Umvc3 wesker changed?

Somebody in one of the initial impressions noted that you can’t reaction counter bionic arm anymore. So yeah, pretty big nerf if that holds to be true.

So if I DHC into Phantom dance, does he still take off the shades?

well if that the case…fuck…lol

if hes coming in yeah. shade come off when u take dmg, hyper or DHC. when u swap or taunt he’ll put em back on

Best way to take of the glasses is pretty much dhc in to him. A nice Magneto combo DHC into Wesker can fetch you around 900k damage and have a glasses free Wesker.

the thing is that wesker got hit in my opinion reallly hard with the gun adjustments, thats his main tool. without all the gun shit hes…well…just half of what he is really. this boost to him is almost necessary to make sure he doesnt go straight to midtier, he just lost all he could do at a distance, if your not all up in your opponents face your not doing anything.

Yea Weskers gun nerf is bigger than his damage buffs. One of the main way people opened up other ith Wesker was with his flowcharty bullshit gun tactics. (Ground shot teleport - if it hits I get a free combo if it doesn’t I get a free mix up :coffee:)

The BS is all still there. The mixup teleport mixup after the gun was the big bs factor, more than the actual gun-port combo which required your opponent to be pressing a button in the air. Then there’s the case of the speed boost without glasses coupled with the general decrease of floatiness in the game’s engine and that means jumping gun is annoyingly viable for lockdown AND H teleport is so much harder to block. Shadeless Wesker can also kill like the majority of the cast with a combo into lv 3 (over 1 mil). I’ve been a proud Wesker supporter in vanilla and no matter how BS people said he was, I don’t think he was a godlike as people made him out to be. but in ultimate? he needs to get hit with the bat ASAP!

I’ve got a vid of some causals showing exactly how derp-friggin-tastic Wesker is in Ultimate.
You can literally play the same and still be as effective, or if not more affective than vanilla. Characters like Dante and Zero have to play differently AND combo differently. cause of nerfs to normal range, knockback and general differences in special moves. Wesker doesn’t have to worry about shit.


LOL weird a Wesker/Dante/Vergil team…

Sad thing is it’s going to be totally viable due to Vergil assist being such a pain in the ass. It’s plasma beam meets tatsu with a top tier character included in the package.

needs more command grabs.

Guess I’m going back to Wesker

I’m tired of working for damage

Basically frames 1-4, he’s not invincible anymore during Rhino Charge only on frame 5, so as long as he’s spaced and not point blank range he can counter super on reaction…but if he’s pointblank…he just might eat Bionic Arm to the grill X_x.

How is the gun nerf hurting him more than the stupid glasses buff is helping him?

hitting Gun shot xx teleport still gets you a mix-up opportunity between near-air loop, air throw, cross-under, command grab. It’s retarded. I feel retarded playing him now because I’m killing in half a combo…

Also, his BnB, does 550 no glasses, and it’s even easier now that you can tele-cancel cobra strike. NO METRO. SANS METER.

Does anyone know if his ACS jump loop reset in the corner works the same? I tried it a few times yesterday and couldn’t seem to connect it (though I was able to hit it pretty easily on incoming characters starting with H). It might just be that I’m not used to the near lagless online now (seriously, I couldn’t believe how great it was last night).

Regarding command grabs, is there any midscreen use for the L version of Mustang Kick besides for mixups after canceling the throw into standing gun shot? It feels like the corner is the best time to combo after it.

yes only use the corner for L to combo after it. H is your best bet if u looking for mid screen combos since it cause’s wall bounce but its a few frames more on startup to active i believe so only go for it if u think they’re gonna block or if u have an assist. wait for em to finish blocking and quickly go for it its kinda risky but they payoff it worth it

it was the same with me yesterday. i think it only works for characthers coming in but when i went for it after then gun shot they always poped out…could just be my execution i have to test it later.

You can combo after l mustang by canceling it into a dash

Yeah, it’s actually a lot easier to convert on incoming characters, but then that could just be because there’s less lag now. For the reset, maybe now that the startup on jumping medium is a lot less, it would work better with that one? Hate to lose the frame advantage that the ACS loop reset gives you by using Wesker’s quick A though.

I take back what I said this dude is more braindead/derpier than ever now LOL. Easiest character to use in any fighting game ever.

The new Vanilla Wolvie?