UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

a 30 minute marvel grand finals? what is this

Captain America players make me lol. why would anyone play that character

whenever I fight a Cap player, i always run into that shield… I hate Cap…

I would ban Iron Fist.


Captain America is so shitty, he’s best used as some kind of litmus test to see how many bad habits you have. Literally that’s the only thing you can take away from the character. He’s best used to benefit the other player.

I was joking about the captain america part. But I don’t think Vergil is the clear cut, hands down answer. As good as Vergil is, Zero and Morrigan don’t let you play at all sometimes.

I’m not suggesting we actually ban anyone I think banning is generally a terrible idea. But it is an interesting question to think about.

is summer jam this weekend or next weekend by the way?

I don’t even think it’s interesting to talk about, honestly. It’s better to focus on the things that are in the game, instead of talking about the things that could hypothetically be removed. It’s the least interesting type of theory…

Amusing read.

Dat New York Ryu.

I’m trying to find a good mashup of “Ryu” and “Spooky” but I’m just drawing blanks. :frowning:


Also, youtube blocked, what’s happening?

Drew u can’t talk about mcdolands considering you’ve never been to one

I agree with you about playing on stream. Its not just Florida thats been hyping him up though, a few other EC notables (Roachking, SumBrwnKid at the least) have gone down there and said that they’re real down there.

just cuz he’s buff as fuck doesn’t mean he ain’t been to mcdonalds

a few cheeseburgers is a good post workout meal if you want to pack on muscle and don’t mind a little extra saturated fat

Fchamp makes most of his money from broadcasting his shit. Yes, it will sometimes cause him to lose to a gatekeeper, but he will still be in top 8 or at worst get more stream time from commentating or just being around the stage in his sponsor’s gear. That sounds much better than being the local guy who beat Fchamp once and then got 40th place.

I really don’t consider myself a dick rider, but withholding information to intentionally hold back the scene and then still lose is an odd thing to celebrate.

-10 points for responding to Duke seriously

And Cap fucking sucks. Only reason I still play him is because I suck even more with the rest of the cast

Noel should wear a cody outfit

Rare footage of Mixup’s Magneto


just ban all the top 20 characters.

that way i can finally play Dante and have a chance.