UPDATED (3/10/2012) "This will be over in a nanosecond" - UMvC3 QuickQuestion/QuickAnswer

Zero (point)+ Dante= Bad DHC chemistry?

Is there any way to make this work?

did you even bother at least trying to look in the team thread

(acid rain xN)>j.S>combo.

Best button to charge with?

If I charge, that means I lose buttons, and I need all of my buttons
Is charging to set up for extra damage worth losing a button?

There isnā€™t really a best button but you can have a preferred button to charge with. What you should do is learn to switch buttons on the fly so you have access to all of your moves. I usually use L since I use that button the least but Iā€™ll switch accordingly

There is a question and answer thread btw

Is there a way to switch charge buttons while being nowhere near the opponent without having another attack come out?

Best thing to do would probably be just using your fireball. Just remember to hold the new button down LOL

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I jump and teleport M to cross them up works 80 of the time and i grab alot.

How do you charge the mega buster while comboing and still use H?

Hold down a different button when you want to use a different button. For example, charging during L M H -> H, L H M etc etc, you start charging with the L button, then when you need to use the L button again, you hold down the H button, then press the L button and hold it down again, then you can release H.

Yeah it takes a while to practice but once you do it, it makes sense. Hereā€™s the exact wording/notation from the strategy guide, it makes more sense.

cr. L(hold L), cr. M, cr. H, -> H(release L, hold H), st. L(release H, hold L), st. M, st.H(3 hits), S, etc

My question: whatā€™s the best corner combo to do with the shadow super activated, is it the dive loop? Something else with it?

:atk::atk: dashing should let you switch though you change position as a result.

Last I heard the megaman tribute artbook will not be including submissions for mega man battle network. So there goes the Protoman/ doofy zero exe.

That said. Iā€™d like to see Model Z or Model ZX as seen in Megaman ZX, preferably Model Z. The problem would be the ZX type saber as it wonā€™t have itā€™s look changed to not mess with hitboxes.

I would go with MMZ look or even like to MMZX.

Iā€™d definitely like to see absolute zero if I had to pick.

Absolute Zero would be raw as hell, thats my pick , but i THINK MMZ will be the 1 we get

i generally use 6C covered by sentinel drones as my opener and begin mixup from there

Absolute Zero always reminded me more of Morrigan than powered-up Bass. I use Morrigan and Zero in my teams, so having Absolute Zero and Morrigan side-by-side would look way weird to me.

Iā€™d go for either MMX1 Zero or MMZ Zero/Omega Zero. Both seem reasonable. MMZ Zero was pretty fun in SvC.

How do you do that one Zero loop where the opponent is in the air and Zero is doing j.H over and over?

Strategies against zero

The other day I went against a zero and could do nothing against his rush down. He would do his foward dash/slash attack then the uppercut slash while in the air he would then I think dash up den came down with his spining slashing. Sorry I donā€™t no the name of his movies I was using captain america c.viper and dr doom and I could not find an opening at all

When his is spinning slashing your have to apply the correct movies otherwise his uppercut slash while he is in the air captain america.

As far as the air fake (qcb+A) is concerned one use is to help mixup your mixup after a close shippuga > qcb+C. If your opponent has something they know can anti-air your j.h, you can alter the timing with an air fake on your way down. You can also do some funky crossup shenanegins with the B and C versions, but those are realtively low priority.