UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

Iplaywinner has been uploading the offstreams to their channel in addition

Oh man I had not seen the Chris G Fragrance video :rofl: :rofl:
Too good

Link plsā€¦

is it the orlando fgc group or is there another group like a florida fgc group
also, is there an irc

It was posted in the last page. Here it is.

Yo this thread feel more silent than the last one?

no events happeninā€™ at the moment or to look forward to soon, that idiot drama is also out of the picture/being ignored mostly so nothinā€™ to really talk about, as usual

just there isnā€™t like a thousand pages to make it look busy during dead season

Orlando group is essentially the CEO group.

itā€™s always that way after Evo.

woo thanks. prolly a bit late for me after all but good stuff

Ainā€™t Summer Jam in a couple weeks? (suppose thatā€™s still a ways away)

Yeah, next week.

12 days, itā€™s on the 17th-18th.

Did anyone listen to IEbattleground this past friday? Donā€™t know if anyone posted it yet or not.

Scotland Marvel:

Iā€™m convinced that point Dante with Disruptor is one of the few characters that actually beats Vergil. Dante can pushblock anything Vergil does and punish with Stinger + Disruptor, and Vergil has to respect Danteā€™s Stinger in footsie range. Vergil doesnā€™t really have any good buttons or options to beat double jump airplays and also has to respect Danteā€™s Helm Breaker/Hammer/Killer Bee.

One of Danteā€™s biggest weaknesses as a character is weak punishment, but itā€™s completely reversed in this matchup, and Vergil canā€™t really go button happy. I also think itā€™s a completely different matchup where your crouching hitbox gets hit by Danteā€™s boxdash buttons or not, Danteā€™s mixup and approach becomes much more limited in those matchups where he canā€™t go ham with overheads.

Iā€™m wondering if Yipes is just good at spotting opportunities for Stinger of if Disruptor assist makes it that easy to just use. I love how he just does the move, but I donā€™t know what makes it work so well for him.

If the character Dante is fighting is ground based and canā€™t duck under boxdashes that combination is extremely derpy and very very easy to use. (Doom isnā€™t ground based but Dante beats him autopilot in the mu, and the onus is on the Dante player to bungle his neutral game to lose.)

Dante/Strider and Dante/Disruptor are truly autopilot combinations that once you pass a certain execution barrier are fairly stupid. Dante Strider is basically teleport autopilot 50/50s all day similar to Vergil/Strider.

Helps that walkback>stinger is unblockable for some reason