UPDATED (3/10/2012) "This will be over in a nanosecond" - UMvC3 QuickQuestion/QuickAnswer

It’s not, you can stay up in the air longer which is helpful for runaway and try to upset your opponent’s timing once you are coming down from a superjump. Be creative.

A tip for comboing while charging your shot

Haven’t seen anyone say anything about this, although I’m sure it’s prob not new, but you can still use which ever button you’re using to charge your charge shot to attack as long as you do it quick and go back to holding it before the shot can come out. This is useful because no matter which button you’re using to charge, you’ll want to be able to use that button again to get the biggest possible combo out of a hit. Example: I use Light hit to charge, so by using this I can do L, M, dwn H, > H, repeat (but without dwn H, just H) a few times and then do the rest of my combo for more damage. Just felt like posting something lol. =P

Ohshi- Silent Wolf playing Mahvel :D.

Cool find. This wasn’t possible in TvC and I’m probably going to stick with button switching because it’s second nature to me now. This might be a little easier for the people who didn’t already adjust to it in TvC though. It doesn’t really change anything besides possibly making Zero a little more accessible to new players, but it’s a good find nonetheless.

its possible that i was holding a different button for a split second before i got my next attack out, so maybe you cant do this. idk tho. switching buttons seems easier anyway

I think you actually can do this. I feel like I’ve done it a couple times by accident during matches, I just didn’t really think about it because I switch buttons pretty naturally so I was never really sure. I don’t know about what would be easier, but this method probably puts more strain on one of your fingers - I find if I hold the same charge for too long my finger gets really uncomfortable.


Zero has way better tools than that fake to upset opponent’s timing in my opinion.

I still can’t charge during combos very well to save my life…I’m working on it though. I’ll see how I do with this as this may be a better option for me. If it doesn’t really work that well I’ll just go back to trying to switch buttons.

I’m not actually sure if this is possible now. I tried it out for a while and couldn’t really get it to work. On the other hand I think I did it by mistake successfully once doing j.:m: (release) j.:m: (hold) without losing my charge, could be wrong though.

You can extend air-chains with it, but it would be more beneficial to just follow through with a normal combo. Double overheads are possible as well. In terms of staying in the air, C Raikousan is better at doing that.

You can only do one Raikousen per jump, and then you’re falling without anything you can do. You can do 2 fakes and a Raikousen, 2 fakes and Hienkyaku, 3 fakes and normal attacks, or even a fake, a Hienkyaku, and a Raikousen if you really wanted to stay in the air a long time. You can get an air throw reset off of a front tech (which would be back from your original location) after mm in an air combo by doing m Hienkyaku, then fake to stay in the air long enough to catch them. Zero’s super jump air throw resets don’t do him much good, especially after 2 specials, since I think the game counts his air throw as a special, but they’re there.

The fake is good for staying in the air and not getting hit my HSF :slight_smile: haha. I did it today and it was awesome. Only had a pixel of life too! And Fireball is essential for Zero’s keepaway game, not necessary one you are landing a combo. In Zero to Zero battles the fireball opens up the rushdown game.

Personally, what I start off is with that I back off and call my Sentinel assist. It works really well for me since my opponents always seem to attack first. When they make a mistake (and most of the time they do), that’s when I cross up on them using the same assist with a combo

More like 98%. The worst that can happen is they tech the throw. :rofl:

Ranged assist + Hienkyaku is my preferred start for Zero, and my prefered means of entry in general.

I use both the :l: and :m: versions for additional mindgames. My Zero team is Zero(Shippuga)/Ammy(Cold star)/Wesker(Lower Edge)/Tron Bonne(Gustaf fire). I use Cold star to open and then either crossup with :m: or just pop up infront of them with :l:.

If they try to pressure you right out of the gate, you can use the :h: version to get them to wiff and hopefully crossup.

Tell me more of this Upcoming Megaman Online RPG.

I’m using Zero (Projectile assist) Deadpool (Quick work) and Doom but i cant work out the best assist for doom, for those using similar teams ( i realise this is a pretty vast question and depends on a lot of stuff :/) but what assist do people recommend for using with doom? Beam or missiles :(? thanks all! :smiley:

All of Doom’s assists are good, but Beam is best for Zero. I would imagine Missiles would be slightly better for Deadpool though. Play a bunch of games and find out what you need most - a way to keep people out or refund you for a mistake (Missiles) or something to cover your point character’s approach and extend combos (Beam).

Help with zero charging combos

So im using a normal ps3 controller, 1. Because im use to using pads and 2. I dont have any money to buy a stick :frowning: so anyways, my button layout is

[ ] = L
/\ = M
O = H
X = S
L1 = P1
L2 = P2
R1 = H
R2 = L+M+H

I have R1 as H because i main task master so that i can use nis supers more easily. I try using R1 to charge as well, but we all know we cant do a full fledged combo without shippuga, and we cant charge a H and use a H at the same time. Switching is hard for me, i would need some practice, but i want to open myself to more combos instead of doing the same old L, M, d.H, f.H then L, M, H, f.H x2 and so on. So i would like to know if anyone has a button layout that seem to fit them while charging up the buster during a combo for a ps3/ xbox controller (knowing that the layout is quiet the same).

Marn Zero Combo/Loop in Final Round XIV Tournament

There is a great Zero combo done by Marn in the Final Round XIV Tournament.
This is the video:
the combo starts at 5:39.
Can somebody please give me the button input for it?
I tried just looking at it but I just can’t seem to get the loop right.
