Universal (Char Specific) Chun Mixups and Combo info :)

Only problem I see is fast protection for chun on point, and safe DHC’s. Blackhearts assist gets stuffed out if someone is rushing you more often than not, and it would be hard to gain momentum and establish an offense without a reliable way to break your opponents attack patterns.

A bigger problem is if chun is hurting, and you wanna get her out and bring next person in. Her best non comboing DHC option is DP+KKxxwhatever, and I dont see much safety in blackhearts supers after this, especially against anyone with a good airdash or projectile super.

I do think you could make some really nasty blockstring patterns with chun/bulleta though. using the rocket to fill gaps in offense would work nicely and let you relayer in many situations im sure. try messing around with:

c.RH + bulleta, (kara RH option) HCB+K

im not trying this in training mode or anything, but im sure you can magic series, calling bulleta at some point, use a c.FP or c.RH to push them back HCB hits overhead, followed by the rocket to keep them in blockstun. At this point you can high, low, or throw, or else keep the blockstings coming. Be wary of pushblocks, and try to create patterns that can get around them, so if you use one, and they do push at the right spot, they stay in the pattern. In most cases, these patterns are crossups when they are not push blocked, so its all part of the mixup game anyway.

To fix the protection problem, I’m thinking maybe change Blackheart’s assist type to AAA. That’s about a CapCom AAA with tracking, correct? That might help, although I’ll have to keep BH safe.

For DHC from Chun to BH, I think the qcb+PP super is my safest bet. It recovers fairly well and is not punishable from a distance (I think), might be trouble if DHCed up close.

I’m in training mode right now; I’ll try to develop some strings/mix-ups with Bulleta.

Finally, how do I Super Jump Cancel? This is my first encounter with the action, I’m baffled.

It is really hard to SJC at first, it may seem close to impossible even. After you get it though its not that bad.

what you wanna do is the same thing you do when you launch. think of it like this, if your s.RH whiffs or is blocked, you are stuck in delay unless you xx into something. but if it connects, you can cancel that delay with a super jump.

try to go to training mode, and do s.lp, s.mp on a non super armor opponent. try to time a super jump immediatly as the s.mp hits. remember to reset to neutral and not be still walking forward before you do the super jump.

after you get this down, you can try the lower shom, which is considerably harder, instead of posting here though, you can send me PM’s from now on, alot of this stuff is pretty basic, no offense, and we can work it out over aim (tehrisusama) or PM’s.

just hit me up, peace.

good job zach. play her against me lol

Ive beat you with her :stuck_out_tongue:

Random Chun Reset:

Ground inf to wall, s.RH + sent PA, (SJC) low AD/F RH (whiff to land) ground to air (directly underneath) s.lp, s.mp, sent hits, lower shom

Can do s.RH instead of s.lp to hit other side for mixup

Can also do s.lp wall throw for mixup

Small char wall trap :lovin:

{s.lp + sent, c.FPxxHCB + K (drones blocked) relayer into n.jump AD/F FP, n.RH (2 blocked hits)}

Bumped just to say Ive got a chun vid coming out sometime over the next couple of weeks.

Also wanted to point to some chun matches recently uploaded on youtube :woot::woot:


The vid is most likely gonna be divided into 2 sections; a 10 minute-ish tutorial showing blockstrings, combo options, mixups using almost every viable anti-air, and a Djb-13 eat your heart out resets vid. Updates and a transcript for the vids will be posted here.

awesome start. Any chance you could put up more vids, maybe with more infinites and vs. good teams?

Thanks for the updates so far.

Im gonna try to get some chun vs. the best in my state vids recorded.

Advanced chun li 1- blockstrings, mixups, RTSD

Blockstrings vs. Normal To Large (anyone that j.lk hits crouching)

Step 1: Force a stand block

-Very Close/Wakeup : j.lk

-Medium Range : n.jump AD lk

-Full Screen : n.jump AD (pause) lk (can cross up on hit)

Ok, so they do not want to get hit by the infinite. You do not want to be counter hit into ROM, HSF, TyphoonXXHail, LAxxLS, Proton Cannon, you get the picture. Apply pressure and force a stand block when you get the chance. On the event your attack is c.blocked and you connect, do the following:

