UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

Im still baffled at this dante rapes let alone beats doom talk. Doom not having a qcf air super lets him os super into a lot of things to beat teleports and dante cant really zone doom. Its a matchup where either character has a tough time starting anything but where doom has massive advantage getting a random hit. With assists it goes further to dooms favor as he can shut down normal jump assist calls and avoid anything on the ground while keeping Dante grounded and calling his own assist. If you get teleported on as doom you suck.

1v1 Dante beats Doom. You don’t even need teleport.
You can shut down all his superjump options with Jam Session (highly underrated when not used as an assist), meaning he has to fight you in the ground, which is the best area for Dante to fight. Doom does have air mobility, but it isnt anywhere as good as Magneto.
Add that to the fact that Doom has no real wave dash (making vulnerable as he moves), and that means Dante can fight in his comfort zone while Doom cant. Crystal is also a good option to punish (and thus prevent it from happening again) full screen H foot dives, so that’s less options for Doom. Normals also have a lot to do. Dante can fight doom from 3 bodies away, while doom usually cant hit confirm as easy (unless he lands an S footdive of course).

I’d say is 7-3 in Dantes favor.

Lol at jam session even limiting dooms movement, youll whiff most of the time if the doom is actually moving about and be forced to dt to not die, which changes nothing except that can get more stray chip damage. People playing vs a lot of assist only dooms.

My point is that he can’t get started anything from that height. He has to get to the ground to start something.
He can’t simply jump and throw finger lasers and start from there, he cant also get out of the corner for free like Magneto once he reaches that height (its easier to react catch Doom trying to get out than it is with other flight character). The only time I use teleport against Doom (1v1) is for an obvious ground plasma beam.

Why would I want to escape the corner vs dante? Thats exactly where I want to be.

Airplay > anything Doom has 1v1. Matchup is awkward for sure, and emphasizes basic FG structure like Life/Time manipulation, but if I can get Doom to directly deal with an onscreen Airplay I have a chance at getting a hit via confirm or mixup. Doom wanting to be off the ground makes this likely. OTOH, Doom just bunny-hops and jazz-hand performance dances while mashing footdive.

Completely serious question, but how many times out of ten can Doom go “oh snap” and successfully land instant j.:s: whenever he feels like something’s about to get crazy when Dante starts moving in?

Time and Life are important considerations. Life being equivalent - If Dante understands that the pressure is on Doom to take the risk? 0/10.

Really well thought out and informative post from Viscant

Why doesn’t Yipes ever use his free ground bounce off Sky Dance? That shit bothers me so much.

Doom is so bad, even Dr Strange has a favorable matchup.

Can someone copy/paste this?

Viscant is the man. He’s not narrow minded and genuinely wants the FGC to do well. He’s the Phoenix Fraud evo champ we deserved and I appreciate that he’ll poke his head out and say something intelligent when the rest of the community devolves into idiot-talk.

Also 1v1 Strange Doom is an interesting matchup. Without resources I think doom takes it. With resources strange can threaten doom’s movement so doom has to hang back. That lets strange set up eyes and prevent doom from getting in even more. Also Mystic Sword M bodies plasma beam.

[details=Spoiler]There’s a lot of stupidity on my twitter feed right now, too much to talk about even on 20-30 tweets so we’re just going to kill another lunch break and do this here. Shooting down some of the arguments I’m seeing floated around.

  1. Tournaments aren’t improving.
    This is incredibly myopic and focused only on “the top player experience”. Here’s a fact for you. Way more people go out in 2 than make it late in an event. The majority of people go out in 2; for a lot of people who only play 1 game or 2 games, they’re going to be out of the tournament in an hour or less. This doesn’t apply to the top player club who is routinely competing deep into Sunday so maybe it’s easy for them to miss.

The tournament experience has improved dramatically for these people and it should since they make up the majority and all. There’s more stuff to do at tournaments now. Panels, booths to buy things at, booths to try out new games, special events to watch, better venues. These things matter to people and they’ve made the tournament experience better. If you’re playing 6 games, make it out of pools in all of them you don’t care about this stuff and probably don’t even notice. But this stuff is as important as the tournament. Evo is turning into a convention and as much as I want to send all the cosplayers to the gas chambers, that’s the right move. 10,000 people showed up to Evo. Less than 1% of them were still competing by Saturday night. Giving the 99% something fun to do makes it better for them and more likely to come back. These people pay your salary through paying your sponsors, so it’s in your best interests to look after them even if you’re so high and mighty that you don’t care about them personally.

