UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

Vergil super is actually an unblockable in many situations and a pure guess in others, if you are in the air anywhere other than full screen there isn’t an answer.

Again, DON’T let white boy #2 hit the ground if you can help it.

Don’t let yourself be in these situations. Step it up senpais your neutral and spacing are truly lacking.

Shoryuken it. Duh.

Infrit just tryna be relevant.

Just air throw it on reaction to the super flash, you have a whole 3 frames before it’s active

I don’t know why people don’t snap Vergil after they land the first hit. Its not Magneto or Doom that’s the problem, its Vergil.

Wolvie’s c.M beats helm breaker on incoming. Pay me with chocolate chip cookies.

I believe swiss cheese does too. Remove Wolverine from the game pls.

The best Magneto would’t be too scared to play on stream, he wouldn’t give a fuck if someone saw his tech because he would be… ummm, the best!

I understand alot of people (from Florida) hype him up, but that’s just region pride till we have reason to think otherwise. Especially when you consider that most the hype is coming from Shultz, who would more than likely hype up a Florida McDonalds as the best in the world, “OMG! We got the best McDonalds in Florida, no other McDonalds even comes close to doing what they do. They got the most advanced cows for their burgers, the best workers, and their secret sauce is so good but I won’t ever tell you what it is because it’s a secret that’s just between us Florida McDonalds. They are so light years ahead of every other McDonalds!”

The world’s biggest McDonald’s is in Florida. Best believe that’s a Floridian point of pride.

Shoultz is one those typical MVC2 guys that seems to half like but more so dislike the game that can just sit on the chair and call shit out. Mixup at least seems like he’s generally interested and doesn’t blame the game as much.

Need more people that aren’t afraid of XF like Flocker.

actually both times he did the super he was in the air


FL sandbagging for the big leagues (CEO 2016!) can’t have anyone jacking they shit like MVC2. That’s why your boy FChamp got fucked up. Broadcasting even a portion of his shit to the whole world? smh

hahaha, what are the odds?.. :frowning:

Alright, gotta amend my statement. Don’t let him do ANYTHING on incoming. Make him hold your setup. If you do let him do something, you fucked up.

Lol wolverine cr.m will also lose to air super a fuckload of the time. You have to meaty him most of the time which takes away your best options. Hes not free on incoming at all.

If you could ban one character in this game who would it be?

I honestly can’t decide between Zero, Vergil, or Morrigan.

Or Captain America, fuck that guy.

Their fundamentals SUCK

Nah bro, just don’t let him touch the ground™ and he’s bottom 3 easy.

are you serious the answer is clearly vergil even though the question is dumb because banning chars is dumb

so many team compositions kinda stop being extremely effective once you remove him from the equation

That’s why you meaty him the first time to stop the air super. Then when he switches up to helm the next time, c.M.