UPDATED (3/10/2012) "This will be over in a nanosecond" - UMvC3 QuickQuestion/QuickAnswer

Hi guys I bet this question has been answered a lot but due to the Zero forum being very popular it was too time consuming so I’m hoping I may ask now.

How can you charge your Buster while doing your combos with a PS3/Xbox Controller?

Shoulder/trigger buttons. I’m not a pad player so I don’t know how people set theirs up, but that’s pretty much the only way.

You need L to charge most of the time, need H to charge during some combos, and you also need M for certain combos and for Ryuenjin+Jam Session combo.

Change left trigger to light attack. It’s how I do it. You’ll get used to holding it the entire time too.

Hmmm… can you press and hold the Shoulder/Trigger button during :h:?

Yes. It’s not really hard at all. I pretty much got a bad habit where I hold down L all the time no matter what character I’m playing because of how much I play Zero.

I do this with any game I play on my stick. I was playing Ikaruga and I kept holding the polarity button down. :confused:

I actually just hold X on the Xbox 360 controller and alternate. For example, When I need to do say

Assist - Sentsuizan - S - jump - Raikousen - Lv.3 Buster - Raikousen,

I simply let go of X and press on B with my ring finger when I do the dive kick to free up X to do the Raikousen. Its really easy to do imo, much easier than the shoulder button approach.

In fact when Zero comes into the screen, I hold the controller diffrently. I use the index and ring finger for X, Y, B. And use the middle for the assist call.

Hey guys, how does Zero deal with invincible assists like Tron/Haggar? Dante/Doom/Haggar just blew me the fuck up.

The best answer to both is slow down. Bait out these assists and approach when they are on cooldown. Haggar assist is more likely to kill you if you run into it than Tron’s but you can’t really even counter Tron’s assist as it will even eat a level 3 buster.

It may have been a fluke but I think I actually beat Tron assist the other day. It’s not an invincible assist, it’s just that the hurtbox is waaaaaaay behind the flame and most characters don’t have a normal to reach it. But I ended up landing a standing H on her it I freaked out and started telling my friend how Zero is the best character ever. He was not pleased.

That is a very creative way to play there… and thank you for the info:china:

Is this for a controller or fightstick or both?

Pad. That’s all I can play on.

How do i use the 214L/M dashes effectively? Whenever i use L it doesn’t go far enough and when i use M it either gets punished or it goes too far… And yes i’m calling assists beforehand.

Don’t use them on the ground except in blockstrings while calling an assist (L M H call assist F+H 214M for instance). It’s much safer to use 214M in the air and go into your godlike j.H, and 214L in the air is a really good mixup tool.

I have a question regarding a trend I’ve seen in combos for a while. Is there any reason why people use the Buster + qcb.L relaunch (seemingly) more often than the Buster + dp.L relaunch? I use both interchangeably, but I find myself using the Raikosen variant a bit more because it is more damaging. In fact, the only use I can think of right now where the command dash option is preferred is when you catch an assist in a combo. I’m sorry if this is already common knowledge, but I can’t find the answer anywhere.

Sometimes it depends on the combo. Sometimes the lighting will cause too much hitstun scaling and the only way to continue the combo later is with a teleport down.

For me, I only do the lighting if I’m close to the corner. Doing the lightning combo midscreen can sometimes fail.

Ah, I see. Thanks!

The lighting combo can be done anywhere.
If you are doing it mid screen you must wait until the last possible moment to relaunch after the lighting, otherwise the second j.m will whiff because you’ll switch side in the air, the timing is character specific but it’s not so hard.
I actually use that combo everywhere on the screen and I rarely drop it.

[LEFT]Another question. What’s the strongest combo from midscreen that uses buster and no lightning loop? (My execution sucks.) I’m getting 600,000ish using only lvl3 buster midscreen and corner. It’s L M H (Charge L) >H S ^MM S (If in/near corner 236H) Land, FJ 236H (call assist, i use Spencer wirepull) S ^MM (Release L) 623 L (Or 214 L if i’m screwing that up.) Land, S ^H S Land, 236 L/M.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Is there anything stronger than that without using lightning loops or am i gonna have to suck it up and learn?[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Also where’s the emote list with the L/M/H buttons and whatnot? I dun see it HurrDurr.[/LEFT]