Check out my post on my post on Trish
In umvc3, will you just be able to sj m/h lightning, buster, and then combo her? Is it just me, or has that match up gotten better for Zero?
Is his standing h special cancelable? If not, couldn’t he just push block the H and then create space? I never said attack him, because I don’t do that.
Technically, if you tech the throw, you don’t get beat. If you try to tech a throw that isn’t on you, then you get hit. I’m aware of the gamma charge nonsense, but I generally don’t attack Hulk. Maybe he could just counter pick with Haggar opposed to trying to figure out the match up with the Haggar assist lingering there? Since Ammy didn’t really do too much given the match up, at least both Haggar’s spin on each other before the invincibility wears off–and whomever called him out first gets their Haggar knocked down, and it keeps Hulk honest for that time period allowing you to try to get away…
I still think option select backdash/throw break at the beginning of the match is the best option against Hulk with Haggar asissit. You break ground throw attempts, back dash to avoid jump H (as well as all of Hulk’s other attacks) and are put out of range of Haggar. You’re out of Hulk’s face and free to start zoning him for the entire match if you want.
I’ve been playing some Hulk’s lately, whom just walk up to you and standing H to expect a combo. It really is a free fight for Zero, if you can mind game it well, that is. My advice is to stay back, charging lvl. 3 shots. But mix those shots in with a few Hadangeki’s M and the Hulk won’t know how to guard/play against that tactic. When he gets close, you can just super jump, air dash then command dash M and come down with a Reverse Spin H to catch him off into a combo. OR, when he gets close trying to get that throw. Find the opening and Command Dash M with Akuma’s Tatsu assist, to cross the Hulk. And he’ll fall right into an easy combo. If he blocks the assist, you have the time to get back and shoot lvl. 3 buster shots. I think Zero vs Hulk is just a mindgame in Zero’s favor for sure.
You can already do that with the right assist, AKA SENTINAL.
Dunno how this works but it seems risky since you can’t block during a backdash.
But Hulk is free anyways.
Hulk/Sentinal/Haggar isn’t fast enough to punish it. Hulk’s normals aren’t fast enough and the assists aren’t fast enough. He can gamma charge though <_<
It’s better than holding back and mashing H hoping his doesn’t jump while calling haggar and then kill you.
Sentinel is the best assist EVER!!!
try using haggar instead of ammy for that matchup, seriously it works wonders, just be smart with your calls, hulk has no normals that go under haggar, you do so you win close range and then yo start your busted/hadangeki zoning.
and people saying that hulk paired with sent and haggar is not that hard are so wrong, its really a nightmare, and that player didnt even do the sent exchange combos that take all of your life barless or the under dash mixup with hulk/haggar assist when you are coming in which because of hulk’s size is so hard to block, also if he had rocket punch you would be dead from any grab, sent drones are really not that nescesary for that team.
Last thing you wanna do is back yourself in the corner. i think moving forward would of been a better option @ the start & possibly try to even throw him or get the tech. because you will have breathing room (referring to the finals)
Hey guys so yesterday I competed in a tourney at Daytona Beach Florida. Was wondering if you guys would like to critique my gameplay and tel me what I did right and wrong etc and what I should keep on doing or stop doing etc. Luckily I made 2nd which is very humbling. Also in grand finals I feel like I lost because I kept running into haggar or doing the buster-> lightning when there was no hit confirm with the buster on my opponent. Well I hope you guys like the footage. I’ll post times of when I’m playing. Here’s the stream link. I am also the Zero, Ammy, Phoenix player by the way.
MvC3 footage starts at 55min for those interested in watching the whole top 8.
Me playing:
1hr 04mins-1hr 10mins: 1st match
1hr 39mins-1hr 47mins: 2nd match
1hr 58mins-part 2 (lol) Loosers finals.
I also play from the beginning of part 2 till MvC3 ends. Enjoy
Definitely don’t wanna rush in alot with Zero, what I see most Zero players doing now is. Super Jumping then firing a lvl.3 charged shot into a command dash or raikousen. Just be careful of when you do that, and definitely play a mindgame when you fight against people who use that Haggar assist. You can actually punish it very easily with Zero if timed right. Otherwise, I can see just a few execution errors but nothing really crucial to your style. Just a little polishing.
Thanks man. And yeah me and eddie played online the other day and on the ground i punished him w/ zero’s crouching M so like i think that’s why he stopped calling it alot but yeah thanks for the helpful knowledge. And idk maybe it’s the mental factor but having haggar makes me play slightly differently.
Yeah, his crouching M is a great way to approach an enemy. But another hint of advice, Zero is really balanced in my opinion. He can keep it safe with Hadangeki’s and Hyper Zero Blasters, or he can approach and tear a new one. It is the mental factor and I know what you mean when playing against that Lariat assist. One thing I do, is wait until the Lariat finishes and punish it with a Hyper Zero Blaster cancel into a Genmu Zero. His level 3 is your best friend in tourneys lol.
true but I play phoenix on my team and using a level 3 when the damage payout isn’t that much compared to other level 3’s is a big risk. I’d rather do my bnb’s with zero which would net me more meter and do a really good amount of damage whether or not i choose to use a meter or not.
True true, yeah. For using Phoenix, I think that can limit what Zero can do in a fight. But to a certain extent.
Yeah but it hasn’t hindered me too much. I mean I feel like I’m one of the few phoenix players who isn’t scared to use meter especially if there’s a problem character that I need to kill lol.
The problem i seem to have with Hulk is usually the armored moves. The best thing i can recommend is to make heavy use of any projectile assist you might have as well as your waves and buster.
Anyone got any advice for Magneto and Wolverine? I seem to have trouble with both, moreso wolvie.
for wolverine: you have to fight him in the air, if your stuck on the ground against him, be prepare to block. I’m assuming your using zero so I don’t think logan main will try overheads on you, but ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS expect the berserker slash. I know in ultimate it’s going to lose invincibility, but let’s say there is an assist backing it up. be prepare to block low and behind.
magneto is a great character, lol. idk, watch out for his tri dashes, remember that you have a level 3 blaster
Yeah, i usually only have problems against wolvie with zero. I’ll have to try that next time i go up against a Woverine main.
I went into the lab against a magneto main with zero earlier today, best thing i can recommend is that an assist like Jam session or Gustaff Fire is your best friend, and make sure to use your blaster, it has a higher priority than than his projectiles and will let you get in on him. Watch out for his hyper grav as well, it’s their best guard against j.H.