And we haven’t even got into streams/online production which is the #1 factor behind FGC growth. But we’ve said enough here.

  1. TOs are profiting! Look at all the sponsors giving tens of thousands and still no pot bonuses! WTF!
    Profit = Revenue - expenses. People are either grossly overestimating revenue or grossly underestimating expenses in order to get profit to have any size to it. Given what certain people said on twitter, it’s the revenue side they don’t understand. Most tournaments sponsors aren’t shelling out 5 figures. Some booths aren’t even shelling out 4 figures. Venue fees and other tournament expenses eat up a lot of the sponsor money right off the bat. Tournaments depend on venue fees in advance (which is why we do online registration now) to actually get anything done given that most expenses have to be paid well in advance of the event. Most tournaments literally don’t know if they’re going to break even until the day of the event. Heaven forbid a major sponsor backs out.

  2. Top players are why the scene is doing as well as it is! We obviously deserve money that the 99% don’t!
    See this is actually interesting and an argument I’ve seen thrown out from people who should know better. Last week I said only a handful of people actually move the needle. That’s true. Let’s say for the sake of argument that Andrea Dworkin came back from beyond the grave and dragged me to hell to pay for my crimes against women for all eternity. This wouldn’t change ANY major tournaments whatsoever. OK I haven’t won anything in awhile so maybe I’m a bad example.

Who moves the needle exactly? Who out there is someone famous/cared about enough for people to say “oh ______ isn’t here? Well I’m not watching.” The list is smaller than you think. The EVENT ITSELF is a bigger star than any actual players and even bigger than small groups/teams of players.

That’s what I was talking about last week.

  1. I don’t care about any of this, the winners should make more for winning.
    No you shouldn’t. As I said above just winning isn’t enough to move the needle. If top player 1 doesn’t win, top player 2 will win. And people don’t have enough invested in either of them to care either way. The event and the game is a bigger star than either top player 1 or top player 2. Hold that thought for a second.

Our scene simply doesn’t have enough cash inflow to pay tournament winners on the same level as Starcraft, League, etc. They have more cash inflow so they can distribute it better. For our scene to give more money out we have to either scrap all the side stuff and presentation stuff just to give it to 5 people (which kills our growth and stops us from investing in our future) or we need to get more money. Assuming people are not idiots (big assumption given today’s Twitter) let’s look at how to get more money.

If YOU (personally) want more money an easy way to get it is to increase your star power so you can demand larger sponsor payments and/or use your celebrity to increase event fees going to you specifically. If you can prove that YOU not being there decreases viewership and interest in the event then you have bargaining power. Nobody has that yet so this is a growth opportunity.

The irony involving the whole twitter drama is that the people who are crying loudest for more money are LITERALLY killing their drawing power by making people dislike them for being whiny children. You need to make “the people” that you’re talking down to actually care about you. Do something nice for them. Why should people give Chris more money when all he does is win? It’s not like winning is a bad thing, he’s clearly the most skilled but what does Chris winning do for me or you or anyone? Like I said before, if he doesn’t win, someone else would. Just winning isn’t enough. I say something and some people listen because they like me but I don’t have that “best in the world” cachet that someone like Chris G has. I don’t have his value. That’s not “poor me” whining, that’s just a fact If Chris G was saying this word for word and writing articles and making videos and interacting nicely with “the little people” then he would be well on his way to creating the money he claims to want.

The key to more money for someone like Chris G is embracing his role as face of the FGC and using that as leverage to increase his salary. Not only does he not realize that, he is going out of his way to kill his golden goose not only before it’s laid any eggs but before he even fully understands what the goose can do for him. And that’s what depresses me most of all.[/details]

if you re using mystic sword and not lv0 fof to beat plasma beam you are doing it wrong.

Viscant is real.

Because he’s resetting groundbounce so that vergil can use it to side switch during Spiral Swords.

i think.

NCR2013 pdf file of charges

Doesn’t really make sense when he can just kill with Dante though. They’ll be at like 10% and he’ll do Reverb~Fireworks xx Million Dollars instead of Volcano~Beehive, Stinger, Jet Stream~Fireworks xx Million Dollars or Volcano~Beehive, S~Clay Pigeon~Stinger Lv2, Sky Dance, Volcano~Beehive, Stinger, Jet Stream~Fireworks xx Million Dollars.

i would put money on danke’s doom vs any dante in one on one


i have seen that asshole grab people before the teleport even appears while he’s in the air (even airdashing) with idiotic accuracy