UPDATED (3/10/2012) "This will be over in a nanosecond" - UMvC3 QuickQuestion/QuickAnswer

command dash has recovery. Favored method seems to be jump air dash S land dash forward low M.

I donā€™t get it, if this 2013 loop is eaiser and does more damage, why is it that everytime I watch a stream people are always doing the original loop?

people do what they are most comfortable with. they both kill so its a matter of preference.

Iā€™ve been a Trish player for well over a year now, but I recently started playing Zero and I liked him almost instantly. Is there good synergy im not seeing with these two characters? Anyone else here play or seen someone play a team with Zero and Trish on it at the same time.

I was thinking that there might be some really nasty incoming mix-ups with Zero and peekaboo and a Round Trip unblock-able. But I cant come up with anything significant other than that.

Do you guys have any tips for consistently getting into the lightning loops via dhc from Magnetoā€™s Magnetic Tempest? Iā€™m trying to play Mag/Zero/Doom for fun but its not working.

Iā€™m referring to the video that chris schmidt uploaded a while back.

Hey there, Pretty new to the forums, but I have a quick question involving the normal jump LLā€™s, The tiger knee input was to much of a risk for me, didnt want to drop it or use the wrong input. But after I do the standard ground combo, air combo, land, Release buster, Raikousen L, I go to start Sougenmu. But during Sougenmu, I believe you are supposed to hold down a button to charge the Buster, but when the animation finishes & I jump up to release, its usually only lvl 2, & I havenā€™t found out what I am doing wrong, or how I can possibly charge it to level 3, any tips?

Make sure to hold L immediately after the dp motion for the Raikousen L. The Raikousen L + Sougenmu + normal jump should give enough time to charge up your buster to level 3. It sounds like you might not be charging during the Raikousen and you only hold down a button during Sougenmu.

Hey all, Iā€™ve been attempting to learn the lightning loop for quite some time, and Iā€™ve finally managed to do it pretty consistentlyā€¦until recently.

After I Sougenmu, I manage to release the lvl 3 charged shot correctly, but after I do 2 TK Raikousens, and jump up to release another lvl 3 shot, it releases a lvl 2 instead. Iā€™ve even delayed my TKs and jumps, but it still comes up as lvl 2. Anyone know why?

Update: Nvm, I think I figured it out. After I release the first Raikousen after the charged shot, Iā€™m not charge switching to M/H. Iā€™m letting go of the charge and starting it again with M/H during the first Raikousen.

Hi Guys,

Very beginner question hereā€¦ I watched some zero matches and notice people use H ( Pizza Cutter a lot) which version they use in this situations:
A - Normal jump
B - Air x Air

The normal spin, or the reverse one (down + H), and whyā€¦ if anyone knowsā€¦

Quick question on Zero in general. Besides his low health and high ex. What do you feel is a flaw of his? I stay labbing with but I canā€™t find a thing he canā€™t do.

Thereā€™s 2 differences between them. The first one is the j.:d:+:h: has better hitstun on the last hit so it is easier to followup in extended combos; in most combos where doing sj.MMHS drops on the H, sj.:d:+:h:,:s: instead would work.

The other difference is slight and has to do with where the hitbox starts (despite being a big circle around him, the hitbox does not constantly cover all angles. j.:h: starts directly in front of him and has about a 70-80 degree arc that spins clockwise. j.:d:+:h: starts directly below him with the same arc width and spins counter-clockwise. Basically if they are above you at all you want to use j.:h: and if they are behind you (but not above you) then use j.:d:+:h:. Honestly though plenty of Zeros get by without even knowing they are different moves; the time it takes for the move to spin all the way around is only a few frames but it could be the difference between getting grabbed out of it or not.

His biggest flaws are:
-No invincible movement options, but this is shared by a lot of the cast anyway
-No invincible attacks without 3 meters
-His game heavily revolves around level 3 buster which is not always available.
-Ground throw is useless unless in the corner. Seriously getting thrown on the ground by Zero is to your advantage because itā€™s impossible for him to followup and he loses his buster charge.

Those combined mean that if your opponent catches a mistake while you donā€™t have buster ready you are probably dead (unlike say Spencer who can Bionic Arm then XF/DHC). He has some flaws, but they arenā€™t really big flaws at all; thereā€™s a reason heā€™s #1.

What are the most useful benefits of log trap for Zero and what is his best overhead/high?

So from my understanding LLā€™s need to be done at a consistent height every time or else the enemy falls out.
How do you guys do it?
I know flocker does an elevated LL then a TK one.

I do buster-> L raikousen -> Neutral jump L Raikousen then TK L Raikousen, buster repeat.

Someone mentioned before that thatā€™s the most consistent way to do them, although Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s true

I do it the way Limit does. Iā€™ve noticed the rule seems to be go lower than the last one, not higher, but thereā€™s only so low you can have the opponent before theyā€™ll start falling out.
Buster, then normal jump, then TK has been very consistent.

I just do all neutral jumps, because Hitbox makes those free and itā€™s optimal.

When I use pad, I do all TK, because neutral jump LLs are dumbhard on pad.

Neutral jump LLs arent hard on pad. I use pad. All it requires is practice and patience, like everything else in this game.

So the Tier thread topic is 300% unblockable loops and people are talking about Zero having one like it is common knowledge. Can anyone drop some knowledge on me? Iā€™m aware of EvilToasterā€™s Strange team video that features setups but those are team specific.

My writeup is linked here.2015 UMVC3 SRK Tier/Theory Discussion. 7/10 First Page Tumblr: Power of snapback, Future power teams

Can anyone expand? What is the accepted unblockable setup on incoming?

How do you guys play the Magnus matchup, particularly at the start of the round? I only played the matchup for the first time today (being a Zero noob) and I felt like Zero didnā€™t have a lot of options post throw-tech since it removes buster charge. I lost the point-point battle more than half the time. Thoughts?

I wavedash away and force him to approach. Keep a Buster charge for countering ground Disruptors. If he has Missiles, counter-call with Bolts.

Zero wins on the ground unless he has a strong horizontal assist like Plasma Beam, but I think with Bolts he probably still wins. Mags has to approach from the air, so if youā€™re solid with space control and confirms, you should be able to handle that. Play patient, donā€™t do dumb things that will get you smacked by a shockwave, and play very defensive when charging Buster.

Also, use s.H a lot, itā€™s good for shutting his nonsense down if he does get in.

But yeah, from the start, I would recommend just plink/wave dashing awayā€¦You can also start with a Ryuenjin if heā€™s in your face, donā€™t know how well that works with your assists. But either way, just make space and force his approach. If you have a pocket Dante Iā€™d recommend replacing Ammy with him.

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