You’re probably getting air QCF+L which is a fake dive. Make sure to end your DP motion at down-forward so that the game can’t misinterpret it as QCF.
And as for lightning loop notation… it’s not very complicated or anything, watch any Zero do it and it should be pretty clear what they’re doing. Actually DOING it is the hard part.
lvl 3 buster > L lightning xx Sougenmu > {jump level 3 buster > L lightning > L lightning > L lightning } x2 > jump level 3 buster > L lightning
Honestly, you can pretty much choose to TK or not on any of those L lightnings (cept the ones right after jump level 3 buster of course, can’t TK when you’re already in the air). And you can definitely do neutral jump L lightning on all of them and still squeeze out of enough Sougenmu time to finish the loop (despite what some people think), you gotta be quick though.
Oh alright thanks alot! from watching it looks like they do Sougnema>lvl 3 buster into L lightning…interesting.Being new to Zero and a pad player is proving t obe difficult,but im going to keep at it!
How should I deal with a Dormamu who calls plasma beam and jump dashes in?
Do I have to chicken block and deal with it or can I use buttons to defend the air?
From training mode it seems difficult to know what to use for button pressing. If he delays his dash and I pressed jump back S he can dash in and hit me out of whiff. But a naive trijump seems to lose to back jump S.
If you ground block it is difficult to get him off you.
I’d like to avoid committing too much in case he fakes it and dashed back to punish with chaotic flame.
If I’d got space jump H lightning xx buster might be safe enough. Though the projectile cancelling normals might go through anyway.
I am really thinking about picking up Zero, I’ve gotta the LL down abit but I usually drop it after the first one I usually get a ryuenjin or sentsuizan I will practice it more once I get home but I was wonder if I am doing it too fast
Easiest way to learn anything is just to do it slow and then speed up little by little until it starts working. You’ll find most of the things that look really fast and difficult in most fighting games are actually done surprisingly slow and it’s just the timing that matters (usually).
For the 2013 LL, how high or low does the neutral jump raikousen have to be? I can’t seem to do a low raikousen without Tk’ing it. Also, when do you switch charge buttons after activating sougenmu?
Personally I find the “2013” LL harder than just TK’ing so I can’t help on that one. For the charge though don’t wait until after Sougenmu; when you hit 2 buttons to activate Sougenmu only release one of them and keep holding the other one for your charge.
New Zero player here. I know I should be charging buster at all times, but what should I be doing pressure string wise for mixups. Im using Jam Session. Also, what exactly should I being in my neutral when trying to fish for a hit. Should I be using M Raikousen xx Buster xx L Command Dash > stuff? Anything else in particular?
Stars i don’t use jam session but if you’re going to use buster in a block string its probably the best idea to make sure that you can charge up another full buster by the end of it. Defensively zero needs a buster at all times. M lightning buster isn’t bad when you force them to block both it deals about 80k in chip. but a buster on hit kills so pick your spots.
New zero may cry user here and I have a little question about team order (and sorry if this has been asked before). I was looking at some vids and I saw that vergil is in different positions. I wanna know what’s the best team layout, cuz if my theoryfighting is right xf3 vergil>>xf3 dante right?? Or am I missing something else?
Z/V/D seems to be the preferred order. I know flux used to run with Vergil last and has switched.
XF3 Vergil is by far easier to play than XF3 Dante. But XF2 Vergil with Jam session is very beastly. If you score a helm breaker and need to burn xfactor to otg and kill that is just what you do.
I know with Vergil last you want to have dante fall in but make a switch to Vergil so you get him in safe. Vergil second might be if you believe in you DanteXF3 and can’t waste two bars. Or it could be a meta choice. Try it both ways and see what works for you.
Dante second is probably best on paper…seeing as vergil could possibly not get to play at all if he is 2nd. that being said you’re going to be calling dante assist a lot more than vergil so dante coming in at half life due to being called as an assist isn’t the best of situations either. I really think its just a preference cuz if you play the team correctly they won’t get to play either way.
May I ask, using Zero backed by Jam Session, what are some examples of layered incoming mixups?
Also, regarding LL’s, does each TK Raikousen need to be at a certain height? or can I just do them as quick as I can. When I do the TK Raikousen, they all come out very low to the ground. I know I can delay my L input and have them come out a bit higher, im just curious if one is more ideal than the other and what not.
Lastly, is this loop really the preffered / most optimal / most stable / etc version of the LL?
For the incoming mixup, you basically get 3 mixups with Dante (or any decent pinning assist. Step 1: Lightning on incoming. That’s a pretty braindead 50/50 that will get you a free kill if it hits. Step 2: Left/Right with Dante using teleports. Convert to a combo if it hits. You can put in some throws before and after this if you want an extra layer to the mixup. Step 3: Left/Right with teleport->buster cancel. One of those things are bound to hit. Statistically, that’s a 7/8 chance of getting a hit if you don’t include throw mixups, or even high/lows.
As LL’s go, probably the most stable:damage efficient version is Stone’s LL. The first lightning, you jump up high to get a deep hitting lighting. Then TK the second one to get them to bounce, then do another normal jump lighting and repeat.
The 2013 loop will do the most damage however. I have since improved that LL but the new improvements are so hard and slightly impractical that it’s not worth it. The 2013 loop will take you far. It’s really not hard once you get a sense on how to do it. If you’re too used to other variants of LL, it might be hard to learn. But it is the best method IMO.
For the 2013 loop, Ive done it a few times already all the way through, but im finding that I seem to drop it a lot after the M Raikousen > buster > L Raikousen >
They always seem to hit the floor JUST before my second L Raikousen hits. Im sure its a timing thing regarding when to let go of the buster, or I might need to delay the first L Raikousen after the M Raikousen > Buster.
Any tips / suggestions?
Edit: Actually after analyzing the video a couple of more times, it seems like there is a slight delay when doing lvl3 buster > L Raikousen (again, after the M Raikousen). Do you delay the L Raikousen slightly?
Does Zero have that option select back dash/tech throw stuff at the beginning of the round? I usually do it with spencer by backdashing with spencer using L+M~H. I can’t use this technique with zero because i’m already using L to charge. Or can this be done by pressing b+M+H~H.
I’m having a little trouble trying to set up the Sougenmu unblockable, can someone help me out? I’m doing air S > command dash L > low M. Is that the right way to perform the unblockable?