UPDATED (3/10/2012) "This will be over in a nanosecond" - UMvC3 QuickQuestion/QuickAnswer

Does anyone have any setups on incoming with zero/dorm. Any help is appreciated

The most I can think of is stalking flare xx twin dream unblockable stuff if youā€™re running jam session maybe? Iā€™m not too experienced with having dorm second. You can always try some gimmicky H Hienkyaku setup that can probably get you grabbed lol

I have a question. I play against damus pretty often since iā€™m stuck upstate, and I was actually wondering if anyone has any random tidbits of information for the dormammu matchup? (He usually uses trish dorm sentinel on me as opposed to hulk).

I also play against deanthrax as well and i used to have a shitty time against mag/beam but then he switched to missiles for whatever reason. Does anyone have any random info for that as well? Im starting to figure a lot of things out, which is good, but maybe i am missing something

I use Zero with PB & Jam if you want to know my team build. In terms of my team really Zero is my newest character so i can really only do like double-layered mixups lol

anyone have a sequence to unblock a cornered opponent where you are in sogenmu already and they block stand H? i am using jam session so i can call it anytime in the sequence. but since im already in sogenmue i cant use it to negate the first set of pushblocks.

How do you cancel his tacā€™s without using x-factor?

air combo > Buster > TAC > air dash cancel > TAC

What do you mean by ā€œair dash cancel?ā€

Do an air dashā€¦to cancel the TAC.

Ok. Iā€™ll try to work on that

@sjohnst2 I need your help really quickly. for some backstory, I was practicing for an upoming tournament with a few guys and I was getting consistent midscreen/corner TAC kills with Zero/Doom, so I was trying what shoultz had mentioned but I just couldnā€™t remember. I remember that you and shoultz were talking about that Zero/Doom ā€œunblockableā€ setup on incoming that involved a DHC from air Photon Array to Twin Dream, but I have absolutely no idea what Iā€™m supposed to do, so I usually just botch the unblockable setup.

Basically Iā€™m just asking you to kind of walk me through how Iā€™m supposed to handle that? I know there are multiple factors, but usually I do your setup when Iā€™m in Sougenmu (meaty DH, shippuga call jam session unless I have that wrong as well ;-;). Am I supposed to do it the same way?

I havenā€™t played with Doom to Zero unblocks. I did suggest that @sh0ultzā€Œ could try a tech trap to deal with air push block. That was a call to jam session while you perform air throw. on tech they hit ground and you can attempt to unblock. The sequence to use depends on character width though. On vergil you can tech, qcf L, d.H c.L c.M S, and vergil canā€™t take the overhead to throw off your confirm. most characters get hit with falling j.S but if they take that hit the confirm is difficult.

I never tried it with doom, and I am not too sure that tech trap solves the issues with pushblock in that case. sh0ultz could elaborate.
I recall the idea was to let one laser come out to meaty them and DHC to zero. react to the result with either a ground unblock or time an overhead as they land.

How does flux get the optimized LL loops?
I always see him getting 10 hits every time but I canā€™t consistently recreate it.

Also what is the fastest way to practice LL loops?

LL loops = lightning loop loops lol

Anyway heā€™s doing a neutral jump into raikousen every time, that allows him to get all 10 hits. Youā€™re almost always guaranteed 10 off of the buster lightning portions of the loop when Twin Dream is active. You could, as an alternative, do high TKs if you are relatively consistent with them.

The easiest way to practice them is to probably just stack meter in training mode and just get a buster lightning and start the loops. If youā€™re a perfectionist, get the dummy to a corner, back off (one to two backdashes), and do an air M Hienkyaku into buster lightning to get the optimal height and things like that.

Thereā€™s no ā€œfastā€ way to practice them, but there are fast ways to recreate the set-up or situation. You just have to practice.

Just started playing zero when I do the TK L it seems like itā€™s to low when I start the reps can anyone help?