Universal (Char Specific) Chun Mixups and Combo info :)

I’m Having Trouble With Her Ground Infinite…Its Crazy…Haven’t Got To The Shom Yet

Just n.jump…its slightly easier to time. Try to go:

n.jump AD lk

this part is fast. pretend you are doing the second half of the rom, and either slide or claw dash to lk. then go:

FP (slight pause) forward +RH

repeat this till you can easily rep it. then try to add in the lp, mp, SJC for early shom practice.

so how about those match vids?

I had a really good night of matches at east point last week, the 2 best in state werent there, but i was beating some good people.

The problem is, I dont own a camera, so I have to wait untill I am playing chun li vs people actually good at marvel, and there is a camera around to get more matches captured.

Also, for the record concerning your other posts, Slick Vic is a good player and Santhrax is a good team.

The combovideo is scheduled to be completed on the 24-the end of the month.

Yo Risuno
I’m Having Problems With Her Air Infinite I Can’t Connect With The Lp When I Land…And What Would You Say Is The Timing?? Also I Noticed…Bigger Peepz Like Silver Sam…Doom-U-Less Prime Are Hard To Get Cuz They Fall Faster…Any Pointers On The Lp…Or Anything Else

Its really hard at first…what you want to do is hit with the (one hit) RH as late as possible, so you are underneath them when it connects.

This way you land before them, although it is still somewhat difficult to work out timing on s.lp, s.RH.

This version of the upper shom works on everyone excepting Sent, Juggs, and Hulk.

On people with weird air hit boxes, (cable, omega, maybe sam) you can s.lp, s.mp. s.RH.

I advise practicing on Storm, Magneto, Psy, Cyke, and Capcom first, then move to cable and sent.

Bumped to say that j.down + RH command normal if timed is unblockable as long as the opponent isn’t already in blockstun. Info has been added to the basic Chun thread as well. Im gonna get in depth with this ASAP and try to combine it with the solo blockstrings. Let them out of frame advantage, and unblock that ass. Real talk.

scary, as if there wasn’t ANOTHER reason for me to learn Chun quick

I Got It!!!

Yo Risuno
I Got Her Upper Shom To About 30 Reps…I Was Messing Up With The " Land Then Standing Lp Then Launch…I Was Holding Forward…It Makes A Difference…It’s Hard But Pretty Damn Amazing When You Got It Down

Good shit man, the vid comes out in a day or 2. You can take the basics and work from there looking at the new vid, as well as Shins material.


New thread to post random comments, full transcript, and all that stuff. Lets keep this thread to discussing the advance of chun mixup, the new unblockable, and frame advantage strings.

From now on lets also try to post basic questions about execution in the basic chun li thread. I would like for this thread to become less cluttered with randomness.

Unblockable News

The unblockable (j.stomp) has been confirmed to work everywhere on the screen, regardless of the state of either player. This means {landing} stomps can also be unblockable. Conditions for the unblock require the opponent to not be in guard state when the normal is input. They can be holding back, just not blocking a previous layer or recovering from one when you make the input.

This unblockable occurs due to the game dropping frames. Since the game runs at 60fps, and drops 1 frame after every 4, there is a 15/60 or 25% chance of this unblockable happening, EVERY time you input a j.down+RH and get hitbox interaction, assuming the opponent was not already in guard state when you made the input.

Unfortunately, there is no way for a human to mentally slow down marvel to the point where you can 100% technique / Loop or control the unblockable. Because of this we are limited to a 25% chance of glory for all eternity. Considering that it hits low block, breaks high/j. block a quarter of the time, and all of these scenario lead to infinite, its still a damn solid option on wake up.

The reason why this is previously undiscovered?? First of all, no one plays with Chun. (slightly appalling) Second, this is the only j.one frame in the entire game.
The only exception to this is speed up rouge j.mp, which obviously comes after j.lp, putting the opponent in guard state for the active frames of j.lp + guard stiffness.
As previously stated, no unblockable will occur if the opponent is in guard state.

Big props go out to:

Magnetro, Shin, ECZangief, Shoultzula, and Mixup for helping pave the way to fully understanding this marvel anomaly.


So my next big chun project is gonna be to make upper/lower shom notes as to how they can most effectivly be preformed against each character in the game.

We all know upper shom can be difficult due to the spacing in timing, and although watching for the right spot on the 1 hit RH is the key, there are defenitly some things you can do to increase your success rate against different hitboxes.

Im gonna start with God tier, which has pretty much already been ironed out; then move on to top 10/top 20. I will have the cooperation of Shin on this, so we can make sure its not just easy for me, but univerally the best method for each individual character.

Just to give a small example, lets use Psylocke for reasons of ease. You want to divide the upper shom into 2 sections, the setup and the infinite. After the first rep, she is gonna be off the ground about by about 1 body length. This, for all characters, is gonna either slightly change the timing, or change the normals you want to use to keep the infinite going.

Psylocke is slightly unique, in that her hitbox allows almost the exact same inputs for the setup and the infinite. So all you people just now stating the upper shom, start here.

What you want to do, is immediatly jab after you super jump, and chain this jab to stomp. This keeps you under psylocke for the duration of the setup. AD/lk then pause, one hit RH. You should have enough time to land, and link a s.lp, s.RH. This is the point where the setup ends and the infinite begins, as she will be a good bit off the ground for the remainder of this combo.

Because of psylockes hitstun animation/hitboxes, you can keep the upper shom going 100% of the time using the fast jab on the way up for the infinite; Although some other characters require different setups and infinite inputs.

I will organize this idea into a chart, and work should be finished on it by the end of next week.

In other news…3 chun vids scheduled to come out >.>. And my Chun will be playing at the GA regional tournament Impact Clash this weekend. Surely we will get some match vids from this.

:u: I thought you already did the Shom run-downs for the cast (who can be hit with it and the variations necessary to get them in it and maintain it, etc)…

Fuck it. I’m just using the basic Shom starters for option trees afterwards HAHHAAH this chick is TECH-NI-CAL!!! good stuff dude

Well, the first time through, all I did was confirm the upper shom works on every character. The only ones that are not capable of being kept in the upper shom midscreen are Hulk, Juggs, and Sent. The lower shom works on all 3 midscreen though.

People are still having some trouble with the upper shom, and there are so far around 5 specific variations that I think will make it easier to preform on certain characters.

Ive been really sick lately, :sweat: its the only reason i havent finished a chart yet, and I do apologize for the amount of time its taking to get the chart/advanced chun vid together.

Gimme a few weeks to pull everything together. :karate:

Chun Fuqin Li Baby…I Love Her!!! :lovin: I Seriously Don’t Have Fun With Magneto Anymore Cuz Of Her

Glad to hear it. She is a beast, shit just takes a lot of work and godlike execution. I plan on getting advanced chun video out sometime soon, just had some recent setbacks that have kept me from getting started. All the material is ready to be recorded though, so it shouldn’t be that long of a wait.


I just started practicing infinite combos…should I practice against Hulk or Wolverine?

For me storm and psy are the easiest ones to get 40+hits on upper shom against. On the wall its not too hard to practice lower shom against any character really, other than sent. Midscreen i would say practice lower shom against cap, cyke, psy to start off.