UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

Finally a situation where saying “This isn’t even my final form!” is appropriate

Umm…yeah…how about them Yankees?

His strider is his only good character. Snap him in and kill him, the other characters don’t matter. AT ALL.
At least to someone with any skill at this game…
If strider is gone he gets REALLY predictable and punishable. Not that he isn’t already.

What did I do? Other than the Popeye’s thing which I didn’t even get to savor the juicy rewards of yet had you chuck a pen at me for. X_X

I’m quite curious about this response. What about my posts belied my gender identity? Was it the whole respect for women thing or something more substantive? ~o.,.,o~

It’s the other way round, his Strider is complete ass and everyone knows that snapping in his Strider is a free kill. His Morrigan is his best character and he has an alright Doom. Either way he should have picked up Morrigan/Doom/Vergil which probably suits him more…

How many combo drops does he have with Morridoom? How many combo drop and actual comebacks does he have with Striderp Heeryou?
Come on.
He can’t even do a vanilla BnB Morrigan combo LOL
His doom is “okay” because he usually has vajra backing it up.

JRosa has low technical skill on each of his characters. That said he makes good choices about when to soul drain in neutral more than the vast majority of players out there and has some things he does quite well.

Pretty sure he just throws them out LOL
He definitely pisses people off well, I usually don’t openly dislike people this much.

The only thing that enrages me more than him or his gameplay or him winning stuff or getting close to it
is people not counterpicking, and losing out to him, and/or not snapping in the only viable anchor on his team.
Y’all niggas are booty.

If he just mashed it his opponents would fare better I’d hope. I’d like to think that EC isn’t that behind on how Morrigan functions with having to fight Chris G and all of that. Yes, pissing people off is a very useful skill for getting them to play less optimally as well. >.>;

Like I said, niggas are booty. Like, even my team is better against his than some of you fellow EC scrubs.

Yknow, I was thinking about transforming into a dog. Pets seem so awesome. Can’t wait for this Isis the next Sherry? You could put your balls in a jar and place it next to the monitor for good luck. Kiss it like Paul Barer did the urn!

Unsure if bitch joke or not. Squints eyes suspiciously.

Oh well!

Any predictions for Summer Jam? Is flocker going?

Sidebets galore.
Tossup IMO, depends on who shows up. In there like swimwear for that grilling tournament though.
me = food judge pls

Damn, that’s pretty fraudulent of you, Texan.
Wait a minute. That’s not right.
That’s pretty Texan of you, Texan.

If anyone’s awake, New Zealand online Marvel is on here:

Finally someone here got a stream running (he bought a $2k PC just for it) and it should be ready to stream our nationals in just over 2 weeks.

There’s an NDA on C&C and I tend to respect those; I’ve been in a lot of betas and I’d like to keep those privileges, so I can’t stream it. It’s been a long time since I’ve been really excited for C&C though (and this one hasn’t got me too excited yet either) so I’ll probably ignore the invite for a while to get started on streaming other things. I’m hosting our weekly casuals every Friday now and I’m going to try to have the stream up for this Friday (I know Summer Jam is on but you can come get your Marvel fix while they stream inferior games and go back when they are showing the one true game).

Didn’t even know they were making another C&C especially after 4. I was hoping for another Generals but that project seems dead now.