Vastiva and Merkava is looking like my type of characters.
Day 1 stream
Some videos courtesy of Digital Masta on DL
[LEFT]No front page news for this?? I really like the offensive and mixup potential of this game. It looks really fast.[/LEFT]
So this is out in Japanese arcades right now?
Yes, it was released yesterday
I’m so jealous…
Hilda footage…she isn’t playable (yet) so its just her as the boss battle.
Orie vs Seth
Gordeau vs Seth I
Gordeau vs Seth II
Instant Kills
i am quoting you because i think that you are interested to see what Digital Masta posted
Courtesy of Jourdal on DL
Game Chariot Tournament
Kaqn Yuzu VS Wataru Orie
Technopolis Stream part 1
Holy Cow!!! I’ve heard about this game when it was first announced, but was never that interested and now that I see the game play of it I want it now. This question may have already been asked, but is there any chance that this game will come here in the U.S.?
who knows
oh my GOD the combos in this game look so delicious fun, im getting goosebumps just watching
Here is the translated list of Gordeau’s normals and command normals:
(I translated this quickly as I am at work right now. I’m not used to fighting game jargon in Japanese so keep that in mind)
A Attacks
5A ローキック。下段。
5A: Low Kick. Hits low
2A しゃがみ小パンチ。上段。
2A: Crouching Punch. Hits Mid
JA やや下方向にパンチ。
JA: A somewhat down directional punch (odd English I know I’ll try to refine it latter)
B Attacks:
5B リーチ短めのショートアッパー。腹パン。
5B: A short reach uppercut. Stomach punch
6B 踏み込みながら殴りつける。中段。
6B: A forward advancing attack. Hits Overhead.
2B 足払い。下段。
2B: Sweep. Hits low.
JB 2ヒット技。横方向に長い蹴り2発。
2B: Long horizontal kick. 2 hits
ダッシュB 前慣性つきヤクザキック。
66B (Dash B): Yakuza Kick (literally “Foward Momentum Yakuza Kick”)
C attacks
5C 鎌を叩きつける。リーチが長いが、空中ガード可能
5C: Strikes with his scythe, has long reach but can be blocked in the air.
溜5C 5Cと同じモーション。溜めることで中段に。
Charge 5C: Same motion but attack becomes an overhead
2C 真上方向に鎌を振りあげる。対空やコンボに使える。
2C: Strikes upward with his scythe. Can be used as an anti-air and in combos
3C リーチ長めのスライディング。ガード時はキャンセルが掛からない為、反確。
3C: Long reaching sliding kick and it’s not cancelable on block. Unsafe.
JC カカト落としのようなモーションの蹴り
JC: Jumping Ax Kick.
溜JC JCの強化版。ヒット時は床バウンドから追撃可能
Charge JC: Stronger version. Causes a floor bounce on hit allowing for follow attacks.
ダッシュC タックル。ヒット時は壁バウンドから追撃可能
66C (Dash C): Tackle. Causes a wall bounce on hit allowing for follow up attacks.
17-man tournament:
From what has been discussed on DL, aparently there is a good probability that a patch is on the works due some characters being very powerful right now
The sad part is that we have not seen anything of that so far
I want to see the “broken” stuff :looney:
How are Vallista and Merkava looking, tier-wise and the practicality of their options?
Merkava can confirm 6k from anythintg using chain shift. Its a matter of time before chain shift brokes everything.
I watch Orie do 4k - 5k per combo into strong okizeme, then repeat. :wow: