a try. It’s really good for him.
Mags/missiles you can call jam session to nullify the missiles as they come down. can use it to limit mag’s movement on screen. I feel zero needs to be able to defend against mags without using buster charge and jam session lets him do that. jam session + ryuenjin has time for a hit confirm into a full combo. It even trades with addf mag blast though you should be calling jam session and blocking that. If he baited it(by blocking) you can still defend yourself with buster cancel lightnings while the assist recovers.
This is a matchup I feel mags wins without zero having jam session. Don’t know yet with.
Hate to be “that guy” but this should go in the Video thread.
Dante, Doom, or Ammy should definitely go on your team instead of Vergil though. I feel like he’s just there because he’s a top tier anchor.
Your execution is good enough but there’s a couple things I noticed.
-Block more when you don’t have buster. Both times you lost Zero it was because you got carried away in your pressure game; sometimes the pressure just doesn’t open them up and once you’ve exhausted your options you should back off and take a breath and get your safety options (buster/assists) back.
-Be more reactive with your air-throws. You whiffed a lot of j.H’s by trying to predict low air-throws. It’s especially dangerous since Zero’s j.H isn’t special-cancelable.
-There are probably better pressure strings you can create for corner and incoming mixups with Zero and a lockdown assist like Dark Hole. Just keep it unpredictable; your corner pressure wasn’t really scary after the opponent landed.
I have some real trouble with zoning with Zero, especially with characters with like instant tracking supers (Strange, Hawkeye, Magneto sorta). Fighting Deadpools and hawkeyes who just hold up back are a real pain aswell, since I can’t teleport behind without eating a mouthful of arrows or a tracking super.
Any advice on getting close to Deadpool and Hawkeye without losing 3/4th of my health and dieing from a random super?
Oh, and I play Spider-man (webswing) and Doom (Missles).
What you’re describing is Zero’s biggest weakness…he doesn’t really have a way around good zoning with all assists barring Vajira, and Vajira doesn’t even do much besides forcing them to block for a little. It does help him some, but you gotta be careful because I know that Hawkeye can anti-air it with his j.H and Gimlet, and then DHC. Boom, Strider is dead.
All I can really say is to teleport as little as possible, and try to snipe them with Buster whenever you can. (Much easier to do against Deadpool). It basically requires a lot of patience, you gotta try to look for the holes in their keepaway and see if you can move through them.
If you still can’t win, I’d suggest counter picking. It’s one thing that Zero is not well-equipped to deal with like he is in other regards.
You’re gonna have to take some amount of chip more often than not. Be patient, keep your buster charged, have some kinda of clearing assist ready i.e. beams or vajra or whatever will keep the opponent momentarily pinned.
Hadangeki xx Buster xx Sougenmu. Or Hadangeki xx Sougenmu , 2xlv3 Buster and get the hell in or zone out. Early on when you’re sitting on 1 or 2 bars it’s fine for Zero, he can afford to expend that meter. If it forces the opponent to burn bar to keep you out, well then, chances are they’re nowhere near as meter efficient as Zero- just by doing that you’ve limited their options and have a helluva lot easier time getting in.
Always try to abuse double buster when you’re being outzoned, there really isn’t anything that completely outclasses it 100% of the time.
Sougenmu and switching Doom to plasma beam should work, I suppose. I’m guessing I should just not teleport then, as it makes me eat a mouthful of arrows in most occasions.
Thanks for the advice!
do you guys fare well against sentinel drones with a tri dashing anything (nova, magneto, etc.) or somebody with lows and overheads(spencer, ryu)? in my area i kid you not everybody plays either nova/spencer/wolverine on point with x secondary and sentinel with drones lol and i basically get raped since the sentinel drones protect them and one silly hit from them and im dead.
Basically all I can tell you is to stay away from them and fish for random hits with Lightning xx buster. And chicken block drones if you get stuck blocking so you don’t have to deal with any high/lows.<br />
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Logan is a matchup where you gotta stay in the air. If he gets you to block anything, especially in the corner, Zero is probably dead. It’s usually good to stay where his dive kick has no chance of catching you and try to catch him with lightning buster cancels.<br />
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Nova you gotta watch for airthrows and his j.H etc etc.<br />
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Spencer is a pain to fight. His zip can hit you out of Pizza cutter, and his j.H is good enough to trade with Zero’s normals or beat them in a few cases. You have to try to throw him out of Zipline when you can, and watch out for random AAAARRMMMSS. Try to keep drones from coming out by sniping it with buster when you can.
thanks yea these matchups are a pain lol your advice helped from now on im trying to just keep calm, stay away, and convert off a random lv3 buster shot. I normally like to be aggressive but in these matches i have to hold back and try to play conservatively. for tri-dash happy or high-low happy opponents ive found that ryunjin on wake up works sometimes and raw tagging works as well but these can be risky so its best to mix them up.
Does Zero have any running away tech? And is it impossible to play a zoning Zero without meter?
<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/81943/WeAreVenom%21">WeAreVenom!</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Does Zero have any running away tech? And is it impossible to play a zoning Zero without meter?</div>
Zero’s main game is running away. Superjump lightning xx buster xx teleport L is just one of his things you should know. Pizza cutter is good to stop button presses from below, but don’t do it too predictable in the way you come down if they’re under you.<div><br></div><div>It’s also good to have some sort of lockdown assist like Cold Star, or have arrows/beam/Vajira so you can put more hitboxes on the screen.</div>