UPDATED (3/10/2012) "This will be over in a nanosecond" - UMvC3 QuickQuestion/QuickAnswer

What’s your other assist?

You’re really not going to get much damage out of Zero without the right assists or X-factor. Spencer grapple is absolutely terrible for combos with Zero (cool for resets though).

hey guys kinda of a nooby quick question here

I’ve been using zero since day 1 and I’ve have been playing pretty well just charging with L and i was wondering if its absolutely necessary to learn to switch the buttons for the buster charge?

My other assist is Taskmaster Forward arrows. I don’t use it cause it puts them too high for the buster to hit.

You should definitely learn to use other charge buttons and learn to switch them. Your standing L is so good (and L-hienkyaku is fairly useful). You also get access to more combos and have an easier time hitconfirming if you can AT LEAST learn to switch between L and H for charging.

are there any zeros on psn willing to help me train mines up?

OK the controller charging part… Wat is the sequence from start i would really like to know.
Wat button do u set, so from wat i saw config shoulder to L… How do u do the combo press ? the hold L etc call assist??? Bec Zero is my fav character period and i dropped him since the game came out… So please guys im a pad player and will not go on stick bec of money etc so help out a fello Zero fan…

You hold the L trigger while doing the majority of your combo. If at any point you need the L button, switch to charging with H on a multihit move (5H, 6H, j.H, and j.2H are all very easy switch points). Hold the H button with the base of your thumb (before the joint) so that you can easily access the M or S button without letting go of H. Meanwhile you have that L trigger button so you don’t have to reach across other buttons to press L with your thumb.

Hey guys I have a serious question. When I play as Lakers Zero(Purple-Yellow Zero), do I yell out “Kobe” everytime I shoot the level 3 buster at opponents?

Any tips for doing lvl 3 buster qcb+L teleport relaunch midscreen? I seem to only be able to hit it half the time. The other half, I can’t dash up and relaunch in time. Am I hitting M, M, buster as soon as I can? Do I wait a little? Is it easier to dash and just hit S or should I dash M, H, S (or something else?). Any tips would be appreciated.

For the L Hienkyaku relaunch you want to do MM Buster as high as possible; time it so the second M hits at the apex of your jump. For L Raikousen relaunch it’s the opposite; doing it as low as possible makes it a little easier (and you get more damage and hits out of the buster).

Absolutely!!! and every time you TAC its an alley oop!!!

Who is a good Zero player to watch with ample video footage to study high level play?

Try these matches I had http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZtQzqZAQV4

The matches on my channel are older though and I haven’t been recording much. http://www.youtube.com/user/EviltoasterofFP

I’ve gone so long thinking I didn’t have any questions for this thread. I just realized I was wrong and I have perhaps the most important question of them all. One that only one person can answer.

What the hell does FP stand for?

I mean it’s not like “Evil_Toaster” was a unique enough name, right? You had to be “Evil_ToasterofSomething” but what is that something? “First Person”? “Floating Point”? “Front Page”? “Flower Power”? “Free People”? “Familial Pseudohyperkalemia”?

(Personally I rather like Evil_ToasterofFreePeople)

dudei though about that too but was like knowin capcom they wouldnt put it with out wings so i made this going from left to right are what i think he most likely would have had as dlc costume (ecept the far left as thats his main)

Can anyone confirm lightning loop is out? I never could do it consistently in vanilla, and want to confirm I shouldn’t bother learning it.

Apparently it’s actually still in.

kind of a noob question… but does the steb ender always have to start with a tk dive?

No, you can usually start it with just normal jump->dive (I’m really ghetto and do like 8741236H for it lol)

It is known that Zero can cancel his Raikousen with a lvl 3 Buster shot and still have the whole attack animation come out right?
Didn’t see it in the quick overview of the boards I did, so maybe this is a repeat question.