-Very Close/Wakeup : [j.lk connects] ,call psy, down + RH, AD, lk, (pause) RH (1hit) - (Shom)

-Medium Range : [n.jump AD lk connects] chain j.mk, RH (one hit) dash up launch - (Shom)

-Full Screen : [AD lk connects or crosses up and connects] chain j.FP, land, launch - (Shom)

On the event you force a stand block do the following:

-Very Close/Wakeup : j.lk, down + RH, AD, lk, lk, {landing}down + RH

-Medium Range : n.jump AD lk, lk, {landing}down + RH

-Full Screen : n.jump AD lk (or crossup lk) lp, {landing}down + RH

Using these block strings in a non wake up situation, if timed correctly, are enough to stop the opponent from calling their assist, assuming they dont call it before the j.lk is blocked. Remember, play smart, apply pressure, then force the stand block. After the initial block, no counter assist is coming out for the duration of this block string.

Frame advantage in these strings

The next step is understanding the down + RH normal on the next level. According to magnetro, and supported by Joos data, is the block stun formula:

*Active Frames + Guard Stiffness frames = number of frames in blockstun

*Chun’s j.down+RH - hits on first frame - 14 active frames

Now what happens if we create a block string where we land and stomp at nearly the same time, forcing it to be blocked as a string ender? A rough estimate on my part is that preforming the {landing} stomp is gonna take 3-6 active frames depending on how well it is preformed. Assuming we drop 8 to 11 frames off this move and force it to be blocked upon our landing (instant recovery) this gives us an 8-11 frame advantage upon landing. More than ample time to re layer high (j.lk 3-5 frames) or low (c.lk 4 frames) while the opponent is stuck in block stun…But wait…we havent figured in guard stiffness yet ~.~! So using sent:
Sentinel* - guard stiffness of 8 frames - blocks {landing} stomp with an 11 frame advantage. = +19 frame advantage on landing.

+19!!! Enough time to do hi/low without having to worry about counter hits or assists? Especially considering that whether crouching or standing sent misses a high or low block on the ground, he is getting hit with a easy mode 100% ground infinite combo. Just keep in mind that on wakeup people get a free assist call, and force them to block high into a {landing} stomp. Lets take Sents example and replace with other top 3.

Magneto - Guard stiffness of 12 frames - blocks {landing} stomp with a 10 frame advantage = +22 frame advantage on landing.
- Guard stiffness of 20 frames - blocks {landing} stomp with an 8 frame advantage = +28 frame advantage on landing.

*Cable - Guard stiffness of 25 frames - blocks {landing} stomp with an 11 frame advantage = +36 frame advantage on landing.

Solo infinite Block string (with no push block or block mistakes)

During these +18 - +39 frame advantage situations, as previously stated, your opponent may not counter hit without Guard cancel, or call an assist. You may not immediately throw your opponent either. What you can do is go hi/or low and all they can do is block, push block, or get hit.

So assuming some never push blocked or blocked low and got hit with the overhead, you have a solo mid screen infinite block string:

{j.lk, down +RH, AD, lk, lk [landing] down+RH} xN

The frame advantage on landing stomp allows you to re layer high for free, if they block your second overhead attempt, you keep them in block stun until you get back around to the next {landing} stomp, another +18-39 situation.

Using frame advantage block strings to promote mix up

So basically, in these extreme frame advantage situations, you are forcing a reaction from the opponent while the opponents options are severely limited. Main options are as follows:

-Block High
-Block Low
-Push block

If you notice someone blocking (high) your overheads a lot in these frame advantage situations, your options are:

-c.RH + drones-(SJC) homing AD (wake up mixup)
-c.RH + drones-xxHCB +K (cross up overhead)
-c.lk (hit confirm) c.mk + psy
-c.lk c.mp (SJC) ground infinite

If you notice someone intent on blocking your lows in these frame advantage situations, which you will (you are landing after all, its instinct) you have these options:

-vary timing on stomp to either whiff and go low faster, or hit overhead late. land launch.
-j.lk (hit confirm) call psy, stomp, AD, lk, pause, 1hit RH (shom)
-j.lk (block confirm) AD, lk, lk, {landing} stomp, back into frame advantage
-s.lp + drones, s.mp, s.RH (whiff cancel) xxHCB + K (cross up high into drones into shom)

The last option, push block, is very situational. Different push blocks can lead to many things. Chun can get guard canceled, they can get kept in trap if you learn to watch for certain guard cancel attempts as well however. Anti guard cancel tools to keep in mind when you see push blocks mid chain:

-s.lp +drones, rocks, what ever pin down assist, down+back+RH flip when you see push block
-call drones, HCB+RH when you see push block
-n.jump AD forward + RH to stuff people trying to super jump out from far away (good push block)
-s.jump throw to match people trying to super jump out with a (bad push block)
-let people out and reposition if you think you see a good guard cancel coming.

I figured since this stuff is in the vid, i would go ahead and post it up, since an explanation is needed with the transcript anyway.

Any Vids Of Her Ground Infinite??

If you mean the old ground infinite yes…

If you mean the infinite blockstun without pushblock, not untill my vid is finished around the end of this month.

Yes And Yes Lol…Well I Guess I Gotta Search…Thanks Though…Can’t Wait To See The Vid

Mm…search for Shin Chan Chun Li Mvc2 on youtube and look at shins first 2 vids.

They have the ground infinite, as well as the upper and lower shom infinites.
She also has a rejump infinite you can find on zachd.com in the infinites section, there will be more variations of this coming out soon.

You can search my SRK name on youtube and get some chun li stuff. Like I said, 2 vids coming out towards the end of this month. Over 40 minutes of footage to edit down, and im still not done recording.

What chun teams are you playing right now? How long have you been playing marvel? How long have you been playing chun?

I’ve Been Playing Marvel Since It Came Out…I Like Her With Sentinel And Cyke…But Im Not Too Good With Them Either…Upper And Lower Shom Look So Beast…Also I Saw The Ground Infinite Too…I Love How Quick She Is…I Don’t Know I Kinda Want To Use Her As A Surprise You Know…Have People Thinking WTF??..I’m Pretty Persintent When Learning New Combos…So I’m Open To Anything That Involves Her

Yeah man,

That is a good team. Jump lk + cyke stomp for overhead into lower/upper shoms. c.lk + cyke, sj lk stomp for lower mixup into either.

Her blockstrings are nasty. Combine those with drones and you got some really tricky mixup.

Runaway with stomps and youve got alpha counter psy/cyke into sent setups.

And youve got those nasty DHC’s into sent;

~upper shom, tenshoukyakuXXkikoshouXXHSF
~lower shom, s.lpxxhazanxxHSF
~ground infinite, drones hit, 1000ksXXHSF

since you dont have psy for guard breaks, try to mess around with sj.lk AD lk (pause) RH. It all links if they take it and breaks guard with normal block. If they pushblock whiff stomp to land and sj back up, repeat pattern.

Cool Sounds Good…I Can’t Land The Upper Or Lower Shoms Or The Ground…Can You Give Me The Step By Step In What I Sould Do


c.lk + cyke, c.mk, dash, sj. lk, down +RH, AD, lk, (pause) RH (1 hit) land, s.lp, DP + KK

then put the AI on crouch, and try:

j.lk +cyke, down + RH, (pause) AD lk, (pause) RH (1 hit) land s.lp, DP + KK

for the ground infinite practice:

{dash s.lp, s.mp, SJC, AD lk, FP, forward + RH, (land)} xN

the reason to practice with the SJC is because it is the same SJC you use in lower shom. when you get all three of these things down, practice replacing s.lp DP+KK with:

{s.lp, s.mp, SJC AD, lk, (pause) RH (1 hit) land} xN

those are the chun/cyke setups and the cyke into lower shom setups.

practice the upper shom solo, which is simply:

{s.RH, sj.lk, down+RH, AD lk, (pause) RH (1 hit) land s.lp} xN

Dude Thank You Thats So Beast

I know its alot to practice, but when you get it all down it gets pretty sick, lemme know when you can do it all.

I recommend starting on storm, and moving onto mag/cable/sent for training opponents.

Also read the whole thread/basic chun thread in general XD

I know its really long, but there are some good tibits here and there. Most important to watch out for considering your team are gonna be:

s.lp + drones, s.mp HCB + K
s.lp + drones, c.FP HCB + K

Use these to take the opponent to the wall/cross them up midscreen, and try:

wall throw

(no tech) hit s.lp, s.mp on the fall
(with tech) s.lp + cyke